Expose libcrypto_static to adservices & extservices

Bug: 308651557
AdServices uses libcrypto to access HPKE. ExtServices uses AdServices to enable backward compatibility with Android 30, 31, and 32. Encryption works in versions 31 and later, but fails in version 30. The libcrypto.so file located in /system/lib64 does not have HPKE until version 31. The issue can be resolved by using libcrypto_static, so the library could be packaged within the APK.

Test: mma
(cherry picked from https://android-review.googlesource.com/q/commit:d818e486f9fb668b852443fa2f1f846677bbea40)
Merged-In: I7f96d8b0b76868201f66dd18d487074d2f45bbd3
Change-Id: I7f96d8b0b76868201f66dd18d487074d2f45bbd3
1 file changed