blob: 254c52739c3cd5b2b529c873aabe962c3d5a9b46 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2015, Brandon Jones, Colin MacKenzie IV.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
describe("vec2", function() {
var vec2 = require("../../src/gl-matrix/vec2.js");
var out, vecA, vecB, result;
beforeEach(function() { vecA = [1, 2]; vecB = [3, 4]; out = [0, 0]; });
describe("create", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.create(); });
it("should return a 2 element array initialized to 0s", function() { expect(result).toBeEqualish([0, 0]); });
describe("clone", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.clone(vecA); });
it("should return a 2 element array initialized to the values in vecA", function() { expect(result).toBeEqualish(vecA); });
describe("fromValues", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.fromValues(1, 2); });
it("should return a 2 element array initialized to the values passed", function() { expect(result).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
describe("copy", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.copy(out, vecA); });
it("should place values into out", function() { expect(out).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
it("should return out", function() { expect(result).toBe(out); });
describe("set", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.set(out, 1, 2); });
it("should place values into out", function() { expect(out).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
it("should return out", function() { expect(result).toBe(out); });
describe("add", function() {
describe("with a separate output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.add(out, vecA, vecB); });
it("should place values into out", function() { expect(out).toBeEqualish([4, 6]); });
it("should return out", function() { expect(result).toBe(out); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
it("should not modify vecB", function() { expect(vecB).toBeEqualish([3, 4]); });
describe("when vecA is the output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.add(vecA, vecA, vecB); });
it("should place values into vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([4, 6]); });
it("should return vecA", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecA); });
it("should not modify vecB", function() { expect(vecB).toBeEqualish([3, 4]); });
describe("when vecB is the output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.add(vecB, vecA, vecB); });
it("should place values into vecB", function() { expect(vecB).toBeEqualish([4, 6]); });
it("should return vecB", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecB); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
describe("subtract", function() {
it("should have an alias called 'sub'", function() { expect(vec2.sub).toEqual(vec2.subtract); });
describe("with a separate output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.subtract(out, vecA, vecB); });
it("should place values into out", function() { expect(out).toBeEqualish([-2, -2]); });
it("should return out", function() { expect(result).toBe(out); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
it("should not modify vecB", function() { expect(vecB).toBeEqualish([3, 4]); });
describe("when vecA is the output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.subtract(vecA, vecA, vecB); });
it("should place values into vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([-2, -2]); });
it("should return vecA", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecA); });
it("should not modify vecB", function() { expect(vecB).toBeEqualish([3, 4]); });
describe("when vecB is the output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.subtract(vecB, vecA, vecB); });
it("should place values into vecB", function() { expect(vecB).toBeEqualish([-2, -2]); });
it("should return vecB", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecB); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
describe("multiply", function() {
it("should have an alias called 'mul'", function() { expect(vec2.mul).toEqual(vec2.multiply); });
describe("with a separate output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.multiply(out, vecA, vecB); });
it("should place values into out", function() { expect(out).toBeEqualish([3, 8]); });
it("should return out", function() { expect(result).toBe(out); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
it("should not modify vecB", function() { expect(vecB).toBeEqualish([3, 4]); });
describe("when vecA is the output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.multiply(vecA, vecA, vecB); });
it("should place values into vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([3, 8]); });
it("should return vecA", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecA); });
it("should not modify vecB", function() { expect(vecB).toBeEqualish([3, 4]); });
describe("when vecB is the output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.multiply(vecB, vecA, vecB); });
it("should place values into vecB", function() { expect(vecB).toBeEqualish([3, 8]); });
it("should return vecB", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecB); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
describe("divide", function() {
it("should have an alias called 'div'", function() { expect(vec2.div).toEqual(vec2.divide); });
describe("with a separate output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.divide(out, vecA, vecB); });
it("should place values into out", function() { expect(out).toBeEqualish([0.3333333, 0.5]); });
it("should return out", function() { expect(result).toBe(out); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
it("should not modify vecB", function() { expect(vecB).toBeEqualish([3, 4]); });
describe("when vecA is the output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.divide(vecA, vecA, vecB); });
it("should place values into vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([0.3333333, 0.5]); });
it("should return vecA", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecA); });
it("should not modify vecB", function() { expect(vecB).toBeEqualish([3, 4]); });
describe("when vecB is the output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.divide(vecB, vecA, vecB); });
it("should place values into vecB", function() { expect(vecB).toBeEqualish([0.3333333, 0.5]); });
it("should return vecB", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecB); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
describe("min", function() {
beforeEach(function() { vecA = [1, 4]; vecB = [3, 2]; });
describe("with a separate output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.min(out, vecA, vecB); });
it("should place values into out", function() { expect(out).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
it("should return out", function() { expect(result).toBe(out); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 4]); });
it("should not modify vecB", function() { expect(vecB).toBeEqualish([3, 2]); });
describe("when vecA is the output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.min(vecA, vecA, vecB); });
it("should place values into vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
it("should return vecA", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecA); });
it("should not modify vecB", function() { expect(vecB).toBeEqualish([3, 2]); });
describe("when vecB is the output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.min(vecB, vecA, vecB); });
it("should place values into vecB", function() { expect(vecB).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
it("should return vecB", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecB); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 4]); });
describe("max", function() {
beforeEach(function() { vecA = [1, 4]; vecB = [3, 2]; });
describe("with a separate output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.max(out, vecA, vecB); });
it("should place values into out", function() { expect(out).toBeEqualish([3, 4]); });
it("should return out", function() { expect(result).toBe(out); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 4]); });
it("should not modify vecB", function() { expect(vecB).toBeEqualish([3, 2]); });
describe("when vecA is the output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.max(vecA, vecA, vecB); });
it("should place values into vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([3, 4]); });
it("should return vecA", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecA); });
it("should not modify vecB", function() { expect(vecB).toBeEqualish([3, 2]); });
describe("when vecB is the output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.max(vecB, vecA, vecB); });
it("should place values into vecB", function() { expect(vecB).toBeEqualish([3, 4]); });
it("should return vecB", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecB); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 4]); });
describe("scale", function() {
describe("with a separate output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.scale(out, vecA, 2); });
it("should place values into out", function() { expect(out).toBeEqualish([2, 4]); });
it("should return out", function() { expect(result).toBe(out); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
describe("when vecA is the output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.scale(vecA, vecA, 2); });
it("should place values into vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([2, 4]); });
it("should return vecA", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecA); });
describe("scaleAndAdd", function() {
describe("with a separate output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.scaleAndAdd(out, vecA, vecB, 0.5); });
it("should place values into out", function() { expect(out).toBeEqualish([2.5, 4]); });
it("should return out", function() { expect(result).toBe(out); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
it("should not modify vecB", function() { expect(vecB).toBeEqualish([3, 4]); });
describe("when vecA is the output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.scaleAndAdd(vecA, vecA, vecB, 0.5); });
it("should place values into vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([2.5, 4]); });
it("should return vecA", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecA); });
it("should not modify vecB", function() { expect(vecB).toBeEqualish([3, 4]); });
describe("when vecB is the output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.scaleAndAdd(vecB, vecA, vecB, 0.5); });
it("should place values into vecB", function() { expect(vecB).toBeEqualish([2.5, 4]); });
it("should return vecB", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecB); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
describe("distance", function() {
it("should have an alias called 'dist'", function() { expect(vec2.dist).toEqual(vec2.distance); });
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.distance(vecA, vecB); });
it("should return the distance", function() { expect(result).toBeCloseTo(2.828427); });
describe("squaredDistance", function() {
it("should have an alias called 'sqrDist'", function() { expect(vec2.sqrDist).toEqual(vec2.squaredDistance); });
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.squaredDistance(vecA, vecB); });
it("should return the squared distance", function() { expect(result).toEqual(8); });
describe("length", function() {
it("should have an alias called 'len'", function() { expect(vec2.len).toEqual(vec2.length); });
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.length(vecA); });
it("should return the length", function() { expect(result).toBeCloseTo(2.236067); });
describe("squaredLength", function() {
it("should have an alias called 'sqrLen'", function() { expect(vec2.sqrLen).toEqual(vec2.squaredLength); });
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.squaredLength(vecA); });
it("should return the squared length", function() { expect(result).toEqual(5); });
describe("negate", function() {
describe("with a separate output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.negate(out, vecA); });
it("should place values into out", function() { expect(out).toBeEqualish([-1, -2]); });
it("should return out", function() { expect(result).toBe(out); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
describe("when vecA is the output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.negate(vecA, vecA); });
it("should place values into vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([-1, -2]); });
it("should return vecA", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecA); });
describe("normalize", function() {
beforeEach(function() { vecA = [5, 0]; });
describe("with a separate output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.normalize(out, vecA); });
it("should place values into out", function() { expect(out).toBeEqualish([1, 0]); });
it("should return out", function() { expect(result).toBe(out); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([5, 0]); });
describe("when vecA is the output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.normalize(vecA, vecA); });
it("should place values into vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 0]); });
it("should return vecA", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecA); });
describe("dot", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result =, vecB); });
it("should return the dot product", function() { expect(result).toEqual(11); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
it("should not modify vecB", function() { expect(vecB).toBeEqualish([3, 4]); });
describe("cross", function() {
var out3;
beforeEach(function() {
out3 = [0, 0, 0];
result = vec2.cross(out3, vecA, vecB);
it("should place values into out", function() { expect(out3).toBeEqualish([0, 0, -2]); });
it("should return out", function() { expect(result).toBe(out3); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
it("should not modify vecB", function() { expect(vecB).toBeEqualish([3, 4]); });
describe("lerp", function() {
describe("with a separate output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.lerp(out, vecA, vecB, 0.5); });
it("should place values into out", function() { expect(out).toBeEqualish([2, 3]); });
it("should return out", function() { expect(result).toBe(out); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
it("should not modify vecB", function() { expect(vecB).toBeEqualish([3, 4]); });
describe("when vecA is the output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.lerp(vecA, vecA, vecB, 0.5); });
it("should place values into vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([2, 3]); });
it("should return vecA", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecA); });
it("should not modify vecB", function() { expect(vecB).toBeEqualish([3, 4]); });
describe("when vecB is the output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.lerp(vecB, vecA, vecB, 0.5); });
it("should place values into vecB", function() { expect(vecB).toBeEqualish([2, 3]); });
it("should return vecB", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecB); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
describe("random", function() {
describe("with no scale", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.random(out); });
it("should result in a unit length vector", function() { expect(vec2.length(out)).toBeCloseTo(1.0); });
it("should return out", function() { expect(result).toBe(out); });
describe("with a scale", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.random(out, 5.0); });
it("should result in a unit length vector", function() { expect(vec2.length(out)).toBeCloseTo(5.0); });
it("should return out", function() { expect(result).toBe(out); });
describe("transformMat2", function() {
var matA;
beforeEach(function() { matA = [1, 2, 3, 4]; });
describe("with a separate output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.transformMat2(out, vecA, matA); });
it("should place values into out", function() { expect(out).toBeEqualish([7, 10]); });
it("should return out", function() { expect(result).toBe(out); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
it("should not modify matA", function() { expect(matA).toBeEqualish([1, 2, 3, 4]); });
describe("when vecA is the output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.transformMat2(vecA, vecA, matA); });
it("should place values into vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([7, 10]); });
it("should return vecA", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecA); });
it("should not modify matA", function() { expect(matA).toBeEqualish([1, 2, 3, 4]); });
describe("transformMat2d", function() {
var matA;
beforeEach(function() { matA = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]; });
describe("with a separate output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.transformMat2d(out, vecA, matA); });
it("should place values into out", function() { expect(out).toBeEqualish([12, 16]); });
it("should return out", function() { expect(result).toBe(out); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
it("should not modify matA", function() { expect(matA).toBeEqualish([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); });
describe("when vecA is the output vector", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.transformMat2d(vecA, vecA, matA); });
it("should place values into vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([12, 16]); });
it("should return vecA", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecA); });
it("should not modify matA", function() { expect(matA).toBeEqualish([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); });
describe("forEach", function() {
var vecArray;
beforeEach(function() {
vecArray = [
1, 2,
3, 4,
0, 0
describe("when performing operations that take no extra arguments", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.forEach(vecArray, 0, 0, 0, vec2.normalize); });
it("should update all values", function() {
0.447214, 0.894427,
0.6, 0.8,
0, 0
it("should return vecArray", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecArray); });
describe("when performing operations that takes one extra arguments", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.forEach(vecArray, 0, 0, 0, vec2.add, vecA); });
it("should update all values", function() {
2, 4,
4, 6,
1, 2
it("should return vecArray", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecArray); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
describe("when specifying an offset", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.forEach(vecArray, 0, 2, 0, vec2.add, vecA); });
it("should update all values except the first vector", function() {
1, 2,
4, 6,
1, 2
it("should return vecArray", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecArray); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
describe("when specifying a count", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.forEach(vecArray, 0, 0, 2, vec2.add, vecA); });
it("should update all values except the last vector", function() {
2, 4,
4, 6,
0, 0
it("should return vecArray", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecArray); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
describe("when specifying a stride", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.forEach(vecArray, 4, 0, 0, vec2.add, vecA); });
it("should update all values except the second vector", function() {
2, 4,
3, 4,
1, 2
it("should return vecArray", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecArray); });
it("should not modify vecA", function() { expect(vecA).toBeEqualish([1, 2]); });
describe("when calling a function that does not modify the out variable", function() {
beforeEach(function() {
result = vec2.forEach(vecArray, 0, 0, 0, function(out, vec) {});
it("values should remain unchanged", function() {
1, 2,
3, 4,
0, 0,
it("should return vecArray", function() { expect(result).toBe(vecArray); });
describe("str", function() {
beforeEach(function() { result = vec2.str(vecA); });
it("should return a string representation of the vector", function() { expect(result).toEqual("vec2(1, 2)"); });