blob: ca34f90eaecd85569196b5ff693aee4a19ea5f5c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import datetime
import glob
import heapq
import logging
import os
import os.path
import random
import re
import shutil
import subprocess as subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import time
import py_utils
from py_utils import cloud_storage # pylint: disable=import-error
import dependency_manager # pylint: disable=import-error
from telemetry.internal.util import binary_manager
from telemetry.core import exceptions
from telemetry.internal.backends import browser_backend
from import chrome_browser_backend
from telemetry.internal.util import path
def ParseCrashpadDateTime(date_time_str):
# Python strptime does not support time zone parsing, strip it.
date_time_parts = date_time_str.split()
if len(date_time_parts) >= 3:
date_time_str = ' '.join(date_time_parts[:2])
return datetime.datetime.strptime(date_time_str, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
def GetSymbolBinaries(minidump, arch_name, os_name):
# Returns binary file where symbols are located.
minidump_dump = binary_manager.FetchPath('minidump_dump', arch_name, os_name)
assert minidump_dump
symbol_binaries = []
minidump_cmd = [minidump_dump, minidump]
with open(os.devnull, 'wb') as DEVNULL:
minidump_output = subprocess.check_output(minidump_cmd, stderr=DEVNULL)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
# For some reason minidump_dump always fails despite successful dumping.
minidump_output = e.output
minidump_binary_re = re.compile(r'\W+\(code_file\)\W+=\W\"(.*)\"')
for minidump_line in minidump_output.splitlines():
line_match = minidump_binary_re.match(minidump_line)
if line_match:
binary_path =
if not os.path.isfile(binary_path):
# Filter out system binaries.
if (binary_path.startswith('/usr/lib/') or
binary_path.startswith('/System/Library/') or
# Filter out other binary file types which have no symbols.
if (binary_path.endswith('.pak') or
binary_path.endswith('.bin') or
binary_path.endswith('.dat') or
return symbol_binaries
def GenerateBreakpadSymbols(minidump, arch, os_name, symbols_dir, browser_dir):'Dumping breakpad symbols.')
generate_breakpad_symbols_command = binary_manager.FetchPath(
'generate_breakpad_symbols', arch, os_name)
if not generate_breakpad_symbols_command:
for binary_path in GetSymbolBinaries(minidump, arch, os_name):
cmd = [
'--binary=%s' % binary_path,
'--symbols-dir=%s' % symbols_dir,
'--build-dir=%s' % browser_dir,
subprocess.check_call(cmd, stderr=open(os.devnull, 'w'))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
logging.warning('Failed to execute "%s"' % ' '.join(cmd))
class DesktopBrowserBackend(chrome_browser_backend.ChromeBrowserBackend):
"""The backend for controlling a locally-executed browser instance, on Linux,
Mac or Windows.
def __init__(self, desktop_platform_backend, browser_options, executable,
flash_path, is_content_shell, browser_directory):
super(DesktopBrowserBackend, self).__init__(
supports_tab_control=not is_content_shell,
supports_extensions=not is_content_shell,
# Initialize fields so that an explosion during init doesn't break in Close.
self._proc = None
self._tmp_profile_dir = None
self._tmp_output_file = None
self._most_recent_symbolized_minidump_paths = set([])
self._minidump_path_crashpad_retrieval = {}
self._executable = executable
if not self._executable:
raise Exception('Cannot create browser, no executable found!')
assert not flash_path or os.path.exists(flash_path)
self._flash_path = flash_path
self._is_content_shell = is_content_shell
extensions_to_load = browser_options.extensions_to_load
if len(extensions_to_load) > 0 and is_content_shell:
raise browser_backend.ExtensionsNotSupportedException(
'Content shell does not support extensions.')
self._browser_directory = browser_directory
self._port = None
self._tmp_minidump_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
if self.is_logging_enabled:
self._log_file_path = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), 'chrome.log')
self._log_file_path = None
def is_logging_enabled(self):
return self.browser_options.logging_verbosity in [
def log_file_path(self):
return self._log_file_path
def supports_uploading_logs(self):
return (self.browser_options.logs_cloud_bucket and self.log_file_path and
def _SetupProfile(self):
if not self.browser_options.dont_override_profile:
if self._output_profile_path:
self._tmp_profile_dir = self._output_profile_path
self._tmp_profile_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
profile_dir = self.browser_options.profile_dir
if profile_dir:
assert self._tmp_profile_dir != profile_dir
if self._is_content_shell:
logging.critical('Profiles cannot be used with content shell')
sys.exit(1)"Using profile directory:'%s'." % profile_dir)
shutil.copytree(profile_dir, self._tmp_profile_dir)
# No matter whether we're using an existing profile directory or
# creating a new one, always delete the well-known file containing
# the active DevTools port number.
port_file = self._GetDevToolsActivePortPath()
if os.path.isfile(port_file):
except Exception as e:
logging.critical('Unable to remove DevToolsActivePort file: %s' % e)
def _GetDevToolsActivePortPath(self):
return os.path.join(self.profile_directory, 'DevToolsActivePort')
def _GetCdbPath(self):
# cdb.exe might have been co-located with the browser's executable
# during the build, but that's not a certainty. (This is only done
# in Chromium builds on the bots, which is why it's not a hard
# requirement.) See if it's available.
colocated_cdb = os.path.join(self._browser_directory, 'cdb', 'cdb.exe')
if path.IsExecutable(colocated_cdb):
return colocated_cdb
possible_paths = (
# Installed copies of the Windows SDK.
os.path.join('Windows Kits', '*', 'Debuggers', 'x86'),
os.path.join('Windows Kits', '*', 'Debuggers', 'x64'),
# Old copies of the Debugging Tools for Windows.
'Debugging Tools For Windows',
'Debugging Tools For Windows (x86)',
'Debugging Tools For Windows (x64)',
# The hermetic copy of the Windows toolchain in depot_tools.
os.path.join('win_toolchain', 'vs_files', '*', 'win_sdk',
'Debuggers', 'x86'),
os.path.join('win_toolchain', 'vs_files', '*', 'win_sdk',
'Debuggers', 'x64'),
for possible_path in possible_paths:
app_path = os.path.join(possible_path, 'cdb.exe')
app_path = path.FindInstalledWindowsApplication(app_path)
if app_path:
return app_path
return None
def HasBrowserFinishedLaunching(self):
# In addition to the functional check performed by the base class, quickly
# check if the browser process is still alive.
if not self.IsBrowserRunning():
raise exceptions.ProcessGoneException(
"Return code: %d" % self._proc.returncode)
# Start DevTools on an ephemeral port and wait for the well-known file
# containing the port number to exist.
port_file = self._GetDevToolsActivePortPath()
if not os.path.isfile(port_file):
# File isn't ready yet. Return false. Will retry.
return False
# Attempt to avoid reading the file until it's populated.
got_port = False
if os.stat(port_file).st_size > 0:
with open(port_file) as f:
port_string =
self._port = int(port_string)'Discovered ephemeral port %s' % self._port)
got_port = True
except Exception:
# Both stat and open can throw exceptions.
if not got_port:
# File isn't ready yet. Return false. Will retry.
return False
return super(DesktopBrowserBackend, self).HasBrowserFinishedLaunching()
def GetBrowserStartupArgs(self):
args = super(DesktopBrowserBackend, self).GetBrowserStartupArgs()
self._port = 0'Requested remote debugging port: %d' % self._port)
args.append('--remote-debugging-port=%i' % self._port)
if not self._is_content_shell:
if self._flash_path:
args.append('--ppapi-flash-path=%s' % self._flash_path)
# Also specify the version of Flash as a large version, so that it is
# not overridden by the bundled or component-updated version of Flash.
if not self.browser_options.dont_override_profile:
args.append('--user-data-dir=%s' % self._tmp_profile_dir)
args.append('--data-path=%s' % self._tmp_profile_dir)
trace_config_file = (self.platform_backend.tracing_controller_backend
if trace_config_file:
args.append('--trace-config-file=%s' % trace_config_file)
return args
def Start(self):
assert not self._proc, 'Must call Close() before Start()'
# macOS displays a blocking crash resume dialog that we need to suppress.
if self.browser.platform.GetOSName() == 'mac':['defaults', 'write', '-app', self._executable,
'NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows', '-bool', 'false'])
args = [self._executable]
if self.browser_options.startup_url:
env = os.environ.copy()
env['CHROME_HEADLESS'] = '1' # Don't upload minidumps.
env['BREAKPAD_DUMP_LOCATION'] = self._tmp_minidump_dir
if self.is_logging_enabled:
'Chrome log file will be saved in %s\n' % self.log_file_path)
env['CHROME_LOG_FILE'] = self.log_file_path'Starting Chrome %s', args)
if not self.browser_options.show_stdout:
self._tmp_output_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', 0)
self._proc = subprocess.Popen(
args, stdout=self._tmp_output_file, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env)
self._proc = subprocess.Popen(args, env=env)
# browser is foregrounded by default on Windows and Linux, but not Mac.
if self.browser.platform.GetOSName() == 'mac':
'osascript', '-e', ('tell application "%s" to activate' %
if self._supports_extensions:
def pid(self):
if self._proc:
return None
def browser_directory(self):
return self._browser_directory
def profile_directory(self):
return self._tmp_profile_dir
def IsBrowserRunning(self):
return self._proc and self._proc.poll() == None
def GetStandardOutput(self):
if not self._tmp_output_file:
if self.browser_options.show_stdout:
# This can happen in the case that loading the Chrome binary fails.
# We print rather than using logging here, because that makes a
# recursive call to this function.
print >> sys.stderr, "Can't get standard output with --show-stdout"
return ''
with open( as f:
except IOError:
return ''
def _MinidumpObtainedFromCrashpad(self, minidump):
if minidump in self._minidump_path_crashpad_retrieval:
return self._minidump_path_crashpad_retrieval[minidump]
# Default to crashpad where we hope to be eventually
return True
def _GetAllCrashpadMinidumps(self):
if not self._tmp_minidump_dir:
logging.warning('No _tmp_minidump_dir; browser already closed?')
return None
os_name = self.browser.platform.GetOSName()
arch_name = self.browser.platform.GetArchName()
crashpad_database_util = binary_manager.FetchPath(
'crashpad_database_util', arch_name, os_name)
if not crashpad_database_util:
logging.warning('No crashpad_database_util found')
return None
except dependency_manager.NoPathFoundError:
logging.warning('No path to crashpad_database_util found')
return None'Found crashpad_database_util')
report_output = subprocess.check_output([
crashpad_database_util, '--database=' + self._tmp_minidump_dir,
'--show-pending-reports', '--show-completed-reports',
last_indentation = -1
reports_list = []
report_dict = {}
for report_line in report_output.splitlines():
# Report values are grouped together by the same indentation level.
current_indentation = 0
for report_char in report_line:
if not report_char.isspace():
current_indentation += 1
# Decrease in indentation level indicates a new report is being printed.
if current_indentation >= last_indentation:
report_key, report_value = report_line.split(':', 1)
if report_value:
report_dict[report_key.strip()] = report_value.strip()
elif report_dict:
report_time = ParseCrashpadDateTime(report_dict['Creation time'])
report_path = report_dict['Path'].strip()
reports_list.append((report_time, report_path))
except (ValueError, KeyError) as e:
logging.warning('Crashpad report expected valid keys'
' "Path" and "Creation time": %s', e)
report_dict = {}
last_indentation = current_indentation
# Include the last report.
if report_dict:
report_time = ParseCrashpadDateTime(report_dict['Creation time'])
report_path = report_dict['Path'].strip()
reports_list.append((report_time, report_path))
except (ValueError, KeyError) as e:
logging.warning('Crashpad report expected valid keys'
' "Path" and "Creation time": %s', e)
return reports_list
def _GetMostRecentCrashpadMinidump(self):
reports_list = self._GetAllCrashpadMinidumps()
if reports_list:
_, most_recent_report_path = max(reports_list)
return most_recent_report_path
return None
def _GetBreakPadMinidumpPaths(self):
if not self._tmp_minidump_dir:
logging.warning('No _tmp_minidump_dir; browser already closed?')
return None
return glob.glob(os.path.join(self._tmp_minidump_dir, '*.dmp'))
def _GetMostRecentMinidump(self):
# Crashpad dump layout will be the standard eventually, check it first.
crashpad_dump = True
most_recent_dump = self._GetMostRecentCrashpadMinidump()
# Typical breakpad format is simply dump files in a folder.
if not most_recent_dump:
crashpad_dump = False'No minidump found via crashpad_database_util')
dumps = self._GetBreakPadMinidumpPaths()
if dumps:
most_recent_dump = heapq.nlargest(1, dumps, os.path.getmtime)[0]
if most_recent_dump:'Found minidump via globbing in minidump dir')
# As a sanity check, make sure the crash dump is recent.
if (most_recent_dump and
os.path.getmtime(most_recent_dump) < (time.time() - (5 * 60))):
logging.warning('Crash dump is older than 5 minutes. May not be correct.')
self._minidump_path_crashpad_retrieval[most_recent_dump] = crashpad_dump
return most_recent_dump
def _IsExecutableStripped(self):
if self.browser.platform.GetOSName() == 'mac':
symbols = subprocess.check_output(['/usr/bin/nm', self._executable])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
logging.warning('Error when checking whether executable is stripped: %s'
% err.output)
# Just assume that binary is stripped to skip breakpad symbol generation
# if this check failed.
return True
num_symbols = len(symbols.splitlines())
# We assume that if there are more than 10 symbols the executable is not
# stripped.
return num_symbols < 10
return False
def _GetStackFromMinidump(self, minidump):
os_name = self.browser.platform.GetOSName()
if os_name == 'win':
cdb = self._GetCdbPath()
if not cdb:
logging.warning('cdb.exe not found.')
return None
# Move to the thread which triggered the exception (".ecxr"). Then include
# a description of the exception (".lastevent"). Also include all the
# threads' stacks ("~*kb30") as well as the ostensibly crashed stack
# associated with the exception context record ("kb30"). Note that stack
# dumps, including that for the crashed thread, may not be as precise as
# the one starting from the exception context record.
# Specify kb instead of k in order to get four arguments listed, for
# easier diagnosis from stacks.
output = subprocess.check_output([cdb, '-y', self._browser_directory,
'-c', '.ecxr;.lastevent;kb30;~*kb30;q',
'-z', minidump])
# The output we care about starts with "Last event:" or possibly
# other things we haven't seen yet. If we can't find the start of the
# last event entry, include output from the beginning.
info_start = 0
info_start_match ="Last event:", output, re.MULTILINE)
if info_start_match:
info_start = info_start_match.start()
info_end = output.find('quit:')
return output[info_start:info_end]
arch_name = self.browser.platform.GetArchName()
stackwalk = binary_manager.FetchPath(
'minidump_stackwalk', arch_name, os_name)
if not stackwalk:
logging.warning('minidump_stackwalk binary not found.')
return None
# We only want this logic on linux platforms that are still using breakpad.
# See
if not self._MinidumpObtainedFromCrashpad(minidump):
with open(minidump, 'rb') as infile:
minidump += '.stripped'
with open(minidump, 'wb') as outfile:
symbols_path = os.path.join(self._tmp_minidump_dir, 'symbols')
GenerateBreakpadSymbols(minidump, arch_name, os_name,
symbols_path, self._browser_directory)
return subprocess.check_output([stackwalk, minidump, symbols_path],
stderr=open(os.devnull, 'w'))
def _UploadMinidumpToCloudStorage(self, minidump_path):
""" Upload minidump_path to cloud storage and return the cloud storage url.
remote_path = ('minidump-%s-%i.dmp' %
random.randint(0, 1000000)))
return cloud_storage.Insert(cloud_storage.TELEMETRY_OUTPUT, remote_path,
except cloud_storage.CloudStorageError as err:
logging.error('Cloud storage error while trying to upload dump: %s' %
return '<Missing link>'
def GetStackTrace(self):
"""Returns a stack trace if a valid minidump is found, will return a tuple
(valid, output) where valid will be True if a valid minidump was found
and output will contain either an error message or the attempt to
symbolize the minidump if one was found.
most_recent_dump = self._GetMostRecentMinidump()
if not most_recent_dump:
return (False, 'No crash dump found.')'Minidump found: %s' % most_recent_dump)
return self._InternalSymbolizeMinidump(most_recent_dump)
def GetMostRecentMinidumpPath(self):
return self._GetMostRecentMinidump()
def GetAllMinidumpPaths(self):
reports_list = self._GetAllCrashpadMinidumps()
if reports_list:
for report in reports_list:
self._minidump_path_crashpad_retrieval[report[1]] = True
return [report[1] for report in reports_list]
else:'No minidump found via crashpad_database_util')
dumps = self._GetBreakPadMinidumpPaths()
if dumps:'Found minidump via globbing in minidump dir')
for dump in dumps:
self._minidump_path_crashpad_retrieval[dump] = False
return dumps
return []
def GetAllUnsymbolizedMinidumpPaths(self):
minidump_paths = set(self.GetAllMinidumpPaths())
# If we have already symbolized paths remove them from the list
unsymbolized_paths = (minidump_paths
- self._most_recent_symbolized_minidump_paths)
return list(unsymbolized_paths)
def SymbolizeMinidump(self, minidump_path):
return self._InternalSymbolizeMinidump(minidump_path)
def _InternalSymbolizeMinidump(self, minidump_path):
cloud_storage_link = self._UploadMinidumpToCloudStorage(minidump_path)
stack = self._GetStackFromMinidump(minidump_path)
if not stack:
error_message = ('Failed to symbolize minidump. Raw stack is uploaded to'
' cloud storage: %s.' % cloud_storage_link)
return (False, error_message)
return (True, stack)
def __del__(self):
def _TryCooperativeShutdown(self):
if self.browser.platform.IsCooperativeShutdownSupported():
# Ideally there would be a portable, cooperative shutdown
# mechanism for the browser. This seems difficult to do
# correctly for all embedders of the content API. The only known
# problem with unclean shutdown of the browser process is on
# Windows, where suspended child processes frequently leak. For
# now, just solve this particular problem. See Issue 424024.
if self.browser.platform.CooperativelyShutdown(self._proc, "chrome"):
py_utils.WaitFor(lambda: not self.IsBrowserRunning(), timeout=5)'Successfully shut down browser cooperatively')
except py_utils.TimeoutException as e:
logging.warning('Failed to cooperatively shutdown. ' +
'Proceeding to terminate: ' + str(e))
def Background(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def Close(self):
super(DesktopBrowserBackend, self).Close()
# First, try to cooperatively shutdown.
if self.IsBrowserRunning():
# Second, try to politely shutdown with SIGTERM.
if self.IsBrowserRunning():
py_utils.WaitFor(lambda: not self.IsBrowserRunning(), timeout=5)
self._proc = None
except py_utils.TimeoutException:
logging.warning('Failed to gracefully shutdown.')
# Shutdown aggressively if all above failed.
if self.IsBrowserRunning():
logging.warning('Proceed to kill the browser.')
self._proc = None
if self._output_profile_path:
# If we need the output then double check that it exists.
if not (self._tmp_profile_dir and os.path.exists(self._tmp_profile_dir)):
raise Exception("No profile directory generated by Chrome: '%s'." %
# If we don't need the profile after the run then cleanup.
if self._tmp_profile_dir and os.path.exists(self._tmp_profile_dir):
shutil.rmtree(self._tmp_profile_dir, ignore_errors=True)
self._tmp_profile_dir = None
if self._tmp_output_file:
self._tmp_output_file = None
if self._tmp_minidump_dir:
shutil.rmtree(self._tmp_minidump_dir, ignore_errors=True)
self._tmp_minidump_dir = None