blob: e4426fd4e57b30f6ac91a90059f5f36f2b3335c3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""GetTraccHandlesQuery is designed to be either evaluable directly
from python, or be convertable to an Appengine datastore query. As a result,
exercise discretion when adding features to this class.
import operator
import re
import datetime
def _InOp(a, b):
return a in b
class _ReadField(object):
def __init__(self, fieldName):
self.fieldName = fieldName
def AsQueryString(self):
return self.fieldName
def Eval(self, metadata):
return metadata[self.fieldName]
class _Constant(object):
def __init__(self, constant):
self.constant = constant
def AsQueryString(self):
if isinstance(self.constant, list):
# Tuples
return '(%s)' % ','.join([c.AsQueryString() for c in self.constant])
elif isinstance(self.constant, (datetime.datetime,
# Dates.
return self.constant.strftime("Date(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f)")
elif isinstance(self.constant, str):
# Strings need quotes.
return "'%s'" % self.constant
# Everything else from the eval() statement below.
return str(self.constant)
def Eval(self, metadata):
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
return self.constant
def _StringToValue(s):
constant = eval(s, {}, {})
return _Constant(constant)
except Exception: # pylint: disable=bare-except
# Barewords are assumed to be fields.
m = re.match(r'([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)$', s)
if m:
return _ReadField(
# Tuples.
m = re.match(r'\(.+\)$', s)
if m:
items =',\s*')
return _Constant([_StringToValue(x) for x in items])
# Dates.
m = re.match(r'Date\((.+)\)$', s)
if m:
d = datetime.datetime.strptime(, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
return _Constant(d)
# Dunno!
raise NotImplementedError()
'=': operator.eq,
'<=': operator.le,
' IN ': _InOp # Spaces matter for proper parsing.
def _OperatorToString(op):
for k, v in _OPERATORS.iteritems():
if op == v:
return k
raise NotImplementedError()
# Since we use find(token) in our actual tokenizing function,
# we need to search for the longest tokens first so that '<=' is searched
# for first, bofore '<', for instance.
_TOKEN_SEARCH_ORDER.sort(lambda x, y: len(y) - len(x))
class Filter(object):
def __init__(self, a, op, b):
self.a = a
self.op = op
self.b = b
def Eval(self, metadata):
return self.op(self.a.Eval(metadata),
def AsQueryString(self):
# strip() the operator in case we get " IN ", just so that it's not
# double spaced.
return '%s %s %s' % (self.a.AsQueryString(),
def FromString(s):
found_op_key = None
found_op_key_idx = -1
for op_key in _TOKEN_SEARCH_ORDER:
i = s.find(op_key)
if i != -1:
found_op_key_idx = i
found_op_key = op_key
if found_op_key_idx == -1:
raise Exception('Expected: operator')
lvalue = s[:found_op_key_idx]
rvalue = s[found_op_key_idx + len(found_op_key):]
lvalue = lvalue.strip()
rvalue = rvalue.strip()
lvalue = _StringToValue(lvalue)
rvalue = _StringToValue(rvalue)
if not isinstance(lvalue, _ReadField) or not isinstance(rvalue, _Constant):
# GQL Syntax needs the property on the left and the value on the right.
raise Exception('Expected lvalue field and rvalue constant')
return Filter(lvalue,
class CorpusQuery(object):
def __init__(self):
self.max_trace_handles = None
self.filters = []
def AsGQLWhereClause(self):
gql = ''
args = []
if self.filters:
filter_strings = []
for f in self.filters:
# Constants need to be passed back as positional arguments to avoid
# potential gql injection problems.
a_string = ''
if isinstance(f.a, _Constant):
a_string = ':%d' % len(args)
a_string = f.a.fieldName
b_string = ''
if isinstance(f.b, _Constant):
b_string = ':%d' % len(args)
b_string = f.b.fieldName
filter_strings.append('%s %s %s' % (a_string,
gql = 'WHERE ' + ' AND '.join(filter_strings)
if self.max_trace_handles:
gql += ' LIMIT %d' % self.max_trace_handles
# strip() the final GQL in case it's just " LIMIT 1", just so that it looks
# a bit nicer.
return (gql.strip(), args)
def AsQueryString(self):
filter_strings = [f.AsQueryString() for f in self.filters]
if self.max_trace_handles:
filter_strings.append('MAX_TRACE_HANDLES=%d' % self.max_trace_handles)
query_str = ' AND '.join(filter_strings)
return query_str
def FromString(filterString):
"""This follows the same filter rules as GQL"""
if filterString == 'True' or filterString == '':
return CorpusQuery()
q = CorpusQuery()
exprs = filterString.split(' AND ')
for expr in exprs:
m = re.match(r'MAX_TRACE_HANDLES\s*=\s*(\d+)', expr)
if m:
q.max_trace_handles = int(
f = Filter.FromString(expr)
return q
def Eval(self, metadata, num_trace_handles_so_far=0):
if not self.max_trace_handles is None:
if num_trace_handles_so_far >= self.max_trace_handles:
return False
for flt in self.filters:
if not flt.Eval(metadata):
return False
return True