blob: 64c8b8b4f49082942c7d98c3e2f9924f1f9116d2 [file] [log] [blame]
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<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/user_model/user_expectation.html">
'use strict';
tr.exportTo('', function() {
// Returns a weight for this score.
// score should be a number between 0 and 1 inclusive.
// This function is expected to be passed to tr.b.Statistics.weightedMean as
// its weightCallback.
function perceptualBlend(ir, index, score) {
// Lower scores are exponentially more important than higher scores
// due to the Peak-end rule.
// Other than that general rule, there is no specific reasoning behind this
// specific formula -- it is fairly arbitrary.
return Math.exp(1 - score);
function filterExpectationsByRange(irs, opt_range) {
var filteredExpectations = [];
irs.forEach(function(ir) {
if (!(ir instanceof
if (!opt_range ||
opt_range.intersectsExplicitRangeInclusive(ir.start, ir.end))
return filteredExpectations;
return {
perceptualBlend: perceptualBlend,
filterExpectationsByRange: filterExpectationsByRange