blob: b4676f5b4a1091bdbd74fee8221349607bc97732 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import posixpath
import traceback
from app_yaml_helper import AppYamlHelper
from appengine_wrappers import IsDeadlineExceededError, logservice
from branch_utility import BranchUtility
from compiled_file_system import CompiledFileSystem
from data_source_registry import CreateDataSources
from environment import GetAppVersion, IsDevServer
from extensions_paths import EXAMPLES, PUBLIC_TEMPLATES, STATIC_DOCS
from file_system_util import CreateURLsFromPaths
from future import Future
from gcs_file_system_provider import CloudStorageFileSystemProvider
from github_file_system_provider import GithubFileSystemProvider
from host_file_system_provider import HostFileSystemProvider
from object_store_creator import ObjectStoreCreator
from render_servlet import RenderServlet
from server_instance import ServerInstance
from servlet import Servlet, Request, Response
from special_paths import SITE_VERIFICATION_FILE
from timer import Timer, TimerClosure
class _SingletonRenderServletDelegate(RenderServlet.Delegate):
def __init__(self, server_instance):
self._server_instance = server_instance
def CreateServerInstance(self):
return self._server_instance
class _CronLogger(object):
'''Wraps the logging.* methods to prefix them with 'cron' and flush
immediately. The flushing is important because often these cron runs time
out and we lose the logs.
def info(self, msg, *args): self._log(, msg, args)
def warning(self, msg, *args): self._log(logging.warning, msg, args)
def error(self, msg, *args): self._log(logging.error, msg, args)
def _log(self, logfn, msg, args):
logfn('cron: %s' % msg, *args)
_cronlog = _CronLogger()
def _RequestEachItem(title, items, request_callback):
'''Runs a task |request_callback| named |title| for each item in |items|.
|request_callback| must take an item and return a servlet response.
Returns true if every item was successfully run, false if any return a
non-200 response or raise an exception.
''''%s: starting', title)
success_count, failure_count = 0, 0
timer = Timer()
for i, item in enumerate(items):
def error_message(detail):
return '%s: error rendering %s (%s of %s): %s' % (
title, item, i + 1, len(items), detail)
response = request_callback(item)
if response.status == 200:
success_count += 1
_cronlog.error(error_message('response status %s' % response.status))
failure_count += 1
except Exception as e:
failure_count += 1
if IsDeadlineExceededError(e): raise
finally:'%s: rendered %s of %s with %s failures in %s',
title, success_count, len(items), failure_count,
return success_count == len(items)
class CronServlet(Servlet):
'''Servlet which runs a cron job.
def __init__(self, request, delegate_for_test=None):
Servlet.__init__(self, request)
self._delegate = delegate_for_test or CronServlet.Delegate()
class Delegate(object):
'''CronServlet's runtime dependencies. Override for testing.
def CreateBranchUtility(self, object_store_creator):
return BranchUtility.Create(object_store_creator)
def CreateHostFileSystemProvider(self,
return HostFileSystemProvider(object_store_creator,
def CreateGithubFileSystemProvider(self, object_store_creator):
return GithubFileSystemProvider(object_store_creator)
def CreateGCSFileSystemProvider(self, object_store_creator):
return CloudStorageFileSystemProvider(object_store_creator)
def GetAppVersion(self):
return GetAppVersion()
def Get(self):
# Crons often time out, and if they do we need to make sure to flush the
# logs before the process gets killed (Python gives us a couple of
# seconds).
# So, manually flush logs at the end of the cron run. However, sometimes
# even that isn't enough, which is why in this file we use _cronlog and
# make it flush the log every time its used.
logservice.AUTOFLUSH_ENABLED = False
return self._GetImpl()
except BaseException:
_cronlog.error('Caught top-level exception! %s', traceback.format_exc())
def _GetImpl(self):
# Cron strategy:
# Find all public template files and static files, and render them. Most of
# the time these won't have changed since the last cron run, so it's a
# little wasteful, but hopefully rendering is really fast (if it isn't we
# have a problem).'starting')
# This is returned every time RenderServlet wants to create a new
# ServerInstance.
# TODO(kalman): IMPORTANT. This sometimes throws an exception, breaking
# everything. Need retry logic at the fetcher level.
server_instance = self._GetSafeServerInstance()
trunk_fs = server_instance.host_file_system_provider.GetTrunk()
def render(path):
request = Request(path,, self._request.headers)
delegate = _SingletonRenderServletDelegate(server_instance)
return RenderServlet(request, delegate).Get()
def request_files_in_dir(path, prefix='', strip_ext=None):
'''Requests every file found under |path| in this host file system, with
a request prefix of |prefix|. |strip_ext| is an optional list of file
extensions that should be stripped from paths before requesting.
def maybe_strip_ext(name):
if name == SITE_VERIFICATION_FILE or not strip_ext:
return name
base, ext = posixpath.splitext(name)
return base if ext in strip_ext else name
files = [maybe_strip_ext(name)
for name, _ in CreateURLsFromPaths(trunk_fs, path, prefix)]
return _RequestEachItem(path, files, render)
results = []
# Start running the hand-written Cron methods first; they can be run in
# parallel. They are resolved at the end.
def run_cron_for_future(target):
title = target.__class__.__name__
future, init_timer = TimerClosure(target.Cron)
assert isinstance(future, Future), (
'%s.Cron() did not return a Future' % title)
def resolve():
resolve_timer = Timer()
except Exception as e:
_cronlog.error('%s: error %s' % (title, traceback.format_exc()))
if IsDeadlineExceededError(e): raise
resolve_timer.Stop()'%s took %s: %s to initialize and %s to resolve' %
return Future(callback=resolve)
targets = (CreateDataSources(server_instance).values() +
title = 'initializing %s parallel Cron targets' % len(targets)
timer = Timer()
cron_futures = [run_cron_for_future(target) for target in targets]
finally:'%s took %s' % (title, timer.Stop().FormatElapsed()))
# Samples are too expensive to run on the dev server, where there is no
# parallel fetch.
# XXX(kalman): Currently samples are *always* too expensive to fetch, so
# disabling them for now. It won't break anything so long as we're still
# not enforcing that everything gets cached for normal instances.
if False: # should be "not IsDevServer()":
# Fetch each individual sample file.
# Resolve the hand-written Cron method futures.
title = 'resolving %s parallel Cron targets' % len(targets)
timer = Timer()
for future in cron_futures:
finally:'%s took %s' % (title, timer.Stop().FormatElapsed()))
# This should never actually happen (each cron step does its own
# conservative error checking), so re-raise no matter what it is.
_cronlog.error('uncaught error: %s' % traceback.format_exc())
success = all(results)'finished (%s)', 'success' if success else 'FAILED')
return (Response.Ok('Success') if success else
def _GetSafeServerInstance(self):
'''Returns a ServerInstance with a host file system at a safe revision,
meaning the last revision that the current running version of the server
delegate = self._delegate
# IMPORTANT: Get a ServerInstance pinned to the most recent revision, not
# HEAD. These cron jobs take a while and run very frequently such that
# there is usually one running at any given time, and eventually a file
# that we're dealing with will change underneath it, putting the server in
# an undefined state.
server_instance_near_head = self._CreateServerInstance(
app_yaml_handler = AppYamlHelper(
if app_yaml_handler.IsUpToDate(delegate.GetAppVersion()):
return server_instance_near_head
# The version in app.yaml is greater than the currently running app's.
# The safe version is the one before it changed.
safe_revision = app_yaml_handler.GetFirstRevisionGreaterThan(
delegate.GetAppVersion()) - 1'app version %s is out of date, safe is %s',
delegate.GetAppVersion(), safe_revision)
return self._CreateServerInstance(safe_revision)
def _GetMostRecentRevision(self):
'''Gets the revision of the most recent patch submitted to the host file
system. This is similar to HEAD but it's a concrete revision so won't
change as the cron runs.
head_fs = (
return head_fs.Stat('').version
def _CreateServerInstance(self, revision):
'''Creates a ServerInstance pinned to |revision|, or HEAD if None.
NOTE: If passed None it's likely that during the cron run patches will be
submitted at HEAD, which may change data underneath the cron run.
object_store_creator = ObjectStoreCreator(start_empty=True)
branch_utility = self._delegate.CreateBranchUtility(object_store_creator)
host_file_system_provider = self._delegate.CreateHostFileSystemProvider(
object_store_creator, max_trunk_revision=revision)
github_file_system_provider = self._delegate.CreateGithubFileSystemProvider(
gcs_file_system_provider = self._delegate.CreateGCSFileSystemProvider(
return ServerInstance(object_store_creator,