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<document xmlns=""
<title>Size Violations</title>
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<section name="Content">
<macro name="toc">
<param name="fromDepth" value="1"/>
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<section name="AnonInnerLength">
<subsection name="Description">
<p>Since Checkstyle 3.2</p>
Checks for long anonymous inner classes.
Rationale: If an anonymous inner class becomes very long it is hard
to understand and to see the flow of the method where the class is
defined. Therefore long anonymous inner classes should usually be
refactored into a named inner class. See also Bloch, Effective
Java, p. 93.
<subsection name="Properties">
<th>default value</th>
<td>maximum allowable number of lines</td>
<td><a href="property_types.html#integer">Integer</a></td>
<subsection name="Examples">
To configure the check to accept files with up to 60 lines:
&lt;module name="AnonInnerLength"&gt;
&lt;property name="max" value="60"/&gt;
<subsection name="Example of Usage">
<a href="">
Checkstyle Style</a>
<subsection name="Error Messages">
<a href="*.properties+repo%3Acheckstyle%2Fcheckstyle+%22maxLen.anonInner%22">
All messages can be customized if the default message doesn't suit you.
Please <a href="config.html#Custom_messages">see the documentation</a> to learn how to.
<subsection name="Package">
<subsection name="Parent Module">
<a href="config.html#TreeWalker">TreeWalker</a>
<section name="ExecutableStatementCount">
<subsection name="Description">
<p>Since Checkstyle 3.2</p>
Restricts the number of executable statements to a specified limit.
<subsection name="Properties">
<th>default value</th>
<td>the maximum threshold allowed</td>
<td><a href="property_types.html#integer">Integer</a></td>
<td>tokens to check</td>
subset of tokens
<a href="apidocs/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/api/TokenTypes.html#CTOR_DEF">CTOR_DEF</a>,
<a href="apidocs/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/api/TokenTypes.html#METHOD_DEF">METHOD_DEF</a>,
<a href="apidocs/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/api/TokenTypes.html#INSTANCE_INIT">INSTANCE_INIT</a>,
<a href="apidocs/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/api/TokenTypes.html#STATIC_INIT">STATIC_INIT</a>.
<a href="apidocs/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/api/TokenTypes.html#CTOR_DEF">CTOR_DEF</a>,
<a href="apidocs/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/api/TokenTypes.html#METHOD_DEF">METHOD_DEF</a>,
<a href="apidocs/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/api/TokenTypes.html#INSTANCE_INIT">INSTANCE_INIT</a>,
<a href="apidocs/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/api/TokenTypes.html#STATIC_INIT">STATIC_INIT</a>.
<subsection name="Examples">
To configure the check:
&lt;module name=&quot;ExecutableStatementCount&quot;/&gt;
To configure the check with a threshold of 20 for constructor and
method definitions:
&lt;module name=&quot;ExecutableStatementCount&quot;&gt;
&lt;property name=&quot;max&quot; value=&quot;20&quot;/&gt;
&lt;property name=&quot;tokens&quot; value=&quot;CTOR_DEF,METHOD_DEF&quot;/&gt;
<subsection name="Example of Usage">
<a href="">
Checkstyle Style</a>
<subsection name="Error Messages">
<a href="*.properties+repo%3Acheckstyle%2Fcheckstyle+%22executableStatementCount%22">
All messages can be customized if the default message doesn't suit you.
Please <a href="config.html#Custom_messages">see the documentation</a> to learn how to.
<subsection name="Package">
<subsection name="Parent Module">
<a href="config.html#TreeWalker">TreeWalker</a>
<section name="FileLength">
<subsection name="Description">
<p>Since Checkstyle 5.0</p>
Checks for long source files.
Rationale: If a source file becomes very long it is hard to
understand. Therefore long classes should usually be refactored
into several individual classes that focus on a specific task.
<subsection name="Properties">
<th>default value</th>
<td>maximum allowable number of lines</td>
<td><a href="property_types.html#integer">Integer</a></td>
<td>file type extension of files to process</td>
<td><a href="property_types.html#stringSet">String Set</a></td>
<subsection name="Examples">
To configure the check to accept files with up to 1500 lines:
&lt;module name="FileLength"&gt;
&lt;property name="max" value="1500"/&gt;
<subsection name="Example of Usage">
<a href="">
Sun Style</a>
<a href="">
Checkstyle Style</a>
<subsection name="Error Messages">
<a href="*.properties+repo%3Acheckstyle%2Fcheckstyle+%22maxLen.file%22">
All messages can be customized if the default message doesn't suit you.
Please <a href="config.html#Custom_messages">see the documentation</a> to learn how to.
<subsection name="Package">
<subsection name="Parent Module">
<a href="config.html#Checker">Checker</a>
<section name="LineLength">
<subsection name="Description">
<p>Since Checkstyle 3.0</p>
Checks for long lines.
Rationale: Long lines are hard to read in printouts or if developers
have limited screen space for the source code, e.g. if the IDE
displays additional information like project tree, class hierarchy,
<subsection name="Properties">
<th>default value</th>
<td>pattern for lines to ignore</td>
<td><a href="property_types.html#regexp">Regular Expression</a></td>
<td>maximum allowable line length</td>
<td><a href="property_types.html#integer">Integer</a></td>
<subsection name="Examples">
To configure the check to accept lines up to 120 characters long:
&lt;module name="LineLength"&gt;
&lt;property name="max" value="120"/&gt;
To configure the check to ignore lines that begin with &quot; *
&quot;, followed by just one word, such as within a Javadoc comment:
&lt;module name="LineLength"&gt;
&lt;property name="ignorePattern" value="^ *\* *[^ ]+$"/&gt;
<subsection name="Notes">
The calculation of the length of a line takes into account the
number of expanded spaces for a tab character (<code>'\t'</code>). The default number of spaces is <code>8</code>. To specify a different number of spaces,
the user can set <a href="config.html#TreeWalker"><code>TreeWalker</code></a> property <code>tabWidth</code> which applies to all Checks,
including <code>LineLength</code>; or can set
property <code>tabWidth</code> for <code>LineLength</code> alone.
Package and import statements (lines matching pattern <code>^(package|import) .*</code>) are not verified by
this check.
<subsection name="Example of Usage">
<a href="">
Google Style</a>
<a href="">
Sun Style</a>
<a href="">
Checkstyle Style</a>
<subsection name="Error Messages">
<a href="*.properties+repo%3Acheckstyle%2Fcheckstyle+%22maxLineLen%22">
All messages can be customized if the default message doesn't suit you.
Please <a href="config.html#Custom_messages">see the documentation</a> to learn how to.
<subsection name="Package">
<subsection name="Parent Module">
<a href="config.html#TreeWalker">TreeWalker</a>
<section name="MethodCount">
<subsection name="Description">
<p>Since Checkstyle 5.3</p>
Checks the number of methods declared in each type declaration by access modifier or
total count.
This check can be configured to flag classes that define too many methods to prevent the
class from getting too complex.
Counting can be customized to prevent too many total methods in a type definition
(<code>maxTotal</code>), or to prevent too many methods of a specific access modifier
(<code>private</code>, <code>package</code>, <code>protected</code> or
Each count is completely separated to customize how many methods of each you want to allow.
For example, specifying a <code>maxTotal</code> of 10, still means you can prevent more
than 0 <code>maxPackage</code> methods. A violation won't appear for 8 public methods,
but one will appear if there is also 3 private methods or any package-private methods.
Methods defined in anonymous classes are not counted towards any totals.
Counts only go towards the main type declaration parent, and are kept separate from it's
children's inner types.
public class ExampleClass {
public enum Colors {
public String getRGB() { ... } // NOT counted towards ExampleClass
public void example() { // counted towards ExampleClass
Runnable r = (new Runnable() {
public void run() { ... } // NOT counted towards ExampleClass and won't produce any violations
public static class InnerExampleClass {
protected void example2() { ... } // NOT counted towards ExampleClass,
// but counted towards InnerExampleClass
<subsection name="Properties">
<th>default value</th>
<td>maximum allowable number of methods at all scope levels</td>
<td><a href="property_types.html#integer">Integer</a></td>
<td>maximum allowable number of <code>private</code> methods</td>
<td><a href="property_types.html#integer">Integer</a></td>
<td>maximum allowable number of <code>package</code> methods</td>
<td><a href="property_types.html#integer">Integer</a></td>
<td>maximum allowable number of <code>protected</code> methods</td>
<td><a href="property_types.html#integer">Integer</a></td>
<td>maximum allowable number of <code>public</code> methods</td>
<td><a href="property_types.html#integer">Integer</a></td>
<td>tokens to check</td>
subset of tokens
<a href="apidocs/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/api/TokenTypes.html#CLASS_DEF">CLASS_DEF</a>,
<a href="apidocs/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/api/TokenTypes.html#ENUM_CONSTANT_DEF">ENUM_CONSTANT_DEF</a>,
<a href="apidocs/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/api/TokenTypes.html#ENUM_DEF">ENUM_DEF</a>,
<a href="apidocs/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/api/TokenTypes.html#INTERFACE_DEF">INTERFACE_DEF</a>,
<a href="apidocs/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/api/TokenTypes.html#INTERFACE_DEF">ANNOTATION_DEF</a>.
<a href="apidocs/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/api/TokenTypes.html#CLASS_DEF">CLASS_DEF</a>,
<a href="apidocs/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/api/TokenTypes.html#ENUM_CONSTANT_DEF">ENUM_CONSTANT_DEF</a>,
<a href="apidocs/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/api/TokenTypes.html#ENUM_DEF">ENUM_DEF</a>,
<a href="apidocs/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/api/TokenTypes.html#INTERFACE_DEF">INTERFACE_DEF</a>,
<a href="apidocs/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/api/TokenTypes.html#INTERFACE_DEF">ANNOTATION_DEF</a>.
<subsection name="Examples">
To configure the check with defaults:
&lt;module name="MethodCount"/&gt;
To configure the check to allow no more than 30 methods per type declaration:
&lt;module name="MethodCount"&gt;
&lt;property name="maxTotal" value="30"/&gt;
To configure the check to allow no more than 10 public methods per type declaration, and 40 methods in total:
&lt;module name="MethodCount"&gt;
&lt;property name="maxPublic" value="10"/&gt;
&lt;property name="maxTotal" value="40"/&gt;
<subsection name="Example of Usage">
<a href="">
Checkstyle Style</a>
<subsection name="Error Messages">
<a href="*.properties+repo%3Acheckstyle%2Fcheckstyle+%22too.many.methods%22">
<a href="*.properties+repo%3Acheckstyle%2Fcheckstyle+%22too.many.packageMethods%22">
<a href="*.properties+repo%3Acheckstyle%2Fcheckstyle+%22too.many.privateMethods%22">
<a href="*.properties+repo%3Acheckstyle%2Fcheckstyle+%22too.many.protectedMethods%22">
<a href="*.properties+repo%3Acheckstyle%2Fcheckstyle+%22too.many.publicMethods%22">
All messages can be customized if the default message doesn't suit you.
Please <a href="config.html#Custom_messages">see the documentation</a> to learn how to.
<subsection name="Package">
<subsection name="Parent Module">
<a href="config.html#TreeWalker">TreeWalker</a>
<section name="MethodLength">
<subsection name="Description">
<p>Since Checkstyle 3.0</p>
Checks for long methods and constructors.
Rationale: If a method becomes very long it is hard to
understand. Therefore long methods should usually be refactored into
several individual methods that focus on a specific task.
<subsection name="Properties">
<th>default value</th>
<td>maximum allowable number of lines</td>
<td><a href="property_types.html#integer">Integer</a></td>
whether to count empty lines and single line comments of the
form <code>//</code>
<td><a href="property_types.html#boolean">Boolean</a></td>
<td>tokens to check</td>
subset of tokens <a
<subsection name="Examples">
To configure the check:
&lt;module name="MethodLength"/&gt;
To configure the check so that it accepts methods with at most 60
&lt;module name="MethodLength"&gt;
&lt;property name="tokens" value="METHOD_DEF"/&gt;
&lt;property name="max" value="60"/&gt;
To configure the check so that it accepts methods with at most 60
lines, not counting empty lines and single line comments:
&lt;module name="MethodLength"&gt;
&lt;property name="tokens" value="METHOD_DEF"/&gt;
&lt;property name="max" value="60"/&gt;
&lt;property name="countEmpty" value="false"/&gt;
<subsection name="Example of Usage">
<a href="">
Sun Style</a>
<a href="">
Checkstyle Style</a>
<subsection name="Error Messages">
<a href="*.properties+repo%3Acheckstyle%2Fcheckstyle+%22maxLen.method%22">
All messages can be customized if the default message doesn't suit you.
Please <a href="config.html#Custom_messages">see the documentation</a> to learn how to.
<subsection name="Package">
<subsection name="Parent Module">
<a href="config.html#TreeWalker">TreeWalker</a>
<section name="OuterTypeNumber">
<subsection name="Description">
<p>Since Checkstyle 5.0</p>
Checks for the number of types declared at the <i>outer</i>
(or <i>root</i>) level in a file.
Rationale: It is considered good practice to only define one outer
type per file.
<subsection name="Properties">
<th>default value</th>
<td>maximum allowable number of outer types</td>
<td><a href="property_types.html#integer">Integer</a></td>
<subsection name="Examples">
To configure the check to accept 1 outer type per file:
&lt;module name="OuterTypeNumber"/&gt;
To configure the check to accept 2 outer types per file:
&lt;module name="OuterTypeNumber"&gt;
&lt;property name="max" value="2"/&gt;
<subsection name="Example of Usage">
<a href="">
Checkstyle Style</a>
<subsection name="Error Messages">
<a href="*.properties+repo%3Acheckstyle%2Fcheckstyle+%22maxOuterTypes%22">
All messages can be customized if the default message doesn't suit you.
Please <a href="config.html#Custom_messages">see the documentation</a> to learn how to.
<subsection name="Package">
<subsection name="Parent Module">
<a href="config.html#TreeWalker">TreeWalker</a>
<section name="ParameterNumber">
<subsection name="Description">
<p>Since Checkstyle 3.0</p>
Checks the number of parameters of a method or constructor.
<subsection name="Properties">
<th>default value</th>
<td>maximum allowable number of parameters</td>
<td><a href="property_types.html#integer">Integer</a></td>
<td>Ignore number of parameters for methods with @Override annotation</td>
<td><a href="property_types.html#boolean">Boolean</a></td>
<td>tokens to check</td>
subset of tokens <a
<subsection name="Examples">
To configure the check:
&lt;module name="ParameterNumber"/&gt;
To configure the check to allow 10 parameters for a method:
&lt;module name="ParameterNumber"&gt;
&lt;property name="max" value="10"/&gt;
&lt;property name="tokens" value="METHOD_DEF"/&gt;
To configure the check to ignore number of parameters for methods with @Override or @java.lang.Override annotation.
Rationale: developer may need to override method with many parameters from 3-rd party library.
In this case developer has no control over number of parameters.
&lt;module name="ParameterNumber"&gt;
&lt;property name="ignoreOverriddenMethods" value="true"/&gt;
&lt;property name="tokens" value="METHOD_DEF"/&gt;
Java code example
public void needsLotsOfParameters(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h) {
<subsection name="Example of Usage">
<a href="">
Sun Style</a>
<a href="">
Checkstyle Style</a>
<subsection name="Error Messages">
<a href="*.properties+repo%3Acheckstyle%2Fcheckstyle+%22maxParam%22">
All messages can be customized if the default message doesn't suit you.
Please <a href="config.html#Custom_messages">see the documentation</a> to learn how to.
<subsection name="Package">
<subsection name="Parent Module">
<a href="config.html#TreeWalker">TreeWalker</a>