blob: 9984ebe0302d9cc6809b2c7632f24b8c5e57af59 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* Functions for the embed page.
* The overall purpose of these functions is to process the output of the
* graph_json handler so that it can be used by Flot.
* Some aspects of the embed page are similar to the chart-container; both
* involve preparing chart data, options, and callback functions for Flot.
* The embed page, however, is intended to be simple, lightweight, and
* compatible with older browsers that don't fully support polymer.
var embed = (function() {
* Initializes the chart and legend elements for displaying graph data.
* This method should be called when the embed page is loaded.
* Preconditions:
* The jQuery and Flot libraries are loaded.
* The chart and legend elements exist on the page.
* The globals GRAPH_DATA and REVISION_INFO are present.
var initialize = function() {
var data = window['GRAPH_DATA']['data'];
var annotations = window['GRAPH_DATA']['annotations'];
var seriesAnnotations = annotations['series'];
var revisionInfo = window['REVISION_INFO'];
// First, compile data that can be used to look up revision numbers
// from data series indexes.
var revisionDetails = getRevisionDetails(data, annotations, revisionInfo);
var revisionLookup = getRevisionLookup(revisionDetails);
// Then, convert the x-values in the data from revision numbers to indexes.
// This is done so that values are more evenly-spaced on the x-axis.
// Note that revision numbers aren't necessarily very meaningful, and so
// spacing values on the x-axis by revision number can be misleading.
changeXValuesToIndexes(data, revisionLookup);
// Chart options are made, including the x-axis tick formatter function,
// which depends on the revision details compiled above.
var chartOptions = getChartOptions(revisionDetails, revisionLookup);
// Finally, plot the chart and listen for hover events.
// The plot method is defined externally when the Flot library is loaded.
$['plot']($('#chart'), data, chartOptions);
$('#chart').bind('plothover', function(hoverEvent, pos, item) {
plotHoverCallback(pos, item, revisionDetails, revisionLookup, data,
* Makes a map of revision numbers to Arrays of Objects with revision info.
* This revision info consists of revision numbers and names for different
* revision types (e.g. chromium, blink, v8 revisions). Generally, this
* information comes from the annotations passed in. However, even if some
* entries in this data are missing, a revision details object will still be
* returned, containing the x-values in the data.
* @param {Array.<Object>} data Array of series objects (in Flot format).
* @param {?(Object)} annotations A mapping of series indexes to data
* @param {?(Object)} revisionInfo A mapping of keys to revision info.
* point indexes to Objects with revision info.
* @return {!Object} An Object mapping revisions to Arrays of Objects,
* each of which has the properties 'name' (name of a revision type)
* and 'value' (value for this revision type for this point).
var getRevisionDetails = function getRevisionDetails(data, annotations,
revisionInfo) {
var revisionDetails = {};
for (var seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < data.length; seriesIndex++) {
var seriesData = data[seriesIndex]['data'];
for (var dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < seriesData.length; dataIndex++) {
// Save the original x-value in the data series, and use it as the
// default in the revision details to return. Normally, this is expected
// to be a Chromium revision, but in the case of single-revision charts,
// it may be something else.
var xValue = seriesData[dataIndex][0];
// If this x-value already has an entry, no need to re-add it.
if (revisionDetails[xValue])
var defaultRevDetails = {
'name': getRevisionName(xValue, null, revisionInfo),
'value': getDisplayRevision(xValue)
var thisPointRevDetails = [];
if (annotations && annotations[seriesIndex] &&
annotations[seriesIndex][dataIndex]) {
var pointAnnotations = annotations[seriesIndex][dataIndex];
var defaultRevKey = pointAnnotations['a_default_rev'];
// If there's another "default revision" specified, use that.
if (defaultRevKey && pointAnnotations[defaultRevKey]) {
var defaultRev = pointAnnotations[defaultRevKey];
defaultRevDetails = {
'name': getRevisionName(defaultRev, defaultRevKey, revisionInfo),
'value': getDisplayRevision(defaultRev)
// Also collect details about all other kinds of revisions in the
// annotations for this point.
for (var key in pointAnnotations) {
if (key.indexOf('r_') == 0 && key != defaultRevKey) {
'name': getRevisionName(
pointAnnotations[key], key, revisionInfo),
'value': getDisplayRevision(pointAnnotations[key])
revisionDetails[xValue] = thisPointRevDetails;
return revisionDetails;
* Gets the value that a revision will be displayed as; In the case of a hash,
* this will be a truncation of the hash.
* @param {(string|number)} rev The revision value.
* @return {(string|number)} The value to display for revision number.
var getDisplayRevision = function(rev) {
// SHA1 hashes have 40 hex digits. Truncate it to 7 characters.
var gitRegex = /^[a-f0-9]{40}$/;
if (gitRegex.test(rev)) {
return rev.substring(0, 7);
return rev;
* Gets the name of a type of revision.
* @param {(string|number)} rev A revision number.
* @param {?(string)} key A key in the revisionInfo Object (optional).
* @param {?(Object)} revisionInfo A mapping of keys to revision info.
* @return {string} The name of the revision type.
var getRevisionName = function(rev, key, revisionInfo) {
if (revisionInfo && key && revisionInfo[key]) {
return revisionInfo[key]['name'];
return 'X-Value';
* Returns an Array of revision numbers (as strings) in numerical order.
* @param {!Object} revisionDetails Mapping of rev numbers to detail info.
* @return {Array.<string>} Revision numbers, in order.
var getRevisionLookup = function(revisionDetails) {
var revisionNumbers = Object.keys(revisionDetails);
var numericCompare = function(a, b) {
return a - b;
return revisionNumbers.sort(numericCompare);
* Constructs an Object mapping Array values to indexes.
* (If a value occurs multiple times, the higher index will be used.)
* @param {Array.<(string|number)>} array Array of values.
* @return {Object.<string, number>} Map of values to indexes.
var makeReverseLookup = function(array) {
var reverseLookup = {};
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
reverseLookup[array[i]] = i;
return reverseLookup;
* Changes all x-values in each data series to integers starting from zero.
* @param {Array.<Object>} data Flot series data. This will be modified.
* @param {Array.<string>} revisionLookup Array of revision numbers.
var changeXValuesToIndexes = function(data, revisionLookup) {
var reverseRevisionLookup = makeReverseLookup(revisionLookup);
for (var seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < data.length; seriesIndex++) {
var seriesData = data[seriesIndex]['data'];
for (var dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < seriesData.length; dataIndex++) {
seriesData[dataIndex][0] =
* Determines how labels on the x-axis are displayed.
* @param {number} val An x-value (which is assumed to be an index).
* @param {Object} revisionDetails An Object mapping rev numbers to detail
* info.
* @param {Array.<string>} revisionLookup An Array of rev numbers.
* @return {string} The value to display at each tick on the axis.
var xAxisTickFormatter = function(val, revisionDetails, revisionLookup) {
// The value must be a nonnegative integer.
var xIndex = Math.max(0, Math.round(val));
var info = revisionDetails[revisionLookup[xIndex]];
if (info && info.length) {
// The first item in the list of revision details is the default.
return String(info[0].value);
// This point shouldn't be reached. If 'undefined' is displayed on the
// x-axis, then some data is missing from revisionDetails.
return 'undefined';
* Determines how labels along the y-axis are displayed.
* @param {number} val A y-value.
* @return {string} The string to display at each tick on the axis.
var yAxisTickFormatter = function(val) {
// Truncate to at most 3 decimal points. Don't use toFixed() because
// we don't want to add precision if it's not there.
val = Math.round(val * 1000) / 1000;
// Add commas for thousands marker.
var parts = val.toString().split('.');
return parts[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ',') +
(parts[1] ? ('.' + parts[1]) : '');
* Returns the chart options object for Flot.
* The x-axis tickFormatter function depends on having an Array which
* maps indexes to revision numbers, because it is assumed that all x-values
* for all the data series have been converted to integers starting from 0.
* (This is done by changeXValuesToIndexes.)
* For more information about the flot chart options object:
* @param {Object} revisionDetails An Object mapping revision numbers to
detail info objects.
* @param {Array.<string>} revisionLookup An Array of to rev numbers.
* @return {!Object} A flot chart options object.
var getChartOptions = function(revisionDetails, revisionLookup) {
return {
'grid': {
'hoverable': true,
'borderWidth': 1,
'borderColor': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 128)'
'crosshair': {
'mode': 'xy',
'color': 'rgba(34, 34, 34, 80)',
'lineWidth': 0.3
'xaxis': {
'tickFormatter': function(val) {
return xAxisTickFormatter(val, revisionDetails, revisionLookup);
'yaxis': {
'tickFormatter': yAxisTickFormatter
'colors': [
* A callback function called when hovering over a new position on the chart.
* Here, it displays information about the point that's being hovered over
* in a DOM element with id 'legend'. It assumes that elements with id 'chart'
* and 'legend' exist. For more details about hover events and callbacks in
* Flot, see:
* @param {Object} pos Position information.
* @param {Object} item Nearest item to the mouse.
* @param {Object} revisionDetails An Object mapping revision numbers to
* detail info objects.
* @param {Array.<string>} revisionLookup An Array of rev numbers.
* @param {Array.<Object>} data Array of series objects (in Flot format).
* @param {Array.<Object>} seriesAnnotations Metadata about each series.
var plotHoverCallback = function(pos, item, revisionDetails, revisionLookup,
data, seriesAnnotations) {
var xIndex = Math.max(0, Math.round(pos['x1']));
var xValue = revisionLookup[xIndex];
var legendContents = document.createElement('dl');
var xUnits = getXUnits(seriesAnnotations);
if (xUnits) {
addNameValuePair(legendContents, xUnits, xValue);
if (!xUnits && revisionDetails[xValue]) {
for (var i = 0; i < revisionDetails[xValue].length; i++) {
var revisionTypeName = revisionDetails[xValue][i]['name'];
var revisionValue = revisionDetails[xValue][i]['value'];
addNameValuePair(legendContents, revisionTypeName, revisionValue);
for (var seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < data.length; seriesIndex++) {
var seriesData = data[seriesIndex]['data'];
for (var dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < seriesData.length; dataIndex++) {
if (seriesData[dataIndex][0] == xIndex) {
var yUnits = seriesAnnotations[seriesIndex]['units'];
var seriesName = seriesAnnotations[seriesIndex]['name'];
var yValue = seriesData[dataIndex][1];
// If the user is hovering over one of the series lines, mark it so
// that the user knows which line they're hovering over.
if (item && item['seriesIndex'] == seriesIndex) {
seriesName = '* ' + seriesName;
addNameValuePair(legendContents, seriesName, yValue + ' ' + yUnits);
// Populate the legend element and position it in the right corner.
var legend = document.getElementById('legend');
var chart = document.getElementById('chart');
if (legend.hasChildNodes()) {
legend.appendChild(legendContents); = ((chart.offsetWidth - legend.offsetWidth) - 20) + 'px'; = 'block';
* Gets the units for the X-value for this chart if there is one.
* It is assumed that if there are multiple series plotted on one chart, they
* should all have the same X units. If there are no X units specified for any
* of the series, then this function will return null, indicating that the
* units are supposed to be revisions.
var getXUnits = function(seriesAnnotations) {
for (var i = 0; i < seriesAnnotations.length; i++) {
if (seriesAnnotations[i]['units_x']) {
return seriesAnnotations[i]['units_x'];
return null;
* Adds a name-value pair to a container element.
var addNameValuePair = function(containerElement, name, value) {
var dt = document.createElement('dt');
var dd = document.createElement('dd');
return {
initialize: initialize,
getRevisionDetails: getRevisionDetails,
getRevisionName: getRevisionName,
getDisplayRevision: getDisplayRevision,
getRevisionLookup: getRevisionLookup,
makeReverseLookup: makeReverseLookup,
changeXValuesToIndexes: changeXValuesToIndexes,
xAxisTickFormatter: xAxisTickFormatter,
yAxisTickFormatter: yAxisTickFormatter,
getChartOptions: getChartOptions,
plotHoverCallback: plotHoverCallback,
getXUnits: getXUnits,
addNameValuePair: addNameValuePair
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', embed.initialize);