blob: 15ca295752c4fe2e991a6b5be37ee751ad914135 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* @fileoverview Boostrap for loading javascript/html files using d8_runner.
(function(global, v8arguments) {
global.isVinn = true;
// Save the argv in a predictable and stable location.
global.sys = {
argv: []
for (var i = 0; i < v8arguments.length; i++)
/* There are four ways a program can finish running in D8:
* - a) Intentioned exit triggered via quit(0)
* - b) Intentioned exit triggered via quit(n)
* - c) Running to end of the script
* - d) An uncaught exception
* The exit code of d8 for case a is 0.
* The exit code of d8 for case b is unsigned(n) & 0xFF
* The exit code of d8 for case c is 0.
* The exit code of d8 for case d is 1.
* D8 runner needs to distinguish between these cases:
* - a) _ExecuteFileWithD8 should return 0
* - b) _ExecuteFileWithD8 should return n
* - c) _ExecuteFileWithD8 should return 0
* - d) _ExecuteFileWithD8 should raise an Exception
* The hard one here is d and b with n=1, because they fight for the same
* return code.
* Our solution is to monkeypatch quit() s.t. quit(1) becomes exitcode=2.
* This makes quit(255) disallowed, but it ensures that D8 runner is able
* to handle the other cases correctly.
var realQuit = global.quit;
global.quit = function(exitCode) {
// Normalize the exit code.
if (exitCode < 0) {
exitCode = (exitCode % 256) + 256;
} else {
exitCode = exitCode % 256;
// 255 is reserved due to reasons noted above.
if (exitCode == 255)
throw new Error('exitCodes 255 is reserved, sorry.');
if (exitCode === 0)
realQuit(exitCode + 1);
* Polyfills console's methods.
var _timeStamps = new Map();
global.console = {
log: function() {
var args =;
print(args.join(' '));
info: function() {
var args =;
print('Info:', args.join(' '));
error: function() {
var args =;
print('Error:', args.join(' '));
warn: function() {
var args =;
print('Warning:', args.join(' '));
time: function(timerName) {
timeEnd: function(timerName) {
var t = _timeStamps.get(timerName);
if (!t)
throw new Error('No such timer name: ' + timerName);
var duration = - t;
print(timerName + ':', duration + 'ms');
if (os.chdir) {
os.chdir = function() {
throw new Error('Dont do this');
var path_to_base64_compat = <%base64_compat_path%>;
// We deliberately call eval() on content of parse5.js instead of using load()
// because load() does not hoist the |global| variable in this method to
// parse5.js (which export its modules to |global|).
// This is because d8's load('xyz.js') does not hoist non global varibles in
// the caller's environment to xyz.js, no matter where load() is called.
global.path_to_js_parser = <%js_parser_path%>;
// Bring in html_to_js_generator.
global.path_to_js_parser = <%js_parser_path%>;
// Bring in html imports loader.
// Bring in path utils.
var pathUtils = new PathUtils(
currentWorkingDirectory: <%current_working_directory%>,
exists: function(fileName) {
try {
// Try a dummy read to check whether file_path exists.
// TODO(nednguyen): find a more efficient way to check whether
// some file path exists in d8.
return true;
} catch (err) {
return false;
})(this, arguments);