blob: 994d5a244452fcc22a5248a794420e239149581e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Object representing an image item (a photo).
* @param {FileEntry} entry Image entry.
* @param {EntryLocation} locationInfo Entry location information.
* @param {Object} metadata Metadata for the entry.
* @param {MetadataCache} metadataCache Metadata cache instance.
* @param {boolean} original Whether the entry is original or edited.
* @constructor
Gallery.Item = function(
entry, locationInfo, metadata, metadataCache, original) {
* @type {FileEntry}
* @private
this.entry_ = entry;
* @type {EntryLocation}
* @private
this.locationInfo_ = locationInfo;
* @type {Object}
* @private
this.metadata_ = Object.freeze(metadata);
* @type {MetadataCache}
* @private
this.metadataCache_ = metadataCache;
* The content cache is used for prefetching the next image when going through
* the images sequentially. The real life photos can be large (18Mpix = 72Mb
* pixel array) so we want only the minimum amount of caching.
* @type {HTMLCanvasElement}
this.screenImage = null;
* We reuse previously generated screen-scale images so that going back to a
* recently loaded image looks instant even if the image is not in the content
* cache any more. Screen-scale images are small (~1Mpix) so we can afford to
* cache more of them.
* @type {HTMLCanvasElement}
this.contentImage = null;
* Last accessed date to be used for selecting items whose cache are evicted.
* @type {number}
* @private
this.lastAccessed_ =;
* @type {boolean}
* @private
this.original_ = original;
* @return {FileEntry} Image entry.
Gallery.Item.prototype.getEntry = function() { return this.entry_; };
* @return {EntryLocation} Entry location information.
Gallery.Item.prototype.getLocationInfo = function() {
return this.locationInfo_;
* @return {Object} Metadata.
Gallery.Item.prototype.getMetadata = function() { return this.metadata_; };
* Obtains the latest media metadata.
* This is a heavy operation since it forces to load the image data to obtain
* the metadata.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with fetched metadata.
Gallery.Item.prototype.getFetchedMedia = function() {
return new Promise(function(fulfill, reject) {
function(metadata) {
if (metadata[0])
reject('Failed to load metadata.');
* Sets the metadata.
* @param {Object} metadata New metadata.
Gallery.Item.prototype.setMetadata = function(metadata) {
this.metadata_ = Object.freeze(metadata);
* @return {string} File name.
Gallery.Item.prototype.getFileName = function() {
* @return {boolean} True if this image has not been created in this session.
Gallery.Item.prototype.isOriginal = function() { return this.original_; };
* Obtains the last accessed date.
* @return {number} Last accessed date.
Gallery.Item.prototype.getLastAccessedDate = function() {
return this.lastAccessed_;
* Updates the last accessed date.
Gallery.Item.prototype.touch = function() {
this.lastAccessed_ =;
// TODO: Localize?
* @type {string} Suffix for a edited copy file name.
Gallery.Item.COPY_SIGNATURE = ' - Edited';
* Regular expression to match '... - Edited'.
* @type {RegExp}
Gallery.Item.REGEXP_COPY_0 =
new RegExp('^(.+)' + Gallery.Item.COPY_SIGNATURE + '$');
* Regular expression to match '... - Edited (N)'.
* @type {RegExp}
Gallery.Item.REGEXP_COPY_N =
new RegExp('^(.+)' + Gallery.Item.COPY_SIGNATURE + ' \\((\\d+)\\)$');
* Creates a name for an edited copy of the file.
* @param {DirectoryEntry} dirEntry Entry.
* @param {function(string)} callback Callback.
* @private
Gallery.Item.prototype.createCopyName_ = function(dirEntry, callback) {
var name = this.getFileName();
// If the item represents a file created during the current Gallery session
// we reuse it for subsequent saves instead of creating multiple copies.
if (!this.original_) {
var ext = '';
var index = name.lastIndexOf('.');
if (index != -1) {
ext = name.substr(index);
name = name.substr(0, index);
if (!ext.match(/jpe?g/i)) {
// Chrome can natively encode only two formats: JPEG and PNG.
// All non-JPEG images are saved in PNG, hence forcing the file extension.
ext = '.png';
function tryNext(tries) {
// All the names are used. Let's overwrite the last one.
if (tries == 0) {
setTimeout(callback, 0, name + ext);
// If the file name contains the copy signature add/advance the sequential
// number.
var matchN = Gallery.Item.REGEXP_COPY_N.exec(name);
var match0 = Gallery.Item.REGEXP_COPY_0.exec(name);
if (matchN && matchN[1] && matchN[2]) {
var copyNumber = parseInt(matchN[2], 10) + 1;
name = matchN[1] + Gallery.Item.COPY_SIGNATURE + ' (' + copyNumber + ')';
} else if (match0 && match0[1]) {
name = match0[1] + Gallery.Item.COPY_SIGNATURE + ' (1)';
} else {
name += Gallery.Item.COPY_SIGNATURE;
dirEntry.getFile(name + ext, {create: false, exclusive: false},
tryNext.bind(null, tries - 1),
callback.bind(null, name + ext));
* Writes the new item content to either the existing or a new file.
* @param {VolumeManager} volumeManager Volume manager instance.
* @param {string} fallbackDir Fallback directory in case the current directory
* is read only.
* @param {boolean} overwrite Whether to overwrite the image to the item or not.
* @param {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas Source canvas.
* @param {ImageEncoder.MetadataEncoder} metadataEncoder MetadataEncoder.
* @param {function(boolean)=} opt_callback Callback accepting true for success.
Gallery.Item.prototype.saveToFile = function(
volumeManager, fallbackDir, overwrite, canvas, metadataEncoder,
opt_callback) {
var name = this.getFileName();
var onSuccess = function(entry, locationInfo) {
ImageUtil.metrics.recordEnum(ImageUtil.getMetricName('SaveResult'), 1, 2);
this.entry_ = entry;
this.locationInfo_ = locationInfo;
this.metadataCache_.clear([this.entry_], 'fetchedMedia');
if (opt_callback)
var onError = function(error) {
console.error('Error saving from gallery', name, error);
ImageUtil.metrics.recordEnum(ImageUtil.getMetricName('SaveResult'), 0, 2);
if (opt_callback)
var doSave = function(newFile, fileEntry) {
fileEntry.createWriter(function(fileWriter) {
function writeContent() {
fileWriter.onwriteend = onSuccess.bind(null, fileEntry);
fileWriter.write(ImageEncoder.getBlob(canvas, metadataEncoder));
fileWriter.onerror = function(error) {
// Disable all callbacks on the first error.
fileWriter.onerror = null;
fileWriter.onwriteend = null;
if (newFile) {
} else {
fileWriter.onwriteend = writeContent;
}, onError);
var getFile = function(dir, newFile) {
dir.getFile(name, {create: newFile, exclusive: newFile},
function(fileEntry) {
var locationInfo = volumeManager.getLocationInfo(fileEntry);
// If the volume is gone, then abort the saving operation.
if (!locationInfo) {
doSave(newFile, fileEntry, locationInfo);
}.bind(this), onError);
var checkExistence = function(dir) {
dir.getFile(name, {create: false, exclusive: false},
getFile.bind(null, dir, false /* existing file */),
getFile.bind(null, dir, true /* create new file */));
var saveToDir = function(dir) {
if (overwrite && !this.locationInfo_.isReadOnly) {
} else {
this.createCopyName_(dir, function(copyName) {
this.original_ = false;
name = copyName;
if (this.locationInfo_.isReadOnly) {
} else {
this.entry_.getParent(saveToDir, onError);
* Renames the item.
* @param {string} displayName New display name (without the extension).
* @return {Promise} Promise fulfilled with when renaming completes, or rejected
* with the error message.
Gallery.Item.prototype.rename = function(displayName) {
var newFileName =
ImageUtil.getDisplayNameFromName(, displayName);
if (newFileName ===
return Promise.reject('NOT_CHANGED');
if (/^\s*$/.test(displayName))
return Promise.reject(str('ERROR_WHITESPACE_NAME'));
var parentDirectoryPromise = new Promise(
return parentDirectoryPromise.then(function(parentDirectory) {
var nameValidatingPromise =
util.validateFileName(parentDirectory, newFileName, true);
return nameValidatingPromise.then(function() {
var existingFilePromise = new Promise(parentDirectory.getFile.bind(
parentDirectory, newFileName, {create: false, exclusive: false}));
return existingFilePromise.then(function() {
return Promise.reject(str('GALLERY_FILE_EXISTS'));
}, function() {
return new Promise(
this.entry_.moveTo.bind(this.entry_, parentDirectory, newFileName));
}.bind(this)).then(function(entry) {
this.entry_ = entry;