blob: 435615b5a932ecab4b8cc34fc85e1afc417fcc54 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Use the <code>chrome.notificationProvider</code> API to intercept
// notifications that would otherwise go into the Chrome Notification Center,
// get notifiers' information, and inform notifiers about users' actions on the
// notifications.
namespace notificationProvider {
// TODO(liyanhou): Use notifications.PermissionLevel everywhere and delete
// this type. See
// whether notifications from this notifier is permitted or blocked.
enum NotifierPermissionLevel {
// User has elected to show notifications from the notifier.
// This is the default at install time.
// User has elected not to show notifications from the notifier.
enum NotifierType {
// Notifiers that are extensions or applications.
// Notifiers that are webistes.
dictionary Notifier {
// Id of the notifier.
DOMString notifierId;
// Type of the notifier.
NotifierType type;
// Name of the notifier.
DOMString name;
// Icon of the notifier.
notifications.NotificationBitmap notifierIcon;
// Permission level of the notifier.
NotifierPermissionLevel permissionLevel;
// If a notifier has advanced settings.
boolean hasSettings;
callback NotifyOnClearedCallback = void (boolean wasCleared);
callback NotifyOnClickedCallback = void (boolean matchExists);
callback NotifyOnButtonClickedCallback = void (boolean matchExists);
callback NotifyOnPermissionLevelChangedCallback = void (boolean wasChanged);
callback NotifyOnShowSettingsCallback = void (boolean hasSettings);
callback GetNotifierCallback = void (Notifier notifier);
callback GetAllNotifiersCallback = void (Notifier[] notifiers);
interface Functions {
// Inform the notifier that the user cleared a notification sent from that
// notifier.
// |notifierId|: The id of the notifier that sent the notification.
// |notificationId|: The id of the notification that was closed.
// |callback|: Called to indicate whether a matching notification existed.
static void notifyOnCleared(DOMString notifierId,
DOMString notificationId,
NotifyOnClearedCallback callback);
// Inform the notifier that the user clicked in a non-button area of a
// notification sent from that notifier.
// |notifierId|: The id of the notifier that sent the notification.
// |notificationId|: The id of the notification that was clicked on.
// |callback|: Called to indicate whether a matching notification existed.
static void notifyOnClicked(DOMString notifierId,
DOMString notificationId,
NotifyOnClickedCallback callback);
// Inform the notifier that the user pressed a button in the notification
// sent from that notifier.
// |notifierId|: The id of the notifier that sent the notification.
// |notificationId|: The id of the notification that was clicked on its
// button.
// |buttonIndex|: The index of the button that was clicked.
// |callback|: Called to indicate whether a matching notification existed.
static void notifyOnButtonClicked(DOMString notifierId,
DOMString notificationId,
long buttonIndex,
NotifyOnButtonClickedCallback callback);
// Inform the notifier that the user changed the permission level of that
// notifier.
// |notifierId|: The id of the notifier that sent the notification.
// |notifierType|: The type of the notifier that sent the notification.
// |level|: The perission level of the notifier
// |callback|: Called to indicate whether the permission level was changed.
static void notifyOnPermissionLevelChanged(
DOMString notifierId,
NotifierType notifierType,
NotifierPermissionLevel level,
NotifyOnPermissionLevelChangedCallback callback);
// Inform the notifier that the user chose to see advanced settings of that
// notifier.
// |notifierId|: The id of the notifier that sent the notification.
// |notifierType|: The type of the notifier that sent the notification.
// |callback|: Called to indicate whether the notifier has extra settings.
static void notifyOnShowSettings(DOMString notifierId,
NotifierType notifierType,
NotifyOnShowSettingsCallback callback);
// To get a notifier from it's notifier ID.
// |callback|: Returns the notifier object of the given ID.
static void getNotifier(GetNotifierCallback callback);
// To get all the notifiers that could send notifications.
// |callback|: Returns the set of notifiers currently in the system.
static void getAllNotifiers(GetAllNotifiersCallback callback);
interface Events {
// A new notification is created.
// |notifierId|: The id of the notifier that sent the new notification.
// |notificationId|: The id of the newly created notification.
// |options|: The content of the notification: type, title, message etc.
static void onCreated(DOMString notifierId,
DOMString notificationId,
notifications.NotificationOptions options);
// A notification is updated by the notifier.
// |notifierId|: The id of the notifier that sent the updated notification.
// |notificationId|: The id of the updated notification.
// |options|: The content of the notification: type, title, message etc.
static void onUpdated(DOMString notifierId,
DOMString notificationId,
notifications.NotificationOptions options);
// A notification is cleared by the notifier.
// |notifierId|: The id of the notifier that cleared the notification.
// |notificationId|: The id of the cleared notification.
static void onCleared(DOMString notifierId, DOMString notificationId);