blob: e78752cf0d630a162395b0230b2ebbd61d3f09ac [file] [log] [blame]
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<link rel="import" href="/extras/rail/rail_interaction_record.html">
'use strict';
* @fileoverview Stub version of RAILInteractionRecord for testing.
tr.exportTo('tr.e.rail', function() {
function StubRAILInteractionRecord(args) {
var sd = tr.c.test_utils.getStartAndDurationFromDict(args);
this, args.railTypeName, args.railTypeName,
sd.start, sd.duration);
this.args = args;
if (args.associatedEvents) {
args.associatedEvents.forEach(function(event) {
}, this);
StubRAILInteractionRecord.prototype = {
__proto__: tr.e.rail.RAILInteractionRecord.prototype,
get normalizedUserPain() {
return this.args.normalizedUserPain;
get normalizedEfficiency() {
return this.args.normalizedEfficiency;
return {
StubRAILInteractionRecord: StubRAILInteractionRecord