blob: 5053a9928c7eba3002ae3fda2d0a5a927ff80078 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/common/extensions/api/easy_unlock_private.h"
namespace extensions {
namespace api {
// Wrapper around EasyUnlock dbus client on ChromeOS. On other platforms, the
// methods are stubbed out.
class EasyUnlockPrivateCryptoDelegate {
typedef base::Callback<void(const std::string& data)> DataCallback;
typedef base::Callback<void(const std::string& public_key,
const std::string& private_key)>
virtual ~EasyUnlockPrivateCryptoDelegate() {}
// Creates platform specific delegate instance. Non Chrome OS implementations
// currently do nothing but invoke callbacks with empty data.
static scoped_ptr<EasyUnlockPrivateCryptoDelegate> Create();
// See chromeos/dbus/easy_unlock_client.h for info on these methods.
virtual void GenerateEcP256KeyPair(const KeyPairCallback& callback) = 0;
virtual void PerformECDHKeyAgreement(const std::string& private_key,
const std::string& public_key,
const DataCallback& callback) = 0;
virtual void CreateSecureMessage(
const std::string& payload,
const std::string& secret_key,
const std::string& associated_data,
const std::string& public_metadata,
const std::string& verification_key_id,
easy_unlock_private::EncryptionType encryption_type,
easy_unlock_private::SignatureType signature_type,
const DataCallback& callback) = 0;
virtual void UnwrapSecureMessage(
const std::string& message,
const std::string& secret_key,
const std::string& associated_data,
easy_unlock_private::EncryptionType encryption_type,
easy_unlock_private::SignatureType signature_type,
const DataCallback& callback) = 0;
} // namespace api
} // namespace extensions