blob: 01b9af29635be8c883262efd9fe117da19f09c72 [file] [log] [blame]
include_rules = [
"+third_party/libphonenumber", # For phone number i18n.
# TODO(blundell): Bring this list to zero.
# Do not add to the list of temporarily-allowed dependencies below,
# and please do not introduce more #includes of these files.
specific_include_rules = {
'test_autofill_driver.*': [
# TODO(blundell): Eliminate the need for TestAutofillDriver to be a
# WebContentsObserver.
'.*_[a-z]*test\.cc': [
# TODO(blundell): Bring this list to zero.
# Do not add to the list of temporarily-allowed dependencies below,
# and please do not introduce more #includes of these files.
# TODO(joi): Bring this list to zero.
# Do not add to the list of temporarily-allowed dependencies below,
# and please do not introduce more #includes of these files.