blob: 3aa9bb9d9ffc9fc020f81cc798be24ba22867c4f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
cr.define('options', function() {
/** @const */ var ArrayDataModel = cr.ui.ArrayDataModel;
/** @const */ var Grid = cr.ui.Grid;
/** @const */ var GridItem = cr.ui.GridItem;
/** @const */ var GridSelectionController = cr.ui.GridSelectionController;
/** @const */ var ListSingleSelectionModel = cr.ui.ListSingleSelectionModel;
* Dimensions for camera capture.
* @const
height: 480,
width: 480
* Path for internal URLs.
* @const
var CHROME_THEME_PATH = 'chrome://theme';
* Creates a new user images grid item.
* @param {{url: string, title: string=, decorateFn: function=,
* clickHandler: function=}} imageInfo User image URL, optional title,
* decorator callback and click handler.
* @constructor
* @extends {cr.ui.GridItem}
function UserImagesGridItem(imageInfo) {
var el = new GridItem(imageInfo);
el.__proto__ = UserImagesGridItem.prototype;
return el;
UserImagesGridItem.prototype = {
__proto__: GridItem.prototype,
/** @override */
decorate: function() {;
var imageEl = cr.doc.createElement('img');
// Force 1x scale for chrome://theme URLs. Grid elements are much smaller
// than actual images so there is no need in full scale on HDPI.
var url = this.dataItem.url;
if (url.slice(0, CHROME_THEME_PATH.length) == CHROME_THEME_PATH)
imageEl.src = this.dataItem.url + '@1x';
imageEl.src = this.dataItem.url;
imageEl.title = this.dataItem.title || '';
if (typeof this.dataItem.clickHandler == 'function')
imageEl.addEventListener('mousedown', this.dataItem.clickHandler);
// Remove any garbage added by GridItem and ListItem decorators.
this.textContent = '';
if (typeof this.dataItem.decorateFn == 'function')
this.setAttribute('role', 'option');
this.oncontextmenu = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); };
* Creates a selection controller that wraps selection on grid ends
* and translates Enter presses into 'activate' events.
* @param {cr.ui.ListSelectionModel} selectionModel The selection model to
* interact with.
* @param {cr.ui.Grid} grid The grid to interact with.
* @constructor
* @extends {cr.ui.GridSelectionController}
function UserImagesGridSelectionController(selectionModel, grid) {, selectionModel, grid);
UserImagesGridSelectionController.prototype = {
__proto__: GridSelectionController.prototype,
/** @override */
getIndexBefore: function(index) {
var result =, index);
return result == -1 ? this.getLastIndex() : result;
/** @override */
getIndexAfter: function(index) {
var result =, index);
return result == -1 ? this.getFirstIndex() : result;
/** @override */
handleKeyDown: function(e) {
if (e.keyIdentifier == 'Enter')
cr.dispatchSimpleEvent(this.grid_, 'activate');
else, e);
* Creates a new user images grid element.
* @param {Object=} opt_propertyBag Optional properties.
* @constructor
* @extends {cr.ui.Grid}
var UserImagesGrid = cr.ui.define('grid');
UserImagesGrid.prototype = {
__proto__: Grid.prototype,
/** @override */
createSelectionController: function(sm) {
return new UserImagesGridSelectionController(sm, this);
/** @override */
decorate: function() {;
this.dataModel = new ArrayDataModel([]);
this.itemConstructor = UserImagesGridItem;
this.selectionModel = new ListSingleSelectionModel();
this.inProgramSelection_ = false;
this.addEventListener('dblclick', this.handleDblClick_.bind(this));
this.addEventListener('change', this.handleChange_.bind(this));
this.setAttribute('role', 'listbox');
this.autoExpands = true;
* Handles double click on the image grid.
* @param {Event} e Double click Event.
* @private
handleDblClick_: function(e) {
// If a child element is double-clicked and not the grid itself, handle
// this as 'Enter' keypress.
if ( != this)
cr.dispatchSimpleEvent(this, 'activate');
* Handles selection change.
* @param {Event} e Double click Event.
* @private
handleChange_: function(e) {
if (this.selectedItem === null)
var oldSelectionType = this.selectionType;
// Update current selection type.
this.selectionType = this.selectedItem.type;
// Show grey silhouette with the same border as stock images.
if (/^chrome:\/\/theme\//.test(this.selectedItemUrl))
var e = new Event('select');
e.oldSelectionType = oldSelectionType;
* Updates the preview image, if present.
* @private
updatePreview_: function() {
var url = this.selectedItemUrl;
if (url && this.previewImage_) {
if (url.slice(0, CHROME_THEME_PATH.length) == CHROME_THEME_PATH)
this.previewImage_.src = url + '@' + window.devicePixelRatio + 'x';
this.previewImage_.src = url;
* Whether a camera is present or not.
* @type {boolean}
get cameraPresent() {
return this.cameraPresent_;
set cameraPresent(value) {
this.cameraPresent_ = value;
if (this.cameraLive)
this.cameraImage = null;
* Whether camera is actually streaming video. May be |false| even when
* camera is present and shown but still initializing.
* @type {boolean}
get cameraOnline() {
return this.previewElement.classList.contains('online');
set cameraOnline(value) {
this.previewElement.classList.toggle('online', value);
* Tries to starts camera stream capture.
* @param {function(): boolean} onAvailable Callback that is called if
* camera is available. If it returns |true|, capture is started
* immediately.
startCamera: function(onAvailable, onAbsent) {
this.cameraStartInProgress_ = true;
{video: true},
this.handleCameraAvailable_.bind(this, onAvailable),
* Stops camera capture, if it's currently active.
stopCamera: function() {
this.cameraOnline = false;
if (this.cameraVideo_)
this.cameraVideo_.src = '';
if (this.cameraStream_)
// Cancel any pending getUserMedia() checks.
this.cameraStartInProgress_ = false;
* Handles successful camera check.
* @param {function(): boolean} onAvailable Callback to call. If it returns
* |true|, capture is started immediately.
* @param {MediaStream} stream Stream object as returned by getUserMedia.
* @private
handleCameraAvailable_: function(onAvailable, stream) {
if (this.cameraStartInProgress_ && onAvailable()) {
this.cameraVideo_.src = URL.createObjectURL(stream);
this.cameraStream_ = stream;
} else {
this.cameraStartInProgress_ = false;
* Handles camera check failure.
* @param {NavigatorUserMediaError=} err Error object.
* @private
handleCameraAbsent_: function(err) {
this.cameraPresent = false;
this.cameraOnline = false;
this.cameraStartInProgress_ = false;
* Handles successful camera capture start.
* @private
handleVideoStarted_: function() {
this.cameraOnline = true;
* Handles camera stream update. Called regularly (at rate no greater then
* 4/sec) while camera stream is live.
* @private
handleVideoUpdate_: function() {
this.lastFrameTime_ = new Date().getTime();
* Type of the selected image (one of 'default', 'profile', 'camera').
* Setting it will update class list of |previewElement|.
* @type {string}
get selectionType() {
return this.selectionType_;
set selectionType(value) {
this.selectionType_ = value;
var previewClassList = this.previewElement.classList;
previewClassList[value == 'default' ? 'add' : 'remove']('default-image');
previewClassList[value == 'profile' ? 'add' : 'remove']('profile-image');
previewClassList[value == 'camera' ? 'add' : 'remove']('camera');
var setFocusIfLost = function() {
// Set focus to the grid, if focus is not on UI.
if (!document.activeElement ||
document.activeElement.tagName == 'BODY') {
// Timeout guarantees processing AFTER style changes display attribute.
setTimeout(setFocusIfLost, 0);
* Current image captured from camera as data URL. Setting to null will
* return to the live camera stream.
* @type {string=}
get cameraImage() {
return this.cameraImage_;
set cameraImage(imageUrl) {
this.cameraLive = !imageUrl;
if (this.cameraPresent && !imageUrl)
imageUrl = UserImagesGrid.ButtonImages.TAKE_PHOTO;
if (imageUrl) {
this.cameraImage_ = this.cameraImage_ ?
this.updateItem(this.cameraImage_, imageUrl, this.cameraTitle_) :
this.addItem(imageUrl, this.cameraTitle_, undefined, 0);
this.cameraImage_.type = 'camera';
} else {
this.cameraImage_ = null;
* Updates the titles for the camera element.
* @param {string} placeholderTitle Title when showing a placeholder.
* @param {string} capturedImageTitle Title when showing a captured photo.
setCameraTitles: function(placeholderTitle, capturedImageTitle) {
this.placeholderTitle_ = placeholderTitle;
this.capturedImageTitle_ = capturedImageTitle;
this.cameraTitle_ = this.placeholderTitle_;
* True when camera is in live mode (i.e. no still photo selected).
* @type {boolean}
get cameraLive() {
return this.cameraLive_;
set cameraLive(value) {
this.cameraLive_ = value;
this.previewElement.classList[value ? 'add' : 'remove']('live');
* Should only be queried from the 'change' event listener, true if the
* change event was triggered by a programmatical selection change.
* @type {boolean}
get inProgramSelection() {
return this.inProgramSelection_;
* URL of the image selected.
* @type {string?}
get selectedItemUrl() {
var selectedItem = this.selectedItem;
return selectedItem ? selectedItem.url : null;
set selectedItemUrl(url) {
for (var i = 0, el; el = this.dataModel.item(i); i++) {
if (el.url === url)
this.selectedItemIndex = i;
* Set index to the image selected.
* @type {number} index The index of selected image.
set selectedItemIndex(index) {
this.inProgramSelection_ = true;
this.selectionModel.selectedIndex = index;
this.inProgramSelection_ = false;
/** @override */
get selectedItem() {
var index = this.selectionModel.selectedIndex;
return index != -1 ? this.dataModel.item(index) : null;
set selectedItem(selectedItem) {
var index = this.indexOf(selectedItem);
this.inProgramSelection_ = true;
this.selectionModel.selectedIndex = index;
this.selectionModel.leadIndex = index;
this.inProgramSelection_ = false;
* Element containing the preview image (the first IMG element) and the
* camera live stream (the first VIDEO element).
* @type {HTMLElement}
get previewElement() {
// TODO(ivankr): temporary hack for non-HTML5 version.
return this.previewElement_ || this;
set previewElement(value) {
this.previewElement_ = value;
this.previewImage_ = value.querySelector('img');
this.cameraVideo_ = value.querySelector('video');
// Initialize camera state and check for its presence.
this.cameraLive = true;
this.cameraPresent = false;
* Whether the camera live stream and photo should be flipped horizontally.
* If setting this property results in photo update, 'photoupdated' event
* will be fired with 'dataURL' property containing the photo encoded as
* a data URL
* @type {boolean}
get flipPhoto() {
return this.flipPhoto_ || false;
set flipPhoto(value) {
if (this.flipPhoto_ == value)
this.flipPhoto_ = value;
this.previewElement.classList.toggle('flip-x', value);
/* TODO(merkulova): remove when webkit is fixed. */
this.flipPhotoElement.classList.toggle('flip-trick', value);
if (!this.cameraLive) {
// Flip current still photo.
var e = new Event('photoupdated');
e.dataURL = this.flipPhoto ?
this.flipFrame_(this.previewImage_) : this.previewImage_.src;
* Performs photo capture from the live camera stream. 'phototaken' event
* will be fired as soon as captured photo is available, with 'dataURL'
* property containing the photo encoded as a data URL.
* @return {boolean} Whether photo capture was successful.
takePhoto: function() {
if (!this.cameraOnline)
return false;
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = CAPTURE_SIZE.width;
canvas.height = CAPTURE_SIZE.height;
this.cameraVideo_, canvas.getContext('2d'), CAPTURE_SIZE);
// Preload image before displaying it.
var previewImg = new Image();
previewImg.addEventListener('load', function(e) {
this.cameraTitle_ = this.capturedImageTitle_;
this.cameraImage = previewImg.src;
previewImg.src = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
var e = new Event('phototaken');
e.dataURL = this.flipPhoto ? this.flipFrame_(canvas) : previewImg.src;
return true;
* Discard current photo and return to the live camera stream.
discardPhoto: function() {
this.cameraTitle_ = this.placeholderTitle_;
this.cameraImage = null;
* Capture a single still frame from a <video> element, placing it at the
* current drawing origin of a canvas context.
* @param {HTMLVideoElement} video Video element to capture from.
* @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} ctx Canvas context to draw onto.
* @param {{width: number, height: number}} destSize Capture size.
* @private
captureFrame_: function(video, ctx, destSize) {
var width = video.videoWidth;
var height = video.videoHeight;
if (width < destSize.width || height < destSize.height) {
console.error('Video capture size too small: ' +
width + 'x' + height + '!');
var src = {};
if (width / destSize.width > height / destSize.height) {
// Full height, crop left/right.
src.height = height;
src.width = height * destSize.width / destSize.height;
} else {
// Full width, crop top/bottom.
src.width = width;
src.height = width * destSize.height / destSize.width;
src.x = (width - src.width) / 2;
src.y = (height - src.height) / 2;
ctx.drawImage(video, src.x, src.y, src.width, src.height,
0, 0, destSize.width, destSize.height);
* Flips frame horizontally.
* @param {HTMLImageElement|HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLVideoElement} source
* Frame to flip.
* @return {string} Flipped frame as data URL.
flipFrame_: function(source) {
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = CAPTURE_SIZE.width;
canvas.height = CAPTURE_SIZE.height;
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.translate(CAPTURE_SIZE.width, 0);
ctx.scale(-1.0, 1.0);
ctx.drawImage(source, 0, 0);
return canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
* Adds new image to the user image grid.
* @param {string} src Image URL.
* @param {string=} opt_title Image tooltip.
* @param {function=} opt_clickHandler Image click handler.
* @param {number=} opt_position If given, inserts new image into
* that position (0-based) in image list.
* @param {function=} opt_decorateFn Function called with the list element
* as argument to do any final decoration.
* @return {!Object} Image data inserted into the data model.
// TODO(ivankr): this function needs some argument list refactoring.
addItem: function(url, opt_title, opt_clickHandler, opt_position,
opt_decorateFn) {
var imageInfo = {
url: url,
title: opt_title,
clickHandler: opt_clickHandler,
decorateFn: opt_decorateFn
this.inProgramSelection_ = true;
if (opt_position !== undefined)
this.dataModel.splice(opt_position, 0, imageInfo);
this.inProgramSelection_ = false;
return imageInfo;
* Returns index of an image in grid.
* @param {Object} imageInfo Image data returned from addItem() call.
* @return {number} Image index (0-based) or -1 if image was not found.
indexOf: function(imageInfo) {
return this.dataModel.indexOf(imageInfo);
* Replaces an image in the grid.
* @param {Object} imageInfo Image data returned from addItem() call.
* @param {string} imageUrl New image URL.
* @param {string=} opt_title New image tooltip (if undefined, tooltip
* is left unchanged).
* @return {!Object} Image data of the added or updated image.
updateItem: function(imageInfo, imageUrl, opt_title) {
var imageIndex = this.indexOf(imageInfo);
var wasSelected = this.selectionModel.selectedIndex == imageIndex;
var newInfo = this.addItem(
opt_title === undefined ? imageInfo.title : opt_title,
// Update image data with the reset of the keys from the old data.
for (k in imageInfo) {
if (!(k in newInfo))
newInfo[k] = imageInfo[k];
if (wasSelected)
this.selectedItem = newInfo;
return newInfo;
* Removes previously added image from the grid.
* @param {Object} imageInfo Image data returned from the addItem() call.
removeItem: function(imageInfo) {
var index = this.indexOf(imageInfo);
if (index != -1) {
var wasSelected = this.selectionModel.selectedIndex == index;
this.inProgramSelection_ = true;
this.dataModel.splice(index, 1);
if (wasSelected) {
// If item removed was selected, select the item next to it.
this.selectedItem = this.dataModel.item(
Math.min(this.dataModel.length - 1, index));
this.inProgramSelection_ = false;
* Forces re-display, size re-calculation and focuses grid.
updateAndFocus: function() {
// Recalculate the measured item size.
this.measured_ = null;
this.columns = 0;
* URLs of special button images.
* @enum {string}
UserImagesGrid.ButtonImages = {
return {
UserImagesGrid: UserImagesGrid