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<link rel="import" href="/base/units/time.html">
<link rel="import" href="/base/units/time_stamp.html">
'use strict';
tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
var Time = tr.b.units.Time;
var TimeStamp = tr.b.units.TimeStamp;
function checkFormat(timestamp, expectedString) {
assert.equal(TimeStamp.format(timestamp), expectedString);
assert.equal(new TimeStamp(timestamp).toString(), expectedString);
test('format', function() {
try {
// Use milliseconds to display time (default behavior).
Time.currentDisplayUnit =;
checkFormat(0, '0.000 ms');
checkFormat(0.02, '0.020 ms');
checkFormat(0.001, '0.001 ms');
checkFormat(0.0005, '0.001 ms');
checkFormat(0.00049, '0.000 ms');
checkFormat(999.999, '999.999 ms');
checkFormat(1000.001, '1,000.001 ms');
checkFormat(123456789, '123,456,789.000 ms');
checkFormat(-0.00051, '-0.001 ms');
checkFormat(-123456789, '-123,456,789.000 ms');
// Change the unit to nanoseconds.
Time.currentDisplayUnit = Time.supportedUnits.ns;
checkFormat(0, '0 ns');
checkFormat(1, '1,000,000 ns');
checkFormat(0.000042, '42 ns');
checkFormat(0.000001, '1 ns');
checkFormat(0.0000005, '1 ns');
checkFormat(0.00000049, '0 ns');
checkFormat(123.456, '123,456,000 ns');
checkFormat(-0.07, '-70,000 ns');
} finally {