blob: 264f7eeb86b5d81fbf69d2b1c63bb97682c12e5f [file] [log] [blame]
var assert = require('assert'),
path = require('path'),
SimpleApiParser = require('../../index').SimpleApiParser,
TestUtils = require('../test_utils');
function getFullTestName(test, idx) {
return ['SimpleApiParser - ', idx, '.',].join('');
function sanitizeForComparison(str) {
return TestUtils.removeNewLines(str)
.replace(/\s/g, '')
.replace(/'/g, '"')
function createTest(html, expected, options) {
return function () {
//NOTE: the idea of the test is to serialize back given HTML using SimpleApiParser handlers
var actual = '',
parser = new SimpleApiParser({
doctype: function (name, publicId, systemId) {
actual += '<!DOCTYPE ' + name;
if (publicId !== null)
actual += ' PUBLIC "' + publicId + '"';
else if (systemId !== null)
actual += ' SYSTEM';
if (systemId !== null)
actual += ' "' + systemId + '"';
actual += '>';
startTag: function (tagName, attrs, selfClosing) {
actual += '<' + tagName;
if (attrs.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++)
actual += ' ' + attrs[i].name + '="' + attrs[i].value + '"';
actual += selfClosing ? '/>' : '>';
endTag: function (tagName) {
actual += '</' + tagName + '>';
text: function (text) {
actual += text;
comment: function (text) {
actual += '<!--' + text + '-->';
}, options);
expected = sanitizeForComparison(expected);
actual = sanitizeForComparison(actual);
//NOTE: use ok assertion, so output will not be polluted by the whole content of the strings
assert.ok(actual === expected, TestUtils.getStringDiffMsg(actual, expected));
TestUtils.loadSerializationTestData(path.join(__dirname, '../data/simple_api_parsing'))
name: 'Options - decodeHtmlEntities (text)',
src: '<div>&amp;&copy;</div>',
expected: '<div>&amp;&copy;</div>',
options: {
decodeHtmlEntities: false
name: 'Options - decodeHtmlEntities (attributes)',
src: '<a href = "&amp;test&lt;" &copy;>Yo</a>',
expected: '<a href = "&amp;test&lt;" &copy;="">Yo</a>',
options: {
decodeHtmlEntities: false
.forEach(function (test, idx) {
var testName = getFullTestName(test, idx);
exports[testName] = createTest(test.src, test.expected, test.options);
exports['Options - locationInfo - ' + testName] = function () {
//NOTE: we've already tested the correctness of the location info with the Tokenizer tests.
//So here we just check that SimpleApiParser provides this info in the handlers.
var handlers = ['doctype', 'startTag', 'endTag', 'text', 'comment'].reduce(function (handlers, key) {
handlers[key] = function () {
var locationInfo = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
assert.strictEqual(typeof locationInfo.start, 'number');
assert.strictEqual(typeof locationInfo.end, 'number');
return handlers;
}, {}),
parser = new SimpleApiParser(handlers, {locationInfo: true});