blob: 918caf01051f0bbe8bb9b4618ea92fc3d9703cc4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
/** @suppress {duplicate} */
var remoting = remoting || {};
* XmppStreamParser is used to parse XMPP stream. Data is fed to the parser
* using appendData() method and it calls |onStanzaCallback| and
* |onErrorCallback| specified using setCallbacks().
* @constructor
remoting.XmppStreamParser = function() {
/** @type {function(Element):void} @private */
this.onStanzaCallback_ = function(stanza) {};
/** @type {function(string):void} @private */
this.onErrorCallback_ = function(error) {};
* Buffer containing the data that has been received but haven't been parsed.
* @private
this.data_ = new ArrayBuffer(0);
* Current depth in the XML stream.
* @private
this.depth_ = 0;
* Set to true after error.
* @private
this.error_ = false;
* The <stream> opening tag received at the beginning of the stream.
* @private
this.startTag_ = '';
* Closing tag matching |startTag_|.
* @private
this.startTagEnd_ = '';
* String containing current incomplete stanza.
* @private
this.currentStanza_ = '';
* Sets callbacks to be called on incoming stanzas and on error.
* @param {function(Element):void} onStanzaCallback
* @param {function(string):void} onErrorCallback
remoting.XmppStreamParser.prototype.setCallbacks =
function(onStanzaCallback, onErrorCallback) {
this.onStanzaCallback_ = onStanzaCallback;
this.onErrorCallback_ = onErrorCallback;
/** @param {ArrayBuffer} data */
remoting.XmppStreamParser.prototype.appendData = function(data) {
if (this.data_.byteLength > 0) {
// Concatenate two buffers.
var newData = new Uint8Array(this.data_.byteLength + data.byteLength);
newData.set(new Uint8Array(this.data_), 0);
newData.set(new Uint8Array(data), this.data_.byteLength);
this.data_ = newData.buffer;
} else {
this.data_ = data;
// Check if the newly appended data completes XML tag or a piece of text by
// looking for '<' and '>' char codes. This has to be done before converting
// data to string because the input may not contain complete UTF-8 sequence.
var tagStartCode = '<'.charCodeAt(0);
var tagEndCode = '>'.charCodeAt(0);
var spaceCode = ' '.charCodeAt(0);
var tryAgain = true;
while (this.data_.byteLength > 0 && tryAgain && !this.error_) {
tryAgain = false;
// If we are not currently in a middle of a stanza then skip spaces (server
// may send spaces periodically as heartbeats) and make sure that the first
// character starts XML tag.
if (this.depth_ <= 1) {
var view = new DataView(this.data_);
var firstChar = view.getUint8(0);
if (firstChar == spaceCode) {
tryAgain = true;
this.data_ = this.data_.slice(1);
} else if (firstChar != tagStartCode) {
var dataAsText = '';
try {
dataAsText = base.decodeUtf8(this.data_);
} catch (exception) {
dataAsText = 'charCode = ' + firstChar;
this.processError_('Received unexpected text data: ' + dataAsText);
// Iterate over characters in the buffer to find complete tags.
var view = new DataView(this.data_);
for (var i = 0; i < view.byteLength; ++i) {
var currentChar = view.getUint8(i);
if (currentChar == tagStartCode) {
if (i > 0) {
var text = this.extractStringFromBuffer_(i);
if (text == null)
tryAgain = true;
} else if (currentChar == tagEndCode) {
var tag = this.extractStringFromBuffer_(i + 1);
if (tag == null)
if (tag.charAt(0) != '<') {
this.processError_('Received \'>\' without \'<\': ' + tag);
tryAgain = true;
* @param {string} text
* @private
remoting.XmppStreamParser.prototype.processText_ = function(text) {
// Tokenization code in appendData() shouldn't allow text tokens in between
// stanzas.
base.debug.assert(this.depth_ > 1);
this.currentStanza_ += text;
* @param {string} tag
* @private
remoting.XmppStreamParser.prototype.processTag_ = function(tag) {
base.debug.assert(tag.charAt(0) == '<');
base.debug.assert(tag.charAt(tag.length - 1) == '>');
this.currentStanza_ += tag;
var openTag = tag.charAt(1) != '/';
if (openTag) {
if (this.depth_ == 1) {
this.startTag_ = this.currentStanza_;
this.currentStanza_ = '';
// Create end tag matching the start.
var tagName =
this.startTag_.substr(1, this.startTag_.length - 2).split(' ', 1)[0];
this.startTagEnd_ = '</' + tagName + '>';
// Try parsing start together with the end
var parsed = this.parseTag_(this.startTag_ + this.startTagEnd_);
if (!parsed) {
this.processError_('Failed to parse start tag: ' + this.startTag_);
var closingTag =
(tag.charAt(1) == '/') || (tag.charAt(tag.length - 2) == '/');
if (closingTag) {
// The first start tag is not expected to be closed.
if (this.depth_ <= 1) {
this.processError_('Unexpected closing tag: ' + tag)
if (this.depth_ == 1) {
this.currentStanza_ = '';
* @private
remoting.XmppStreamParser.prototype.processCompleteStanza_ = function() {
var stanza = this.startTag_ + this.currentStanza_ + this.startTagEnd_;
var parsed = this.parseTag_(stanza);
if (!parsed) {
this.processError_('Failed to parse stanza: ' + this.currentStanza_);
* @param {string} text
* @private
remoting.XmppStreamParser.prototype.processError_ = function(text) {
this.error_ = true;
* Helper to extract and decode |bytes| bytes from |data_|. Returns NULL in case
* the buffer contains invalidUTF-8.
* @param {number} bytes Specifies how many bytes should be extracted.
* @returns {string?}
* @private
remoting.XmppStreamParser.prototype.extractStringFromBuffer_ = function(bytes) {
var result = '';
try {
result = base.decodeUtf8(this.data_.slice(0, bytes));
} catch (exception) {
this.processError_('Received invalid UTF-8 data.');
result = null;
this.data_ = this.data_.slice(bytes);
return result;
* @param {string} text
* @return {Element}
* @private
remoting.XmppStreamParser.prototype.parseTag_ = function(text) {
/** @type {Document} */
var result = new DOMParser().parseFromString(text, 'text/xml');
if (result.querySelector('parsererror') != null)
return null;
return result.firstElementChild;