blob: 68fa14c26158036588074066bd3749c89b639fed [file] [log] [blame]
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<link rel="import" href="/extras/importer/linux_perf/parser.html">
<link rel="import" href="/model/counter_series.html">
'use strict';
* @fileoverview Parses trace_marker events that were inserted in the trace by
* userland.
tr.exportTo('tr.e.importer.linux_perf', function() {
var Parser = tr.e.importer.linux_perf.Parser;
* Parses linux trace mark events that were inserted in the trace by userland.
* @constructor
function ClockParser(importer) {, importer);
this.model_ = importer.model_;
this.ppids_ = {};
ClockParser.prototype = {
__proto__: Parser.prototype,
traceMarkWriteClockEvent: function(eventName, cpuNumber, pid, ts,
eventBase, threadName) {
var event = /(\S+) state=(\d+) cpu_id=(\d+)/.exec(eventBase.details);
var name = event[1];
var rate = parseInt(event[2]);
var ctr = this.model_.kernel
.getOrCreateCounter(null, name);
// Initialize the counter's series fields if needed.
if (ctr.numSeries === 0) {
ctr.addSeries(new tr.model.CounterSeries('value',
tr.b.ui.getColorIdForGeneralPurposeString( + '.' + 'value')));
ctr.series.forEach(function(series) {
series.addCounterSample(ts, rate);
return true;
return {
ClockParser: ClockParser