blob: d30eda26b7adefa4ee51ea502c40c49888a0dd71 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A bounded size logger that's save in datastore.
This logger keeps a fixed number of recent logs in FIFO behavior. Logs are
stored by namespaced key in datastore. Each log message has a size limit of
template = '{asctime} {message}{extra}'
formatter = quick_logger.Formatter(template, extra='!')
logger = quick_logger.QuickLogger('a_namespace', 'a_log_name', formatter)
logger.Log('Hello %s', 'world')
import uuid
import collections
import cPickle as pickle
import logging
import time
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
# Maximum number of QuickLogPart entities to hold a log.
# _MAX_NUM_RECORD * (number of serialized quick_logger.Record)
# should be less than App Engine 1MB BlobProperty size limit.
_MAX_MSG_SIZE = 12288 # 12KB
def Get(namespace, key):
"""Gets list of Record from the datastore.
namespace: The namespace for key.
key: The key name.
List of Record, None if key does not exist in datastore.
quick_log = _GetQuickLog(namespace, key)
if quick_log:
return quick_log.GetRecords()
return None
def Delete(namespace, key):
"""Delete a log entity from the datastore.
namespace: The namespace for key.
key: The key name.
namespaced_key = '%s__%s' % (namespace, key)
ndb.Key('QuickLog', namespaced_key).delete()
def _GetQuickLog(namespace, key):
"""Gets QuickLog entity from a namespace and a key."""
namespaced_key = '%s__%s' % (namespace, key)
key = ndb.Key('QuickLog', namespaced_key)
return key.get()
def _CreateQuickLog(namespace, key):
"""Creates an empty QuickLog entity."""
namespaced_key = '%s__%s' % (namespace, key)
log = QuickLog(id=namespaced_key)
return log
class QuickLog(ndb.Model):
"""Represents a log entity."""
# Used for querying existing logs.
namespace = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=True)
# The time log was first created.
timestamp = ndb.DateTimeProperty(indexed=True, auto_now_add=True)
# Number of entities use to store records.
size = ndb.IntegerProperty(default=0)
def GetRecords(self):
"""Gets records store in multiple entities.
Combines and deserializes the data stored in QuickLogPart for this log.
List of Record object.
if not
logging.error('Key id does not exist.')
return None
if self.size < 1:
return None
string_id = self.key.string_id()
log_part_keys = [ndb.Key('QuickLog', string_id, 'QuickLogPart', i + 1)
for i in xrange(self.size)]
log_parts = ndb.get_multi(log_part_keys)
serialized = ''.join(l.value for l in log_parts if l is not None)
return pickle.loads(serialized)
except ImportError:
logging.error('Failed to load QuickLog "%s".', string_id)
return None
def SetRecords(self, records):
"""Sets records for this log and put into datastore.
Serializes records and save over multiple entities if necessary.
records: List of Record object.
# Number of bytes less than 1MB for ndb.BlobProperty.
chunk_size = 1000000
serialized = pickle.dumps(records, 2)
length = len(serialized)
if length / chunk_size > _MAX_NUM_PARTS:
logging.error('Data too large to save.')
return None
log_parts = []
for i in xrange(0, length, chunk_size):
# +1 to start entity key at 1.
part_id = i // chunk_size + 1
part_value = serialized[i:i + chunk_size]
log_part = QuickLogPart(id=part_id, parent=self.key, value=part_value)
self.size = len(log_parts)
ndb.put_multi(log_parts + [self])
class QuickLogPart(ndb.Model):
"""Holds a part of serialized data for a log.
This entity key has the form:
nbd.Key('QuickLog', quick_log_id, 'QuickLogPart', log_part_index)
value = ndb.BlobProperty()
class Formatter(object):
"""Class specifying how to format a Record."""
_datefmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
def __init__(self, template=None, *args, **kwargs):
"""Initializes formatter.
template: String template which can contain placeholders for arguments
in args, kwargs or supported attributes.
*args: Replacement field for positional argument.
**kwargs: Replacement field for keyword argument.
self._args = args
self._kwargs = kwargs
self._template = template
if not self._template:
self._template = '{asctime} {message}'
def Format(self, record):
"""Formats a record."""
self._kwargs['message'] = record.message
if '{asctime}' in self._template:
# Support backward compatibility.
timestamp = getattr(record, 'timestamp', record.index)
lt = time.localtime(timestamp)
self._kwargs['asctime'] = time.strftime(self._datefmt, lt)
record.message = self._template.format(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
# Not subclassing object (aka old-style class) reduces the serialization size.
class Record: # pylint: disable=old-style-class, invalid-name
"""Class to hold a log.
message: A string.
id: A string ID.
timestamp: Seconds since the epoch which represents time when record was
def __init__(self, message, record_id):
self.message = message = record_id
self.timestamp = time.time()
self.index = None # Deprecated. Remove this when we migrate old Records.
class QuickLogger(object):
"""Logger class."""
def __init__(self, namespace, name, formatter=None):
"""Initializes logger.
namespace: The namespace of logger.
name: Name of logger.
formatter: Formatter object to format logs.
self._formatter = formatter
self._records = collections.deque(maxlen=_MAX_NUM_RECORD)
self._record_count = 0
self._log = _GetQuickLog(namespace, name)
if not self._log:
self._log = _CreateQuickLog(namespace, name)
self._unique_id = uuid.uuid1().hex
def Log(self, message, record_id=None):
"""Adds or updates a log record.
After this is called, Save() must be called to save to datastore.
message: String message.
record_id: ID of the record to update; if None, add a new record.
The ID of updated or created Record.
message = str(message)
record = self._CreateRecord(message, record_id)
if self._formatter:
if len(record.message) > _MAX_MSG_SIZE:
logging.error('Message must be less than (%s)', _MAX_MSG_SIZE)
def Save(self):
"""Saves logs to datastore.
Add transactional annotation to make this synchronous since we're reading
then writing.
if not self._records:
records = list(self._records)
stored_records = self._log.GetRecords()
self._MergeRecords(records, stored_records)
def _CreateRecord(self, message, record_id=None):
if not record_id:
return Record(message, self._CreateRecordId())
for record in list(self._records):
if getattr(record, 'id', None) == record_id:
return Record(message, record_id)
# If index provided doesn't exist, we'll create a log with this index.
return Record(message, record_id)
def _CreateRecordId(self):
"""Creates an ID for a Record.
A record's ID is the current record count namespaced by self._unique_id.
self._record_count += 1
return '%s_%s' % (self._unique_id, self._record_count)
def _MergeRecords(self, records, stored_records):
"""Updates |records| with stored records if id does not already exist."""
if not stored_records:
new_ids = { for r in records}
records.extend(r for r in stored_records
if getattr(r, 'id', None) not in new_ids)