blob: 48cfd7caa796b6a9a3b44f1db165e8761a9fe1a2 [file] [log] [blame]
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'use strict';
tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
test('fromRGB', function() {
var c = tr.b.Color.fromString('rgb(1, 2, 3)');
assert.equal(c.r, 1);
assert.equal(c.g, 2);
assert.equal(c.b, 3);
test('fromRGBA', function() {
var c = tr.b.Color.fromString('rgba(1, 2, 3, 0.5)');
assert.equal(c.r, 1);
assert.equal(c.g, 2);
assert.equal(c.b, 3);
assert.equal(c.a, 0.5);
test('fromHex', function() {
var c = tr.b.Color.fromString('#010203');
assert.equal(c.r, 1);
assert.equal(c.g, 2);
assert.equal(c.b, 3);
test('toStringRGB', function() {
var c = new tr.b.Color(1, 2, 3);
assert.equal(c.toString(), 'rgb(1,2,3)');
test('toStringRGBA', function() {
var c = new tr.b.Color(1, 2, 3, 0.5);
assert.equal(c.toString(), 'rgba(1,2,3,0.5)');
test('lerpRGB', function() {
var a = new tr.b.Color(0, 127, 191);
var b = new tr.b.Color(255, 255, 255);
var x = tr.b.Color.lerpRGB(a, b, 0.25);
assert.equal(x.r, 63);
assert.equal(x.g, 159);
assert.equal(x.b, 207);
test('lerpRGBA', function() {
var a = new tr.b.Color(0, 127, 191, 0.5);
var b = new tr.b.Color(255, 255, 255, 1);
var x = tr.b.Color.lerpRGBA(a, b, 0.25);
assert.equal(x.r, 63);
assert.equal(x.g, 159);
assert.equal(x.b, 207);
assert.equal(x.a, 0.625);
test('blendRGBA', function() {
var red = new tr.b.Color(255, 0, 0, 0.5);
var white = new tr.b.Color(255, 255, 255, 1);
var x = red.blendOver(white);
assert.equal(x.r, 255);
assert.equal(x.g, 127);
assert.equal(x.b, 127);
assert.equal(x.a, 1);