Save the HID info into storage while adding device

Previously HID device info was not saved immediately to NVRAM, thus
when device was rebooted sometimes the hid information was missing
from NVRAM, thus host does not identify the HID Device
bug 8192743
Change-Id: I7ca8b607399e141fa851242e83c1c6d3854384f8
diff --git a/btif/src/btif_storage.c b/btif/src/btif_storage.c
index 0553874..8639f7b 100644
--- a/btif/src/btif_storage.c
+++ b/btif/src/btif_storage.c
@@ -1354,6 +1354,7 @@
                                                     UINT8 ctry_code, UINT16 dl_len, UINT8 *dsc_list)
     bdstr_t bdstr;
+    BTIF_TRACE_DEBUG0("btif_storage_add_hid_device_info:");
     bd2str(remote_bd_addr, &bdstr);
     btif_config_set_int("Remote", bdstr, "HidAttrMask", attr_mask);
     btif_config_set_int("Remote", bdstr, "HidSubClass", sub_class);
@@ -1363,7 +1364,9 @@
     btif_config_set_int("Remote", bdstr, "HidVersion", version);
     btif_config_set_int("Remote", bdstr, "HidCountryCode", ctry_code);
     if(dl_len > 0)
-        btif_config_set("Remote", bdstr, "HidDescriptor", (const char*)dsc_list, dl_len, BTIF_CFG_TYPE_BIN);
+        btif_config_set("Remote", bdstr, "HidDescriptor", (const char*)dsc_list, dl_len,
+                        BTIF_CFG_TYPE_BIN);
+    btif_config_save();
     return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
@@ -1467,6 +1470,7 @@
     btif_config_remove("Remote", bdstr, "HidVersion");
     btif_config_remove("Remote", bdstr, "HidCountryCode");
     btif_config_remove("Remote", bdstr, "HidDescriptor");
+    btif_config_save();
     return BT_STATUS_SUCCESS;