blob: 8164b2061e8ce5cd23f1c5dbc7617786945e04e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/quic/crypto/crypto_handshake.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_protocol.h"
namespace net {
// QuicCryptoClientConfig contains crypto-related configuration settings for a
// client. Note that this object isn't thread-safe. It's designed to be used on
// a single thread at a time.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicCryptoClientConfig : public QuicCryptoConfig {
// A CachedState contains the information that the client needs in order to
// perform a 0-RTT handshake with a server. This information can be reused
// over several connections to the same server.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE CachedState {
// IsComplete returns true if this object contains enough information to
// perform a handshake with the server. |now| is used to judge whether any
// cached server config has expired.
bool IsComplete(QuicWallTime now) const;
// GetServerConfig returns the parsed contents of |server_config|, or NULL
// if |server_config| is empty. The return value is owned by this object
// and is destroyed when this object is.
const CryptoHandshakeMessage* GetServerConfig() const;
// SetServerConfig checks that |server_config| parses correctly and stores
// it in |server_config_|. |now| is used to judge whether |server_config|
// has expired.
QuicErrorCode SetServerConfig(base::StringPiece server_config,
QuicWallTime now,
std::string* error_details);
// InvalidateServerConfig clears the cached server config (if any).
void InvalidateServerConfig();
// SetProof stores a certificate chain and signature.
void SetProof(const std::vector<std::string>& certs,
base::StringPiece signature);
// Clears the certificate chain and signature and invalidates the proof.
void ClearProof();
// SetProofValid records that the certificate chain and signature have been
// validated and that it's safe to assume that the server is legitimate.
// (Note: this does not check the chain or signature.)
void SetProofValid();
// If the server config or the proof has changed then it needs to be
// revalidated. Helper function to keep server_config_valid_ and
// generation_counter_ in sync.
void SetProofInvalid();
const std::string& server_config() const;
const std::string& source_address_token() const;
const std::vector<std::string>& certs() const;
const std::string& signature() const;
bool proof_valid() const;
uint64 generation_counter() const;
const ProofVerifyDetails* proof_verify_details() const;
void set_source_address_token(base::StringPiece token);
// SetProofVerifyDetails takes ownership of |details|.
void SetProofVerifyDetails(ProofVerifyDetails* details);
// Copy the |server_config_|, |source_address_token_|, |certs_| and
// |server_config_sig_| from the |other|. The remaining fields,
// |generation_counter_|, |proof_verify_details_|, and |scfg_| remain
// unchanged.
void InitializeFrom(const CachedState& other);
std::string server_config_id_; // An opaque id from the server.
std::string server_config_; // A serialized handshake message.
std::string source_address_token_; // An opaque proof of IP ownership.
std::vector<std::string> certs_; // A list of certificates in leaf-first
// order.
std::string server_config_sig_; // A signature of |server_config_|.
bool server_config_valid_; // True if |server_config_| is correctly
// signed and |certs_| has been
// validated.
// Generation counter associated with the |server_config_|, |certs_| and
// |server_config_sig_| combination. It is incremented whenever we set
// server_config_valid_ to false.
uint64 generation_counter_;
scoped_ptr<ProofVerifyDetails> proof_verify_details_;
// scfg contains the cached, parsed value of |server_config|.
mutable scoped_ptr<CryptoHandshakeMessage> scfg_;
// Sets the members to reasonable, default values.
void SetDefaults();
// LookupOrCreate returns a CachedState for the given hostname. If no such
// CachedState currently exists, it will be created and cached.
CachedState* LookupOrCreate(const std::string& server_hostname);
// FillInchoateClientHello sets |out| to be a CHLO message that elicits a
// source-address token or SCFG from a server. If |cached| is non-NULL, the
// source-address token will be taken from it. |out_params| is used in order
// to store the cached certs that were sent as hints to the server in
// |out_params->cached_certs|.
void FillInchoateClientHello(const std::string& server_hostname,
const CachedState* cached,
QuicCryptoNegotiatedParameters* out_params,
CryptoHandshakeMessage* out) const;
// FillClientHello sets |out| to be a CHLO message based on the configuration
// of this object. This object must have cached enough information about
// |server_hostname| in order to perform a handshake. This can be checked
// with the |IsComplete| member of |CachedState|.
// |clock| and |rand| are used to generate the nonce and |out_params| is
// filled with the results of the handshake that the server is expected to
// accept.
QuicErrorCode FillClientHello(const std::string& server_hostname,
QuicGuid guid,
const CachedState* cached,
QuicWallTime now,
QuicRandom* rand,
QuicCryptoNegotiatedParameters* out_params,
CryptoHandshakeMessage* out,
std::string* error_details) const;
// ProcessRejection processes a REJ message from a server and updates the
// cached information about that server. After this, |IsComplete| may return
// true for that server's CachedState. If the rejection message contains
// state about a future handshake (i.e. an nonce value from the server), then
// it will be saved in |out_params|. |now| is used to judge whether the
// server config in the rejection message has expired.
QuicErrorCode ProcessRejection(const CryptoHandshakeMessage& rej,
QuicWallTime now,
CachedState* cached,
QuicCryptoNegotiatedParameters* out_params,
std::string* error_details);
// ProcessServerHello processes the message in |server_hello|, updates the
// cached information about that server, writes the negotiated parameters to
// |out_params| and returns QUIC_NO_ERROR. If |server_hello| is unacceptable
// then it puts an error message in |error_details| and returns an error
// code.
QuicErrorCode ProcessServerHello(const CryptoHandshakeMessage& server_hello,
QuicGuid guid,
CachedState* cached,
QuicCryptoNegotiatedParameters* out_params,
std::string* error_details);
ProofVerifier* proof_verifier() const;
// SetProofVerifier takes ownership of a |ProofVerifier| that clients are
// free to use in order to verify certificate chains from servers. If a
// ProofVerifier is set then the client will request a certificate chain from
// the server.
void SetProofVerifier(ProofVerifier* verifier);
ChannelIDSigner* channel_id_signer() const;
// SetChannelIDSigner sets a ChannelIDSigner that will be called when the
// server supports channel IDs to sign a message proving possession of the
// given ChannelID. This object takes ownership of |signer|.
void SetChannelIDSigner(ChannelIDSigner* signer);
// Initialize the CachedState from |canonical_crypto_config| for the
// |canonical_server_hostname| as the initial CachedState for
// |server_hostname|. We will copy config data only if
// |canonical_crypto_config| has valid proof.
void InitializeFrom(const std::string& server_hostname,
const std::string& canonical_server_hostname,
QuicCryptoClientConfig* canonical_crypto_config);
// cached_states_ maps from the server hostname to the cached information
// about that server.
std::map<std::string, CachedState*> cached_states_;
scoped_ptr<ProofVerifier> proof_verifier_;
scoped_ptr<ChannelIDSigner> channel_id_signer_;
} // namespace net