blob: 65dd6fe7a77c066449c004684d1fc7a48533881a [file] [log] [blame]
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'use strict';
tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
test('irqImport', function() {
var lines = [
' kworker/u4:1-31907 (31907) [001] d.h3 14063.748288: ' +
'irq_handler_entry: irq=27 name=arch_timer',
' kworker/u4:1-31907 (31907) [001] dNh3 14063.748384: ' +
'irq_handler_exit: irq=27 ret=handled',
' kworker/u4:2-31908 (31908) [000] ..s3 14063.477231: ' +
'softirq_entry: vec=9 [action=RCU]',
' kworker/u4:2-31908 (31908) [000] ..s3 14063.477246: ' +
'softirq_exit: vec=9 [action=RCU]'
var m = new tr.Model(lines.join('\n'), false);
var threads = m.getAllThreads();
assert.equal(threads.length, 2);
var threads = m.findAllThreadsNamed('irqs cpu 1');
assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
assert.equal(threads[0].sliceGroup.length, 1);
var threads = m.findAllThreadsNamed('softirq cpu 0');
assert.equal(threads.length, 1);
assert.equal(threads[0].sliceGroup.length, 1);