Android 9.0.0 Release 16 (PQ1A.181105.017.A1)
Cherry-pick Fiat P-256 fix.

This change cherry-picks BoringSSL's 5fca61391822252baf3dc37529ba02f6d7611acf:

    Fix typo in point_add.

    Rather than writing the answer into the output, it wrote it into some
    awkwardly-named temporaries. Thanks to Daniel Hirche for reporting this

    Bug: chromium:825273
    Reviewed-by: Adam Langley <>

Test: deployed internally without issues and in Chromium trunk.

(cherry picked from commit 4613b5a4482c911e9b4ab5fe1ef8ea5321070b67)

Bug: 77520979
Change-Id: I0adb747694d745dc8583e402a270f8113fbe1d9c
Merged-In: Ib055444e3e06fbcce8b07c2b9e8355f98bde0786
1 file changed