blob: e66e78dbe9fb9ad1c6c9d99fc388d0c46af70b5d [file] [log] [blame]
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<link rel="import" href="/base/guid.html">
<link rel="import" href="/core/selection.html">
<link rel="import" href="/core/trace_model/selection_state.html">
'use strict';
tv.exportTo('tv.c', function() {
var Selection = tv.c.Selection;
var SelectionState = tv.c.trace_model.SelectionState;
function BrushingState() {
this.guid_ = tv.b.GUID.allocate();
this.selection_ = new Selection();
this.findMatches_ = new Selection();
this.analysisViewRelatedEvents_ = new Selection();
this.appliedToModel_ = undefined;
BrushingState.prototype = {
get guid() {
return this.guid_;
clone: function() {
var that = new BrushingState();
that.selection_ = this.selection_;
that.findMatches_ = this.findMatches_;
that.analysisViewRelatedEvents_ = this.analysisViewRelatedEvents_;
return that;
equals: function(that) {
if (!this.selection_.equals(that.selection_))
return false;
if (!this.findMatches_.equals(that.findMatches_))
return false;
if (!this.analysisViewRelatedEvents_.equals(
that.analysisViewRelatedEvents_)) {
return false;
return true;
get selectionOfInterest() {
if (this.selection_.length)
return this.selection_;
if (this.highlight_.length)
return this.highlight_;
if (this.analysisViewRelatedEvents_.length)
return this.analysisViewRelatedEvents_;
return this.selection_;
get selection() {
return this.selection_;
set selection(selection) {
if (this.appliedToModel_)
throw new Error('Cannot mutate this state right now');
if (selection === undefined)
selection = new Selection();
this.selection_ = selection;
get findMatches() {
return this.findMatches_;
set findMatches(findMatches) {
if (this.appliedToModel_)
throw new Error('Cannot mutate this state right now');
if (findMatches === undefined)
findMatches = new Selection();
this.findMatches_ = findMatches;
get analysisViewRelatedEvents() {
return this.analysisViewRelatedEvents_;
set analysisViewRelatedEvents(analysisViewRelatedEvents) {
if (this.appliedToModel_)
throw new Error('Cannot mutate this state right now');
if (analysisViewRelatedEvents === undefined)
analysisViewRelatedEvents = new Selection();
this.analysisViewRelatedEvents_ = analysisViewRelatedEvents;
get isAppliedToModel() {
return this.appliedToModel_ !== undefined;
get hasHighlight_() {
return this.findMatches_.length > 0 ||
this.analysisViewRelatedEvents_.length > 0;
applyToModelSelectionState: function(model) {
this.appliedToModel_ = model;
if (!this.hasHighlight_) {
this.selection_.forEach(function(e) {
e.selectionState = SelectionState.SELECTED;
model.iterateAllEvents(function(e) {
var selectionState;
if (this.selection_.contains(e)) {
selectionState = SelectionState.SELECTED;
} else if (this.findMatches_.contains(e)) {
selectionState = SelectionState.HIGHLIGHTED;
} else if (this.analysisViewRelatedEvents_.contains(e)) {
selectionState = SelectionState.HIGHLIGHTED;
} else {
selectionState = SelectionState.DIMMED;
e.selectionState = selectionState;
transferModelOwnershipToClone: function(that) {
if (!this.appliedToModel_)
throw new Error('Not applied');
// Assumes this.equals(that).
that.appliedToModel_ = this.appliedToModel_;
this.appliedToModel_ = undefined;
unapplyFromModelSelectionState: function() {
if (!this.appliedToModel_)
throw new Error('Not applied');
var model = this.appliedToModel_;
this.appliedToModel_ = undefined;
if (!this.hasHighlight_) {
this.selection_.forEach(function(e) {
e.selectionState = SelectionState.NONE;
model.iterateAllEvents(function(e) {
e.selectionState = SelectionState.NONE;
return {
BrushingState: BrushingState