Failure to start playback on A2DP sink after connection

This is what happen:
after Headset is connected, we call start_audio_datapath which will send AVDTP_Start command to Headset,
Headset reject it with bad state. Bluedroid stack will ack failure to start_audio_datapath.
The next time we write audio data to bluetooth, we will call start_audio_datapath again to send AVDTP_Start command to Headset
Headset reject it with bad state again. Bluedroid stack will ack failure to start_audio_datapath.
When the third time we call start_audio_datapath, right at that time we receive  AVDTP_Start command from Headset.
Handle AVDTP_Start command and Handle start_audio_datapath are in two different threads.
Handle AVDTP_Start command is in btu_task thread.
Handle start_audio_datapath() is in btif_task thread.
We have race condition in this case
Because when  btif_task processed BTIF_AV_START_STREAM_REQ_EVT(triggered by start_audio_datapath),
it don't know we receive  AVDTP_Start command which is processed in  btu_task.
btif_task will send a message BTA_AV_API_START_EVT to btu_task, which will be handled by bta_av_do_start.
AVDTP_start command from headset is handled by bta_av_start_ok.
bta_av_start_ok will send BTA_AV_START_EVT with suspending true to btif_task and send AVDTP_Suspend command
to headset to suspend the AVDTP for reconfiguration purpose.

in bta_av_do_start, we will check whether the AVDTP is already started, we will know the AVDTP is already start at this time because
bta_av_do_start is also running in btu_task. We will send BTA_AV_START_EVT with success to btif_task.

In the btif_task, BTA_AV_START_EVT will be processed by btif_av_state_opened_handler:
For the first BTA_AV_START_EVT with suspending true sent by bta_av_start_ok, it will ignore it:
if ((p_av->start.status == BTA_SUCCESS) && (p_av->start.suspending == TRUE))
               return TRUE;
For the second BTA_AV_START_EVT with success sent by bta_av_do_start , it will ack success to start_audio_datapath, and change to
BTIF_AV_STATE_STARTED/BTAV_AUDIO_STATE_STARTED, after receive success ack from bluedroid stack, we will start send Audio data to bluetooth.

At last we received  AVDTP_Suspend response accept from Headset, we will send BTA_AV_SUSPEND_EVT to btif_task, which will be
handled by btif_av_state_started_handler. It will call btif_a2dp_on_suspended and call audio_state_cb  with new audio state
so The state between bluedroid stack and audio data path is out of sync.
The fix is to send failure message if we know we suspend AVDTP in bta_av_do_start,
also make sure we won't miss acknowledgement for pending start if we exit opened state,
to avoid audio data path dead lock.

Change-Id: I1704839977324b7c4e234eb843cddf3719e10d2c
4 files changed