blob: 20cfd09ef304d1690ede4655040e070405ab526f [file] [log] [blame]
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* @group Polymer Core Elements
* @element core-media-query
* @status beta
* @homepage
* core-media-query can be used to data bind to a CSS media query.
* The "query" property is a bare CSS media query.
* The "queryMatches" property will be a boolean representing if the page matches that media query.
* core-media-query uses media query listeners to dynamically update the "queryMatches" property.
* A "core-media-change" event also fires when queryMatches changes.
* Example:
* <core-media-query query="max-width: 640px" queryMatches="{{phoneScreen}}"></core-media-query>
* Fired when the media query state changes
* @event core-media-change
<link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html">
<polymer-element name="core-media-query" attributes="query queryMatches">
:host {
display: none;
Polymer('core-media-query', {
* The Boolean return value of the media query
* @attribute queryMatches
* @type Boolean
* @default false
queryMatches: false,
* The CSS media query to evaulate
* @attribute query
* @type string
* @default ''
query: '',
ready: function() {
this._mqHandler = this.queryHandler.bind(this);
this._mq = null;
queryChanged: function() {
if (this._mq) {
var query = this.query;
if (query[0] !== '(') {
query = '(' + this.query + ')';
this._mq = window.matchMedia(query);
queryHandler: function(mq) {
this.queryMatches = mq.matches;
this.asyncFire('core-media-change', mq);