blob: e4a3d4166439091c52b66716a8c044d69df7a354 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace base {
class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
namespace net {
class HostPortPair;
class HttpRequestHeaders;
class HttpResponseHeaders;
class ProxyServer;
class URLRequest;
namespace data_reduction_proxy {
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
extern const char kAndroidWebViewProtocolVersion[];
extern const char kClientAndroidWebview[];
extern const char kClientChromeAndroid[];
extern const char kClientChromeIOS[];
class DataReductionProxyParams;
class DataReductionProxyAuthRequestHandler {
static bool IsKeySetOnCommandLine();
// Constructs a DataReductionProxyAuthRequestHandler object with the given
// client type, params, and network task runner.
const std::string& client,
DataReductionProxyParams* params,
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> network_task_runner);
virtual ~DataReductionProxyAuthRequestHandler();
// Adds a 'Chrome-Proxy' header to |request_headers| with the data reduction
// proxy authentication credentials. Only adds this header if the provided
// |proxy_server| is a data reduction proxy and not the data reduction proxy's
// CONNECT server. Must be called on the IO thread.
void MaybeAddRequestHeader(net::URLRequest* request,
const net::ProxyServer& proxy_server,
net::HttpRequestHeaders* request_headers);
// Adds a 'Chrome-Proxy' header to |request_headers| with the data reduction
// proxy authentication credentials. Only adds this header if the provided
// |proxy_server| is the data reduction proxy's CONNECT server. Must be called
// on the IO thread.
void MaybeAddProxyTunnelRequestHandler(
const net::HostPortPair& proxy_server,
net::HttpRequestHeaders* request_headers);
// Sets a new authentication key. This must be called for platforms that do
// not have a default key defined. See the constructor implementation for
// those platforms. Must be called on the UI thread.
void SetKeyOnUI(const std::string& key);
void Init();
void InitAuthenticationOnUI(const std::string& key);
void AddAuthorizationHeader(net::HttpRequestHeaders* headers);
// Returns a UTF16 string that's the hash of the configured authentication
// |key| and |salt|. Returns an empty UTF16 string if no key is configured or
// the data reduction proxy feature isn't available.
static base::string16 AuthHashForSalt(int64 salt,
const std::string& key);
// Visible for testing.
virtual base::Time Now() const;
virtual void RandBytes(void* output, size_t length);
// Visible for testing.
virtual std::string GetDefaultKey() const;
// Visible for testing.
const std::string& client,
const std::string& version,
DataReductionProxyParams* params,
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> network_task_runner);
// Returns the version of Chromium that is being used.
std::string ChromiumVersion() const;
// Returns the build and patch numbers of |version|. If |version| isn't of the
// form xx.xx.xx.xx build and patch are not modified.
void GetChromiumBuildAndPatch(const std::string& version,
std::string* build,
std::string* patch) const;
// Stores the supplied key and sets up credentials suitable for authenticating
// with the data reduction proxy.
void InitAuthentication(const std::string& key);
// Generates a session ID and credentials suitable for authenticating with
// the data reduction proxy.
void ComputeCredentials(const base::Time& now,
std::string* session,
std::string* credentials);
// Adds authentication headers only if |expects_ssl| is true and
// |proxy_server| is a data reduction proxy used for ssl tunneling via
// HTTP CONNECT, or |expect_ssl| is false and |proxy_server| is a data
// reduction proxy for HTTP traffic.
void MaybeAddRequestHeaderImpl(const net::HostPortPair& proxy_server,
bool expect_ssl,
net::HttpRequestHeaders* request_headers);
// Authentication state.
std::string key_;
// Lives on the IO thread.
std::string session_;
std::string credentials_;
// Name of the client and version of the data reduction proxy protocol to use.
// Both live on the IO thread.
std::string client_;
std::string build_number_;
std::string patch_number_;
// The last time the session was updated. Used to ensure that a session is
// never used for more than twenty-four hours.
base::Time last_update_time_;
DataReductionProxyParams* data_reduction_proxy_params_;
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> network_task_runner_;
} // namespace data_reduction_proxy