blob: 22bb936222907f066584c9b7de89ad106085fd22 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sessions/session_id.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sessions/session_types.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/device_info.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/favicon_cache.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/synced_session.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/synced_session_tracker.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/sessions2/tab_node_pool2.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/sync_prefs.h"
#include "sync/api/syncable_service.h"
class Profile;
namespace syncer {
class SyncErrorFactory;
namespace sync_pb {
class SessionHeader;
class SessionSpecifics;
class SessionTab;
class SessionWindow;
class TabNavigation;
} // namespace sync_pb
namespace browser_sync {
class DataTypeErrorHandler;
class SyncedTabDelegate;
class SyncedWindowDelegate;
// Contains all logic for associating the Chrome sessions model and
// the sync sessions model.
class SessionsSyncManager : public syncer::SyncableService {
// Isolates SessionsSyncManager from having to depend on sync internals.
class SyncInternalApiDelegate {
// Returns sync's representation of the local device info.
// Return value is an empty scoped_ptr if the device info is unavailable.
virtual scoped_ptr<DeviceInfo> GetLocalDeviceInfo() const = 0;
// Used for creation of the machine tag for this local session.
virtual std::string GetCacheGuid() const = 0;
SessionsSyncManager(Profile* profile,
scoped_ptr<SyncPrefs> sync_prefs,
SyncInternalApiDelegate* delegate);
virtual ~SessionsSyncManager();
// A local navigation event took place that affects the synced session
// for this instance of Chrome.
void OnLocalTabModified(const SyncedTabDelegate& modified_tab,
syncer::SyncError* error);
// When a Browser window is opened, we want to know so we can make sure our
// bookkeeping of open windows / sessions on this device is up-to-date.
void OnBrowserOpened();
// A local navigation occurred that triggered updates to favicon data for
// each URL in |updated_page_urls|. This is routed through Sessions Sync so
// that we can filter (exclude) favicon updates for pages that aren't
// currently part of the set of local open tabs, and pass relevant updates
// on to FaviconCache for out-of-band favicon syncing.
void ForwardRelevantFaviconUpdatesToFaviconCache(
const std::set<GURL>& updated_favicon_page_urls);
// Returns the tag used to uniquely identify this machine's session in the
// sync model.
const std::string& current_machine_tag() const {
return current_machine_tag_;
// Builds a list of all foreign sessions. Caller does NOT own SyncedSession
// objects.
// Returns true if foreign sessions were found, false otherwise.
bool GetAllForeignSessions(std::vector<const SyncedSession*>* sessions);
// If a valid favicon for the page at |url| is found, fills |favicon_png| with
// the png-encoded image and returns true. Else, returns false.
bool GetSyncedFaviconForPageURL(
const std::string& page_url,
scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedMemory>* favicon_png) const;
// syncer::SyncableService implementation.
virtual syncer::SyncMergeResult MergeDataAndStartSyncing(
syncer::ModelType type,
const syncer::SyncDataList& initial_sync_data,
scoped_ptr<syncer::SyncChangeProcessor> sync_processor,
scoped_ptr<syncer::SyncErrorFactory> error_handler) OVERRIDE;
virtual void StopSyncing(syncer::ModelType type) OVERRIDE;
virtual syncer::SyncDataList GetAllSyncData(
syncer::ModelType type) const OVERRIDE;
virtual syncer::SyncError ProcessSyncChanges(
const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
const syncer::SyncChangeList& change_list) OVERRIDE;
// Return the virtual URL of the current tab, even if it's pending.
static GURL GetCurrentVirtualURL(const SyncedTabDelegate& tab_delegate);
// Return the favicon url of the current tab, even if it's pending.
static GURL GetCurrentFaviconURL(const SyncedTabDelegate& tab_delegate);
// Keep all the links to local tab data in one place. A tab_node_id and tab
// must be passed at creation. The tab_node_id is not mutable, although
// all other fields are.
class TabLink {
TabLink(int tab_node_id, const SyncedTabDelegate* tab)
: tab_node_id_(tab_node_id),
tab_(tab) {}
void set_tab(const SyncedTabDelegate* tab) { tab_ = tab; }
void set_url(const GURL& url) { url_ = url; }
int tab_node_id() const { return tab_node_id_; }
const SyncedTabDelegate* tab() const { return tab_; }
const GURL& url() const { return url_; }
// The id for the sync node this tab is stored in.
const int tab_node_id_;
// The tab object itself.
const SyncedTabDelegate* tab_;
// The currently visible url of the tab (used for syncing favicons).
GURL url_;
// Container for accessing local tab data by tab id.
typedef std::map<SessionID::id_type, linked_ptr<TabLink> > TabLinksMap;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionsSyncManagerTest, PopulateSessionHeader);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionsSyncManagerTest, PopulateSessionWindow);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionsSyncManagerTest, ValidTabs);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionsSyncManagerTest, SetSessionTabFromDelegate);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionsSyncManagerTest, BlockedNavigations);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionsSyncManagerTest, DeleteForeignSession);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SessionsSyncManagerTest, MergeDeletesCorruptNode);
void InitializeCurrentMachineTag();
// Load and add window or tab data for a foreign session to our internal
// tracking.
void UpdateTrackerWithForeignSession(
const sync_pb::SessionSpecifics& specifics,
const base::Time& modification_time);
// Returns true if |sync_data| contained a header node for the current
// machine, false otherwise.
bool InitFromSyncModel(const syncer::SyncDataList& sync_data,
syncer::SyncChangeList* new_changes);
// Helper to construct a deletion SyncChange for a *tab node*.
// Caller should check IsValid() on the returned change, as it's possible
// this node could not be deleted.
syncer::SyncChange TombstoneTab(const sync_pb::SessionSpecifics& tab);
// Helper method to load the favicon data from the tab specifics. If the
// favicon is valid, stores the favicon data into the favicon cache.
void RefreshFaviconVisitTimesFromForeignTab(
const sync_pb::SessionTab& tab, const base::Time& modification_time);
// Removes a foreign session from our internal bookkeeping.
// Returns true if the session was found and deleted, false if no data was
// found for that session. This will *NOT* trigger sync deletions. See
// DeleteForeignSession below.
bool DisassociateForeignSession(const std::string& foreign_session_tag);
// Delete a foreign session and all its sync data.
// |change_output| *must* be provided as a link to the SyncChange pipeline
// that exists in the caller's context. This function will append necessary
// changes for processing later.
void DeleteForeignSession(const std::string& tag,
syncer::SyncChangeList* change_output);
// Used to populate a session header from the session specifics header
// provided.
static void PopulateSessionHeaderFromSpecifics(
const sync_pb::SessionHeader& header_specifics,
base::Time mtime,
SyncedSession* session_header);
// Builds |session_window| from the session specifics window
// provided and updates the SessionTracker with foreign session data created.
void BuildSyncedSessionFromSpecifics(
const std::string& session_tag,
const sync_pb::SessionWindow& specifics,
base::Time mtime,
SessionWindow* session_window);
// Resync local window information. Updates the local sessions header node
// with the status of open windows and the order of tabs they contain. Should
// only be called for changes that affect a window, not a change within a
// single tab.
// RELOAD_TABS will additionally cause a resync of all tabs (same as calling
// AssociateTabs with a vector of all tabs).
// Returns: false if the local session's sync nodes were deleted and
// reassociation is necessary, true otherwise.
// |change_output| *must* be provided as a link to the SyncChange pipeline
// that exists in the caller's context. This function will append necessary
// changes for processing later.
enum ReloadTabsOption {
void AssociateWindows(ReloadTabsOption option,
syncer::SyncChangeList* change_output);
// Loads and reassociates the local tabs referenced in |tabs|.
// |change_output| *must* be provided as a link to the SyncChange pipeline
// that exists in the caller's context. This function will append necessary
// changes for processing later.
void AssociateTab(SyncedTabDelegate* const tab,
syncer::SyncChangeList* change_output);
// Control which local tabs we're interested in syncing.
// Ensures the profile matches sync's profile and that the tab has valid
// entries.
bool ShouldSyncTab(const SyncedTabDelegate& tab) const;
static bool ShouldSyncWindow(const SyncedWindowDelegate* window);
// Set |session_tab| from |tab_delegate| and |mtime|.
static void SetSessionTabFromDelegate(
const SyncedTabDelegate& tab_delegate,
base::Time mtime,
SessionTab* session_tab);
// Populates |specifics| based on the data in |tab_delegate|.
void LocalTabDelegateToSpecifics(const SyncedTabDelegate& tab_delegate,
sync_pb::SessionSpecifics* specifics);
// It's possible that when we associate windows, tabs aren't all loaded
// into memory yet (e.g on android) and we don't have a WebContents. In this
// case we can't do a full association, but we still want to update tab IDs
// as they may have changed after a session was restored. This method
// compares new_tab_id against the previously persisted tab ID (from
// our TabNodePool) and updates it if it differs.
// TODO(tim): Bug 98892. We should be able to test this for this on android
// even though we didn't have tests for old API-based sessions sync.
void UpdateTabIdIfNecessary(const SyncedTabDelegate& tab_delegate,
SessionID::id_type new_tab_id,
syncer::SyncChangeList* change_output);
// Mapping of current open (local) tabs to their sync identifiers.
TabLinksMap local_tab_map_;
SyncedSessionTracker session_tracker_;
FaviconCache favicon_cache_;
// Pool of used/available sync nodes associated with local tabs.
TabNodePool2 local_tab_pool_;
scoped_ptr<SyncPrefs> sync_prefs_;
const Profile* const profile_;
scoped_ptr<syncer::SyncErrorFactory> error_handler_;
scoped_ptr<syncer::SyncChangeProcessor> sync_processor_;
const SyncInternalApiDelegate* const delegate_;
// Unique client tag.
std::string current_machine_tag_;
// User-visible machine name.
std::string current_session_name_;
// SyncID for the sync node containing all the window information for this
// client.
int local_session_header_node_id_;
} // namespace browser_sync