blob: b308742aa3426fa6ece7a7f5a93dbb9322c2f86b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/time/time.h"
namespace net {
class URLRequest;
class PrefService;
namespace data_reduction_proxy {
enum DataReductionProxyRequestType {
VIA_DATA_REDUCTION_PROXY, // A request served by the data reduction proxy.
// Below are reasons why a request is not served by the enabled data reduction
// proxy. Off-the-record profile data is not counted in all cases.
HTTPS, // An https request.
SHORT_BYPASS, // The client is bypassed by the proxy for a short time.
LONG_BYPASS, // The client is bypassed by the proxy for a long time (due
// to country bypass policy, for example).
UNKNOWN_TYPE, // Any other reason not listed above.
// Returns DataReductionProxyRequestType for |request|.
DataReductionProxyRequestType GetDataReductionProxyRequestType(
const net::URLRequest* request);
// Returns |received_content_length| as adjusted original content length if
// |original_content_length| has the invalid value (-1) or |request_type|
int64 GetAdjustedOriginalContentLength(
DataReductionProxyRequestType request_type,
int64 original_content_length,
int64 received_content_length);
// This is only exposed for testing. It is normally called by
// UpdateContentLengthPrefs.
void UpdateContentLengthPrefsForDataReductionProxy(
int received_content_length,
int original_content_length,
bool with_data_reduction_proxy_enabled,
DataReductionProxyRequestType request_type,
base::Time now, PrefService* prefs);
// Records daily data savings statistics to prefs and reports data savings UMA.
void UpdateContentLengthPrefs(
int received_content_length,
int original_content_length,
bool with_data_reduction_proxy_enabled,
DataReductionProxyRequestType request_type,
PrefService* prefs);
} // namespace data_reduction_proxy