blob: a093303b03b8c1e474370b62d7cceafe7d38e4f1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import argparse
import json
import os
import sys
from ggplot import *
import pandas
def _ConvertToSimplifiedFormat(values_list):
data = {}
for trace_name, result_data in values_list:
result_values = result_data['pairs']['values']
values = {}
for current_value in result_values:
grouping_key = current_value['name']
if current_value['type'] == 'numeric':
numeric_value = current_value['numeric']
if numeric_value['type'] == 'scalar':
values[grouping_key] = [current_value['numeric']['value']]
elif numeric_value['type'] == 'numeric':
# Let's just skip histograms for now.
histogram_values = []
for bin in numeric_value['centralBins']:
histo_mid = (bin['max'] - bin['min']) * 0.5
histogram_values += [histo_mid for _ in xrange(bin['count'])]
values[grouping_key] = histogram_values
data[trace_name] = values
return data
def _ReadValuesOutput(file_name, metric_names):
with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
results_list =
# Try metrics format first, which is a dict of results.
results_together = json.loads(results_list).iteritems()
except ValueError:
# Try flume pipeline output format, which is a 1 result per line.
r = [json.loads(s) for s in results_list.splitlines()]
results_together = dict([(str(i), r[i]) for i in xrange(len(r))])
simplified_data = _ConvertToSimplifiedFormat(results_together)
return _ConvertValuesToPD(simplified_data, metric_names)
def _ConvertValuesToPD(all_values_data, metric_names):
pd_dict = {}
for trace_name, values in all_values_data.iteritems():
for metric_name, metric_value in values.iteritems():
if not metric_name in metric_names:
if not metric_name in pd_dict:
pd_dict[metric_name] = []
return pandas.DataFrame(pd_dict)
def _DoGGPlot(graph_type, data, x, y):
if graph_type == 'histogram':
print ggplot(aes(x=x), data=data) + geom_histogram()
elif graph_type == 'point':
print (ggplot(aes(x=x, y=y), data=data) + geom_point() +
stat_smooth(color='black', se=True))
def Main():
# Parse options.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--x', help='X-Axis parameter.')
parser.add_argument('--y', help='X-Axis parameter.')
choices=['histogram', 'point'],
help='Type of graph.')
help='Path to file containing results of metrics run.')
args = parser.parse_args()
if not args.source:
parser.error('Source file not specified. Use --source to specify '
'path to source file.')
if not args.graph_type:
parser.error('Graph type not specified. Use --graph-type.')
metric_names = []
if args.x:
if args.y:
data = _ReadValuesOutput(os.path.abspath(args.source), metric_names)
_DoGGPlot(args.graph_type, data, args.x, args.y)