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<title>paper-dialog-behavior tests</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=yes">
<script src="../../webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script>
<script src="../../web-component-tester/browser.js"></script>
<link rel="import" href="../../paper-icon-button/paper-icon-button.html">
<link rel="import" href="../../iron-icons/iron-icons.html">
<link rel="import" href="../../iron-test-helpers/iron-test-helpers.html">
<link rel="import" href="test-dialog.html">
<link rel="import" href="test-buttons.html">
<test-fixture id="basic">
<div class="buttons">
<button extra>extra</button>
<button dialog-dismiss>dismiss</button>
<button dialog-confirm>confirm</button>
<test-fixture id="buttons">
<p>Dialog with test-buttons</p>
<test-buttons class="buttons"></test-buttons>
<test-fixture id="custom-element-button">
<div class="buttons">
<paper-icon-button icon="cancel" dialog-dismiss></paper-icon-button>
<paper-icon-button icon="add-circle" dialog-confirm></paper-icon-button>
<paper-icon-button icon="favorite"></paper-icon-button>
<test-fixture id="modal">
<test-dialog modal>
<div class="buttons">
<button dialog-dismiss>dismiss</button>
<button dialog-confirm autofocus>confirm</button>
<test-fixture id="like-modal">
<test-dialog no-cancel-on-esc-key no-cancel-on-outside-click with-backdrop>
<test-fixture id="header">
<div class="buttons">
<button dialog-dismiss>dismiss</button>
<button dialog-confirm autofocus>confirm</button>
<test-fixture id="header-with-id">
<h2 id="header">Dialog</h2>
<div class="buttons">
<button dialog-dismiss>dismiss</button>
<button dialog-confirm autofocus>confirm</button>
<test-fixture id="multiple">
<test-dialog modal id="dialog1">
<p>Dialog 1</p>
<test-dialog modal id="dialog2">
<p>Dialog 2</p>
<test-fixture id="nestedmodals">
<test-dialog modal opened>
<p>Dialog 1</p>
<div class="buttons">
<button dialog-dismiss>dismiss</button>
<button dialog-confirm autofocus>confirm</button>
<test-dialog modal opened>
<p>Dialog 2</p>
<div class="buttons">
<button dialog-dismiss>dismiss</button>
<button dialog-confirm autofocus>confirm</button>
function runAfterOpen(dialog, callback) {
dialog.addEventListener('iron-overlay-opened', callback);;
suite('basic', function() {
test('clicking dialog does not cancel the dialog', function(done) {
var dialog = fixture('basic');
runAfterOpen(dialog, function() {
dialog.addEventListener('iron-overlay-closed', function() {
assert('dialog should not close');
setTimeout(function() {
}, 100);
test('clicking dialog-dismiss button closes the dialog without confirmation', function(done) {
var dialog = fixture('basic');
runAfterOpen(dialog, function() {
dialog.addEventListener('iron-overlay-closed', function(event) {
assert.isFalse(event.detail.canceled, 'dialog is not canceled');
assert.isFalse(event.detail.confirmed, 'dialog is not confirmed');
test('dialog-dismiss on a custom element is handled', function(done) {
var dialog = fixture('custom-element-button');
runAfterOpen(dialog, function() {
dialog.addEventListener('iron-overlay-closed', function(event) {
assert.isFalse(event.detail.canceled, 'dialog is not canceled');
assert.isFalse(event.detail.confirmed, 'dialog is not confirmed');
test('dialog-dismiss button inside a custom element is handled', function(done) {
var dialog = fixture('buttons');
runAfterOpen(dialog, function() {
dialog.addEventListener('iron-overlay-closed', function(event) {
assert.isFalse(event.detail.canceled, 'dialog is not canceled');
assert.isFalse(event.detail.confirmed, 'dialog is not confirmed');
test('clicking dialog-confirm button closes the dialog with confirmation', function(done) {
var dialog = fixture('basic');
runAfterOpen(dialog, function() {
dialog.addEventListener('iron-overlay-closed', function(event) {
assert.isFalse(event.detail.canceled, 'dialog is not canceled');
assert.isTrue(event.detail.confirmed, 'dialog is confirmed');
test('dialog-confirm on a custom element handled', function(done) {
var dialog = fixture('custom-element-button');
runAfterOpen(dialog, function() {
dialog.addEventListener('iron-overlay-closed', function(event) {
assert.isFalse(event.detail.canceled, 'dialog is not canceled');
assert.isTrue(event.detail.confirmed, 'dialog is confirmed');
test('dialog-confirm button inside a custom element is handled', function(done) {
var dialog = fixture('buttons');
runAfterOpen(dialog, function() {
dialog.addEventListener('iron-overlay-closed', function(event) {
assert.isFalse(event.detail.canceled, 'dialog is not canceled');
assert.isTrue(event.detail.confirmed, 'dialog is confirmed');
test('clicking dialog-dismiss button closes only the dialog where is contained', function(done) {
var dialog = fixture('nestedmodals');
var innerDialog = Polymer.dom(dialog).querySelector('test-dialog');
setTimeout(function() {
assert.isFalse(innerDialog.opened, 'inner dialog is closed');
assert.isTrue(dialog.opened, 'dialog is still open');
}, 10);
test('clicking dialog-confirm button closes only the dialog where is contained', function(done) {
var dialog = fixture('nestedmodals');
var innerDialog = Polymer.dom(dialog).querySelector('test-dialog');
setTimeout(function() {
assert.isFalse(innerDialog.opened, 'inner dialog is closed');
assert.isTrue(dialog.opened, 'dialog is still open');
}, 10);
var properties = ['noCancelOnEscKey', 'noCancelOnOutsideClick', 'withBackdrop'];
properties.forEach(function(property) {
test('modal sets ' + property + ' to true', function() {
var dialog = fixture('modal');
assert.isTrue(dialog[property], property);
test('modal toggling keeps current value of ' + property, function() {
var dialog = fixture('modal');
// Changed to false while modal is true.
dialog[property] = false;
dialog.modal = false;
assert.isFalse(dialog[property], property + ' is false');
test('modal toggling keeps previous value of ' + property, function() {
var dialog = fixture('basic');
// Changed before modal is true.
dialog[property] = true;
// Toggle twice to trigger observer.
dialog.modal = true;
dialog.modal = false;
assert.isTrue(dialog[property], property + ' is still true');
test('default modal does not override ' + property +' (attribute)', function() {
// Property is set on ready from attribute.
var dialog = fixture('like-modal');
assert.isTrue(dialog[property], property + ' is true');
test('modal toggling keeps previous value of ' + property + ' (attribute)', function() {
// Property is set on ready from attribute.
var dialog = fixture('like-modal');
// Toggle twice to trigger observer.
dialog.modal = true;
dialog.modal = false;
assert.isTrue(dialog[property], property + ' is still true');
test('clicking outside a modal dialog does not move focus from dialog', function(done) {
var dialog = fixture('modal');
runAfterOpen(dialog, function() {
setTimeout(function() {
assert.equal(document.activeElement, Polymer.dom(dialog).querySelector('[autofocus]'), 'document.activeElement is the autofocused button');
}, 10);
test('removing a child element on click does not cause an exception', function(done) {
var dialog = fixture('basic');
runAfterOpen(dialog, function() {
var button = Polymer.dom(dialog).querySelector('[extra]');
button.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
// should not throw exception here
test('multiple modal dialogs opened, handle focus change', function(done) {
var dialogs = fixture('multiple');
runAfterOpen(dialogs[0], function() {
runAfterOpen(dialogs[1], function() {
// Each modal dialog will trap the focus within its children.
// Multiple modal dialogs doing it might result in an infinite loop
// dialog1 focus -> dialog2 focus -> dialog1 focus -> dialog2 focus...
// causing a "Maximum call stack size exceeded" error.
// Wait 50ms and verify this does not happen.
Polymer.Base.async(function() {
// Should not enter in an infinite loop.
}, 50);
test('multiple modal dialogs opened, handle outside click', function(done) {
var dialogs = fixture('multiple');
runAfterOpen(dialogs[0], function() {
runAfterOpen(dialogs[1], function() {
// Click should be handled only by dialogs[1].
// Each modal dialog will trap the focus within its children.
// Multiple modal dialogs doing it might result in an infinite loop
// dialog1 focus -> dialog2 focus -> dialog1 focus -> dialog2 focus...
// causing a "Maximum call stack size exceeded" error.
// Wait 50ms and verify this does not happen.
Polymer.Base.async(function() {
// Should not enter in an infinite loop.
}, 50);
test('focus is given to the autofocus element when clicking on backdrop', function(done) {
var dialog = fixture('modal');
dialog.addEventListener('iron-overlay-opened', onFirstOpen);;
function onFirstOpen() {
dialog.removeEventListener('iron-overlay-opened', onFirstOpen);
dialog.addEventListener('iron-overlay-closed', onFirstClose);
// Set the focus on dismiss button
// Close the dialog
function onFirstClose() {
dialog.removeEventListener('iron-overlay-closed', onFirstClose);
dialog.addEventListener('iron-overlay-opened', onSecondOpen);;
function onSecondOpen() {
setTimeout(function() {
assert.equal(document.activeElement, Polymer.dom(dialog).querySelector('[autofocus]'), 'document.activeElement is the autofocused button');
}, 10);
suite('a11y', function() {
test('dialog has role="dialog"', function() {
var dialog = fixture('basic');
assert.equal(dialog.getAttribute('role'), 'dialog', 'has role="dialog"');