Set FIPS version for next evaluation.

Cherry-pick note for tm-dev:-
This CL changes a single constant which is unused by anything
in the Android platform. However it is used for FIPS testing
and for certification purposes the code we ship in libcrypto
must be the exact version we certify. So, this needs to go in
tm-dev to ensure the copy of libcrypto in /system is compliant,
however it doesn't need to go into the FRC module trains but
we will ensure all Mainline modules shipping libcrypto pick
it up as soon as practical.

Cherry-picked from upstream.

Bug: 233873228
Test: m
Change-Id: Ie9302ec1616437d04efe568e39893eef84e5f08a
Merged-In: Ie9302ec1616437d04efe568e39893eef84e5f08a
(cherry picked from commit ffa8801395b8eb014435265e76a4b1644cbfc00b)
Reviewed-by: David Benjamin <>
1 file changed