blob: d5445817e1827eb7c8d9de47b09b061c7f38205b [file] [log] [blame]
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<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/user_model/user_expectation.html">
'use strict';
* @fileoverview Stub version of UserExpectation for testing.
tr.exportTo('', function() {
function StubExpectation(args) {
this.stageTitle_ = args.stageTitle || 'Idle';
this.initiatorTitle_ = args.initiatorTitle || '';
this.title_ = args.title;
if (!this.title_) {
var defaultTitle = [];
if (this.initiatorTitle_)
if (this.stageTitle_)
this.title_ = defaultTitle.join(' ') || 'title';
this.normalizedUserComfort_ = args.normalizedUserComfort || 0;
this.normalizedEfficiency_ = args.normalizedEfficiency || 0;
var sd = tr.c.TestUtils.getStartAndDurationFromDict(args);
this, args.parentModel, this.initiatorTitle, sd.start, sd.duration);
// Must be set after base class call.
this.colorId_ = args.colorId || 0;
if (args.associatedEvents) {
args.associatedEvents.forEach(function(event) {
}, this);
StubExpectation.prototype = {
get colorId() {
return this.colorId_;
get title() {
return this.title_;
get stageTitle() {
return this.stageTitle_;
get initiatorTitle() {
return this.initiatorTitle_;
return {
StubExpectation: StubExpectation