blob: df6cda405955573f80995de8a468fab7b29f07bb [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Parses the command line, discovers the appropriate tests, and runs them.
Handles test configuration, but all the logic for
actually running the test is in Test and PageRunner."""
import hashlib
import inspect
import json
import os
import sys
from telemetry import benchmark
from telemetry import decorators
from telemetry.core import browser_finder
from telemetry.core import browser_options
from telemetry.core import command_line
from telemetry.core import discover
from telemetry.core import environment
from telemetry.core import util
from import page_set
from import page_test
from import profile_creator
from telemetry.util import find_dependencies
class Deps(find_dependencies.FindDependenciesCommand):
"""Prints all dependencies"""
def Run(self, args):
main_module = sys.modules['__main__']
return super(Deps, self).Run(args)
class Help(command_line.OptparseCommand):
"""Display help information about a command"""
usage = '[command]'
def Run(self, args):
if len(args.positional_args) == 1:
commands = _MatchingCommands(args.positional_args[0])
if len(commands) == 1:
command = commands[0]
parser = command.CreateParser()
return 0
print >> sys.stderr, ('usage: %s [command] [<options>]' % _ScriptName())
print >> sys.stderr, 'Available commands are:'
for command in _Commands():
print >> sys.stderr, ' %-10s %s' % (
command.Name(), command.Description())
print >> sys.stderr, ('"%s help <command>" to see usage information '
'for a specific command.' % _ScriptName())
return 0
class List(command_line.OptparseCommand):
"""Lists the available tests"""
usage = '[test_name] [<options>]'
def CreateParser(cls):
options = browser_options.BrowserFinderOptions()
parser = options.CreateParser('%%prog %s %s' % (cls.Name(), cls.usage))
return parser
def AddCommandLineArgs(cls, parser):
parser.add_option('-j', '--json-output-file', type='string')
parser.add_option('-n', '--num-shards', type='int', default=1)
def ProcessCommandLineArgs(cls, parser, args):
if not args.positional_args:
args.tests = _Tests()
elif len(args.positional_args) == 1:
args.tests = _MatchTestName(args.positional_args[0], exact_matches=False)
parser.error('Must provide at most one test name.')
def Run(self, args):
if args.json_output_file:
possible_browser = browser_finder.FindBrowser(args)
if args.browser_type in (
'exact', 'release', 'release_x64', 'debug', 'debug_x64', 'canary'):
args.browser_type = 'reference'
possible_reference_browser = browser_finder.FindBrowser(args)
possible_reference_browser = None
with open(args.json_output_file, 'w') as f:
f.write(_GetJsonTestList(possible_browser, possible_reference_browser,
args.tests, args.num_shards))
return 0
class Run(command_line.OptparseCommand):
"""Run one or more tests (default)"""
usage = 'test_name [page_set] [<options>]'
def CreateParser(cls):
options = browser_options.BrowserFinderOptions()
parser = options.CreateParser('%%prog %s %s' % (cls.Name(), cls.usage))
return parser
def AddCommandLineArgs(cls, parser):
# Allow tests to add their own command line options.
matching_tests = []
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
matching_tests += _MatchTestName(arg)
if matching_tests:
# TODO(dtu): After move to argparse, add command-line args for all tests
# to subparser. Using subparsers will avoid duplicate arguments.
matching_test = matching_tests.pop()
# The test's options override the defaults!
def ProcessCommandLineArgs(cls, parser, args):
if not args.positional_args:
input_test_name = args.positional_args[0]
matching_tests = _MatchTestName(input_test_name)
if not matching_tests:
print >> sys.stderr, 'No test named "%s".' % input_test_name
print >> sys.stderr
if len(matching_tests) > 1:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Multiple tests named "%s".' % input_test_name
print >> sys.stderr, 'Did you mean one of these?'
print >> sys.stderr
test_class = matching_tests.pop()
if issubclass(test_class, page_test.PageTest):
if len(args.positional_args) < 2:
parser.error('Need to specify a page set for "%s".' % test_class.Name())
if len(args.positional_args) > 2:
parser.error('Too many arguments.')
page_set_name = args.positional_args[1]
page_set_class = _MatchPageSetName(page_set_name)
if page_set_class is None:
parser.error("Page set %s not found. Available sets:\n%s" %
(page_set_name, _AvailablePageSetNamesString()))
class TestWrapper(benchmark.Benchmark):
test = test_class
def CreatePageSet(cls, options):
return page_set_class()
test_class = TestWrapper
if len(args.positional_args) > 1:
parser.error('Too many arguments.')
assert issubclass(test_class, benchmark.Benchmark), (
'Trying to run a non-Benchmark?!')
benchmark.ProcessCommandLineArgs(parser, args)
test_class.ProcessCommandLineArgs(parser, args)
cls._test = test_class
def Run(self, args):
return min(255, self._test().Run(args))
def _ScriptName():
return os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
def _Commands():
"""Generates a list of all classes in this file that subclass Command."""
for _, cls in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__]):
if not inspect.isclass(cls):
if not issubclass(cls, command_line.Command):
yield cls
def _MatchingCommands(string):
return [command for command in _Commands()
if command.Name().startswith(string)]
def _Tests():
tests = []
for base_dir in config.base_paths:
tests += discover.DiscoverClasses(base_dir, base_dir, benchmark.Benchmark,
page_tests = discover.DiscoverClasses(base_dir, base_dir,
tests += [test_class for test_class in page_tests
if not issubclass(test_class, profile_creator.ProfileCreator)]
return tests
# TODO(ariblue): Use's abstracted _MatchName class (in pending CL
# 432543003) and eliminate _MatchPageSetName and _MatchTestName.
def _MatchPageSetName(input_name):
page_sets = []
for base_dir in config.base_paths:
page_sets += discover.DiscoverClasses(base_dir, base_dir, page_set.PageSet,
for p in page_sets:
if input_name == p.Name():
return p
return None
def _AvailablePageSetNamesString():
result = ""
for base_dir in config.base_paths:
for p in discover.DiscoverClasses(base_dir, base_dir, page_set.PageSet,
result += p.Name() + "\n"
return result
def _MatchTestName(input_test_name, exact_matches=True):
def _Matches(input_string, search_string):
if search_string.startswith(input_string):
return True
for part in search_string.split('.'):
if part.startswith(input_string):
return True
return False
# Exact matching.
if exact_matches:
# Don't add aliases to search dict, only allow exact matching for them.
if input_test_name in config.test_aliases:
exact_match = config.test_aliases[input_test_name]
exact_match = input_test_name
for test_class in _Tests():
if exact_match == test_class.Name():
return [test_class]
return []
# Fuzzy matching.
return [test_class for test_class in _Tests()
if _Matches(input_test_name, test_class.Name())]
def _GetJsonTestList(possible_browser, possible_reference_browser,
test_classes, num_shards):
"""Returns a list of all enabled tests in a JSON format expected by buildbots.
JSON format (see build/android/pylib/perf/
{ "version": <int>,
"steps": {
<string>: {
"device_affinity": <int>,
"cmd": <string>,
"perf_dashboard_id": <string>,
output = {
'version': 1,
'steps': {
for test_class in test_classes:
if not issubclass(test_class, benchmark.Benchmark):
if not decorators.IsEnabled(test_class, possible_browser):
base_name = test_class.Name()
base_cmd = [sys.executable, os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]),
'-v', '--output-format=buildbot', base_name]
perf_dashboard_id = base_name
# TODO(tonyg): Currently we set the device affinity to a stable hash of the
# test name. This somewhat evenly distributes benchmarks among the requested
# number of shards. However, it is far from optimal in terms of cycle time.
# We should add a test size decorator (e.g. small, medium, large) and let
# that inform sharding.
device_affinity = int(hashlib.sha1(base_name).hexdigest(), 16) % num_shards
output['steps'][base_name] = {
'cmd': ' '.join(base_cmd + [
'--browser=%s' % possible_browser.browser_type]),
'device_affinity': device_affinity,
'perf_dashboard_id': perf_dashboard_id,
if (possible_reference_browser and
decorators.IsEnabled(test_class, possible_reference_browser)):
output['steps'][base_name + '.reference'] = {
'cmd': ' '.join(base_cmd + [
'--browser=reference', '--output-trace-tag=_ref']),
'device_affinity': device_affinity,
'perf_dashboard_id': perf_dashboard_id,
return json.dumps(output, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
def _PrintTestList(tests):
if not tests:
print >> sys.stderr, 'No tests found!'
# Align the test names to the longest one.
format_string = ' %%-%ds %%s' % max(len(t.Name()) for t in tests)
filtered_tests = [test_class for test_class in tests
if issubclass(test_class, benchmark.Benchmark)]
if filtered_tests:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Available tests are:'
for test_class in sorted(filtered_tests, key=lambda t: t.Name()):
print >> sys.stderr, format_string % (
test_class.Name(), test_class.Description())
print >> sys.stderr
filtered_tests = [test_class for test_class in tests
if issubclass(test_class, page_test.PageTest)]
if filtered_tests:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Available page tests are:'
for test_class in sorted(filtered_tests, key=lambda t: t.Name()):
print >> sys.stderr, format_string % (
test_class.Name(), test_class.Description())
print >> sys.stderr
config = environment.Environment([util.GetBaseDir()])
def main():
# Get the command name from the command line.
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '--help':
sys.argv[1] = 'help'
command_name = 'run'
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
if not arg.startswith('-'):
command_name = arg
# Validate and interpret the command name.
commands = _MatchingCommands(command_name)
if len(commands) > 1:
print >> sys.stderr, ('"%s" is not a %s command. Did you mean one of these?'
% (command_name, _ScriptName()))
for command in commands:
print >> sys.stderr, ' %-10s %s' % (
command.Name(), command.Description())
return 1
if commands:
command = commands[0]
command = Run
# Parse and run the command.
parser = command.CreateParser()
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if commands:
args = args[1:]
options.positional_args = args
command.ProcessCommandLineArgs(parser, options)
return command().Run(options)