blob: 42adb53f7077c5c8817eb50402b37535a48a53dd [file] [log] [blame]
* blktrace output analysis: generate a timeline & gather statistics
* Copyright (C) 2006 Alan D. Brunelle <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <stdio.h>
#include "globals.h"
static int base_y;
typedef struct avg_info *ai_dip_t;
ai_dip_t dip_q2q_dm_avg(struct d_info *dip) { return &dip->avgs.q2q_dm; }
ai_dip_t dip_q2a_dm_avg(struct d_info *dip) { return &dip->avgs.q2a_dm; }
ai_dip_t dip_q2c_dm_avg(struct d_info *dip) { return &dip->avgs.q2c_dm; }
ai_dip_t dip_q2q_avg(struct d_info *dip) { return &dip->avgs.q2q; }
ai_dip_t dip_q2c_avg(struct d_info *dip) { return &dip->avgs.q2c; }
ai_dip_t dip_q2a_avg(struct d_info *dip) { return &dip->avgs.q2a; }
ai_dip_t dip_q2g_avg(struct d_info *dip) { return &dip->avgs.q2g; }
ai_dip_t dip_s2g_avg(struct d_info *dip) { return &dip->avgs.s2g; }
ai_dip_t dip_g2i_avg(struct d_info *dip) { return &dip->avgs.g2i; }
ai_dip_t dip_q2m_avg(struct d_info *dip) { return &dip->avgs.q2m; }
ai_dip_t dip_i2d_avg(struct d_info *dip) { return &dip->avgs.i2d; }
ai_dip_t dip_d2c_avg(struct d_info *dip) { return &dip->avgs.d2c; }
typedef struct avg_info *ai_pip_t;
ai_pip_t pip_q2q_dm_avg(struct p_info *pip) { return &pip->avgs.q2q_dm; }
ai_pip_t pip_q2a_dm_avg(struct p_info *pip) { return &pip->avgs.q2a_dm; }
ai_pip_t pip_q2c_dm_avg(struct p_info *pip) { return &pip->avgs.q2c_dm; }
ai_pip_t pip_q2q_avg(struct p_info *pip) { return &pip->avgs.q2q; }
ai_pip_t pip_q2c_avg(struct p_info *pip) { return &pip->avgs.q2c; }
ai_pip_t pip_q2a_avg(struct p_info *pip) { return &pip->avgs.q2a; }
ai_pip_t pip_q2g_avg(struct p_info *pip) { return &pip->avgs.q2g; }
ai_pip_t pip_s2g_avg(struct p_info *pip) { return &pip->avgs.s2g; }
ai_pip_t pip_g2i_avg(struct p_info *pip) { return &pip->avgs.g2i; }
ai_pip_t pip_q2m_avg(struct p_info *pip) { return &pip->avgs.q2m; }
ai_pip_t pip_i2d_avg(struct p_info *pip) { return &pip->avgs.i2d; }
ai_pip_t pip_d2c_avg(struct p_info *pip) { return &pip->avgs.d2c; }
void output_section_hdr(FILE *ofp, char *hdr)
fprintf(ofp, "==================== ");
fprintf(ofp, "%s", hdr);
fprintf(ofp, " ====================\n\n");
void output_hdr(FILE *ofp, char *hdr)
fprintf(ofp, "%15s %13s %13s %13s %11s\n",
hdr, "MIN", "AVG", "MAX", "N" );
fprintf(ofp, "--------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -----------\n");
void __output_avg(FILE *ofp, char *hdr, struct avg_info *ap, int do_easy)
if (ap->n > 0) {
ap->avg = BIT_TIME(ap->total) / (double)ap->n;
fprintf(ofp, "%-15s %13.9f %13.9f %13.9f %11d\n", hdr,
BIT_TIME(ap->min), ap->avg, BIT_TIME(ap->max), ap->n);
if (do_easy && easy_parse_avgs) {
"%s %.9lf %.9lf %.9lf %d\n",
hdr, BIT_TIME(ap->min), ap->avg,
BIT_TIME(ap->max), ap->n);
static inline char *avg2string(struct avg_info *ap, char *string)
if (ap->n > 0)
sprintf(string, "%13.9f", ap->avg);
sprintf(string, " ");
return string;
struct __oda {
FILE *ofp;
ai_dip_t (*func)(struct d_info *);
void __output_dip_avg(struct d_info *dip, void *arg)
struct __oda *odap = arg;
ai_dip_t ap = odap->func(dip);
if (ap->n > 0) {
char dev_info[15];
ap->avg = BIT_TIME(ap->total) / (double)ap->n;
__output_avg(odap->ofp, make_dev_hdr(dev_info, 15, dip, 1),
ap, 0);
void output_dip_avg(FILE *ofp, char *hdr, ai_dip_t (*func)(struct d_info *))
struct __oda oda = { .ofp = ofp, .func = func};
output_hdr(ofp, hdr);
dip_foreach_out(__output_dip_avg, &oda);
fprintf(ofp, "\n");
struct __q2d {
FILE *ofp;
void *q2d_all;
int n;
void __output_q2d_histo(struct d_info *dip, void *arg)
struct __q2d *q2dp = arg;
if (q2d_ok(dip->q2d_priv)) {
char dev_info[15];
FILE *ofp = q2dp->ofp;
fprintf(q2dp->ofp, "%10s | ",
make_dev_hdr(dev_info, 15, dip, 1));
q2d_display(ofp, dip->q2d_priv);
q2d_acc(q2dp->q2d_all, dip->q2d_priv);
void output_q2d_histo(FILE *ofp)
struct __q2d __q2d = {
.ofp = ofp,
.q2d_all = q2d_alloc(),
.n = 0
fprintf(ofp, "%10s | ", "DEV");
fprintf(ofp, "--------- | ");
dip_foreach_out(__output_q2d_histo, &__q2d);
if (__q2d.n) {
fprintf(ofp, "========== | ");
fprintf(ofp, "%10s | ", "AVG");
q2d_display(ofp, __q2d.q2d_all);
fprintf(ofp, "\n");
int n_merges = 0;
struct {
unsigned long long nq, nd, blkmin, blkmax, total;
} merge_data;
void __output_dip_merge_ratio(struct d_info *dip, void *arg)
double blks_avg;
char dev_info[15];
double ratio, q2c_n, d2c_n;
if (dip->n_qs == 0 || dip->n_ds == 0)
else if (dip->n_qs < dip->n_ds)
dip->n_qs = dip->n_ds;
q2c_n = dip->n_qs;
d2c_n = dip->n_ds;
if (q2c_n > 0.0 && d2c_n > 0.0) {
if (q2c_n < d2c_n)
ratio = 1.0;
ratio = q2c_n / d2c_n;
blks_avg = (double)dip-> / d2c_n;
fprintf((FILE *)arg,
"%10s | %8llu %8llu %7.1lf | %8llu %8llu %8llu %8llu\n",
make_dev_hdr(dev_info, 15, dip, 1),
(unsigned long long)dip->n_qs,
(unsigned long long)dip->n_ds,
(unsigned long long)dip->avgs.blks.min,
(unsigned long long)blks_avg,
(unsigned long long)dip->avgs.blks.max,
(unsigned long long)dip->;
if (easy_parse_avgs) {
"DMI %s %llu %llu %.9lf %llu %llu %llu %llu\n",
make_dev_hdr(dev_info, 15, dip, 0),
(unsigned long long)dip->n_qs,
(unsigned long long)dip->n_ds,
(unsigned long long)dip->avgs.blks.min,
(unsigned long long)blks_avg,
(unsigned long long)dip->avgs.blks.max,
(unsigned long long)dip->;
if (n_merges++ == 0) {
merge_data.blkmin = dip->avgs.blks.min;
merge_data.blkmax = dip->avgs.blks.max;
merge_data.nq += dip->n_qs;
merge_data.nd += dip->n_ds; += dip->;
if (dip->avgs.blks.min < merge_data.blkmin)
merge_data.blkmin = dip->avgs.blks.min;
if (dip->avgs.blks.max > merge_data.blkmax)
merge_data.blkmax = dip->avgs.blks.max;
void output_dip_merge_ratio(FILE *ofp)
fprintf(ofp, "%10s | %8s %8s %7s | %8s %8s %8s %8s\n", "DEV", "#Q", "#D", "Ratio", "BLKmin", "BLKavg", "BLKmax", "Total");
fprintf(ofp, "---------- | -------- -------- ------- | -------- -------- -------- --------\n");
dip_foreach_out(__output_dip_merge_ratio, ofp);
if (n_merges > 1) {
fprintf(ofp, "---------- | -------- -------- ------- | -------- -------- -------- --------\n");
fprintf(ofp, "%10s | %8s %8s %7s | %8s %8s %8s %8s\n", "DEV", "#Q", "#D", "Ratio", "BLKmin", "BLKavg", "BLKmax", "Total");
fprintf((FILE *)ofp,
"%10s | %8llu %8llu %7.1lf | %8llu %8llu %8llu %8llu\n",
"TOTAL", merge_data.nq, merge_data.nd,
(float)merge_data.nq / (float)merge_data.nd,
merge_data.blkmin, / merge_data.nd,
fprintf(ofp, "\n");
struct __ohead_data {
__u64 total;
int n;
struct ohead_data {
FILE *ofp;
struct __ohead_data q2g, g2i, q2m, i2d, d2c, q2c;
#define __update_odp(odp, dip, fld) \
do { \
(odp)-> fld .total += dip->avgs. fld . total; \
(odp)-> fld .n += dip->avgs. fld . n; \
} while (0)
void __output_dip_prep_ohead(struct d_info *dip, void *arg)
if (dip->avgs.q2c.n > 0 && dip-> > 0) {
char dev_info[15];
struct ohead_data *odp = arg;
double q2c_total = (double)(dip->;
"%10s | %8.4lf%% %8.4lf%% %8.4lf%% %8.4lf%% %8.4lf%%\n",
make_dev_hdr(dev_info, 15, dip, 1),
100.0 * (double)(dip-> / q2c_total,
100.0 * (double)(dip-> / q2c_total,
100.0 * (double)(dip-> / q2c_total,
100.0 * (double)(dip-> / q2c_total,
100.0 * (double)(dip-> / q2c_total);
__update_odp(odp, dip, q2g);
__update_odp(odp, dip, g2i);
__update_odp(odp, dip, q2m);
__update_odp(odp, dip, i2d);
__update_odp(odp, dip, d2c);
__update_odp(odp, dip, q2c);
#define OD_AVG(od, fld, q2c) \
(od. fld .n == 0) ? (double)0.0 : \
(100.0 * ((double)((od). fld . total) / q2c))
void output_dip_prep_ohead(FILE *ofp)
double q2c;
struct ohead_data od;
memset(&od, 0, sizeof(od));
od.ofp = ofp;
fprintf(ofp, "%10s | %9s %9s %9s %9s %9s\n",
"DEV", "Q2G", "G2I", "Q2M", "I2D", "D2C");
fprintf(ofp, "---------- | --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------\n");
dip_foreach_out(__output_dip_prep_ohead, &od);
if (od.q2g.n == 0 && od.g2i.n == 0 && od.q2m.n == 0 &&
od.i2d.n == 0 && od.d2c.n == 0)
goto out;
q2c =;
fprintf(ofp, "---------- | --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------\n");
fprintf(ofp, "%10s | %8.4lf%% %8.4lf%% %8.4lf%% %8.4lf%% %8.4lf%%\n", "Overall",
OD_AVG(od, q2g, q2c), OD_AVG(od, g2i, q2c),
OD_AVG(od, q2m, q2c), OD_AVG(od, i2d, q2c),
OD_AVG(od, d2c, q2c));
fprintf(ofp, "\n");
struct seek_mode_info {
struct seek_mode_info *next;
long long mode;
int nseeks;
struct o_seek_info {
long long nseeks, median;
double mean;
struct seek_mode_info *head;
} seek_info;
int n_seeks;
void output_seek_mode_info(FILE *ofp, struct o_seek_info *sip)
struct seek_mode_info *p, *this, *new_list = NULL;
while ((this = sip->head) != NULL) {
sip->head = this->next;
this->next = NULL;
if (new_list == NULL || this->nseeks > new_list->nseeks)
new_list = this;
else if (this->nseeks == new_list->nseeks) {
for (p = new_list; p != NULL; p = p->next)
if (p->mode == this->mode)
if (p)
this->nseeks += p->nseeks;
this->next = new_list;
new_list = this;
fprintf(ofp, "%10s | %15lld %15.1lf %15lld | %lld(%d)",
"Average", sip->nseeks, sip->mean / sip->nseeks,
sip->median / sip->nseeks, new_list->mode, new_list->nseeks);
if (new_list->next) {
int i = 0;
for (p = new_list->next; p != NULL; p = p->next)
fprintf(ofp, "\n%10s %15s %15s %15s ...(%d more)\n", "", "", "", "", i);
void add_seek_mode_info(struct o_seek_info *sip, struct mode *mp)
int i;
long long *lp = mp->modes;
struct seek_mode_info *smip;
for (i = 0; i < mp->nmds; i++, lp++) {
for (smip = sip->head; smip; smip = smip->next) {
if (smip->mode == *lp) {
smip->nseeks += mp->most_seeks;
if (!smip) {
struct seek_mode_info *new = malloc(sizeof(*new));
new->next = sip->head;
sip->head = new;
new->mode = *lp;
new->nseeks = mp->most_seeks;
static void do_output_dip_seek_info(struct d_info *dip, FILE *ofp, int is_q2q)
double mean;
int i, nmodes;
long long nseeks;
char dev_info[15];
long long median;
struct mode m;
void *handle = is_q2q ? dip->q2q_handle : dip->seek_handle;
nseeks = seeki_nseeks(handle);
if (nseeks > 0) {
mean = seeki_mean(handle);
median = seeki_median(handle);
nmodes = seeki_mode(handle, &m);
fprintf(ofp, "%10s | %15lld %15.1lf %15lld | %lld(%d)",
make_dev_hdr(dev_info, 15, dip, 1), nseeks, mean,
median, nmodes > 0 ? m.modes[0] : 0, m.most_seeks);
if (nmodes > 2)
fprintf(ofp, "\n%10s %15s %15s %15s ...(%d more)\n", "", "", "", "", nmodes-1);
else {
for (i = 1; i < nmodes; i++)
fprintf(ofp, " %lld", m.modes[i]);
fprintf(ofp, "\n");
if (easy_parse_avgs) {
char *rec = is_q2q ? "QSK" : "DSK";
"%s %s %lld %.9lf %lld %lld %d",
rec, make_dev_hdr(dev_info, 15, dip, 0),
nseeks, mean, median,
nmodes > 0 ? m.modes[0] : 0, m.most_seeks);
for (i = 1; i < nmodes; i++)
fprintf(xavgs_ofp, " %lld", m.modes[i]);
fprintf(xavgs_ofp, "\n");
seek_info.nseeks += nseeks;
seek_info.mean += (nseeks * mean);
seek_info.median += (nseeks * median);
add_seek_mode_info(&seek_info, &m);
void __output_dip_seek_info(struct d_info *dip, void *arg)
do_output_dip_seek_info(dip, (FILE *)arg, 0);
void __output_dip_q2q_seek_info(struct d_info *dip, void *arg)
do_output_dip_seek_info(dip, (FILE *)arg, 1);
void output_dip_seek_info(FILE *ofp)
n_seeks = 1;
memset(&seek_info, 0, sizeof(seek_info));
fprintf(ofp, "%10s | %15s %15s %15s | %-15s\n", "DEV", "NSEEKS",
fprintf(ofp, "---------- | --------------- --------------- --------------- | ---------------\n");
dip_foreach_out(__output_dip_seek_info, ofp);
if (n_seeks > 1) {
fprintf(ofp, "---------- | --------------- --------------- --------------- | ---------------\n");
fprintf(ofp, "%10s | %15s %15s %15s | %-15s\n",
"Overall", "NSEEKS", "MEAN", "MEDIAN", "MODE");
output_seek_mode_info(ofp, &seek_info);
fprintf(ofp, "\n");
fprintf(ofp, "\n");
void output_dip_q2q_seek_info(FILE *ofp)
n_seeks = 1;
memset(&seek_info, 0, sizeof(seek_info));
fprintf(ofp, "%10s | %15s %15s %15s | %-15s\n", "DEV", "NSEEKS",
fprintf(ofp, "---------- | --------------- --------------- --------------- | ---------------\n");
dip_foreach_out(__output_dip_q2q_seek_info, ofp);
if (n_seeks > 1) {
fprintf(ofp, "---------- | --------------- --------------- --------------- | ---------------\n");
fprintf(ofp, "%10s | %15s %15s %15s | %-15s\n",
"Overall", "NSEEKS", "MEAN", "MEDIAN", "MODE");
output_seek_mode_info(ofp, &seek_info);
fprintf(ofp, "\n");
fprintf(ofp, "\n");
struct __opa {
FILE *ofp;
ai_pip_t (*func)(struct p_info *);
void __output_pip_avg(struct p_info *pip, void *arg)
struct __opa *opap = arg;
ai_pip_t ap = opap->func(pip);
if (ap->n > 0) {
char proc_name[15];
snprintf(proc_name, 15, "%s", pip->name);
ap->avg = BIT_TIME(ap->total) / (double)ap->n;
__output_avg(opap->ofp, proc_name, ap, 0);
void output_pip_avg(FILE *ofp, char *hdr, ai_pip_t (*func)(struct p_info *))
struct __opa opa = { .ofp = ofp, .func = func };
output_hdr(ofp, hdr);
pip_foreach_out(__output_pip_avg, &opa);
fprintf(ofp, "\n");
int n_plugs;
struct plug_info {
long n_plugs, n_unplugs_t;
double t_percent;
} plug_info;
void __dip_output_plug(struct d_info *dip, void *arg)
char dev_info[15];
FILE *ofp = arg;
double delta, pct;
if (dip->is_plugged)
dip_unplug(dip->device, dip->end_time, 0);
if ((dip->nplugs + dip->nplugs_t) > 0) {
delta = dip->end_time - dip->start_time;
pct = 100.0 * (dip->plugged_time / delta);
fprintf(ofp, "%10s | %10d(%10d) | %13.9lf%%\n",
make_dev_hdr(dev_info, 15, dip, 1),
dip->nplugs, dip->nplugs_t, pct);
if (easy_parse_avgs) {
"PLG %s %d %d %.9lf\n",
make_dev_hdr(dev_info, 15, dip, 0),
dip->nplugs, dip->nplugs_t, pct);
plug_info.n_plugs += dip->nplugs;
plug_info.n_unplugs_t += dip->nplugs_t;
plug_info.t_percent += pct;
void __dip_output_plug_all(FILE *ofp, struct plug_info *p)
fprintf(ofp, "---------- | ---------- ---------- | ----------------\n");
fprintf(ofp, "%10s | %10s %10s | %s\n",
"Overall", "# Plugs", "# Timer Us", "% Time Q Plugged");
fprintf(ofp, "%10s | %10ld(%10ld) | %13.9lf%%\n", "Average",
p->n_plugs / n_plugs, p->n_unplugs_t / n_plugs,
p->t_percent / n_plugs);
__u64 n_nios_uplugs, n_nios_uplugs_t;
struct nios_plug_info {
__u64 tot_nios_up, tot_nios_up_t;
} nios_plug_info;
void __dip_output_plug_nios(struct d_info *dip, void *arg)
char dev_info[15];
FILE *ofp = arg;
double a_nios_uplug = 0.0, a_nios_uplug_t = 0.0;
if (dip->nios_up && dip->nplugs) {
a_nios_uplug = (double)dip->nios_up / (double)dip->nplugs;
n_nios_uplugs += dip->nplugs;
nios_plug_info.tot_nios_up += dip->nios_up;
if (dip->nios_upt && dip->nplugs_t) {
a_nios_uplug_t = (double)dip->nios_upt / (double)dip->nplugs_t;
n_nios_uplugs_t += dip->nplugs_t;
nios_plug_info.tot_nios_up_t += dip->nios_upt;
fprintf(ofp, "%10s | %10.1lf %10.1lf\n",
make_dev_hdr(dev_info, 15, dip, 1),
a_nios_uplug, a_nios_uplug_t);
if (easy_parse_avgs) {
"UPG %s %.9lf %.9lf\n",
make_dev_hdr(dev_info, 15, dip, 0),
a_nios_uplug, a_nios_uplug_t);
void __dip_output_uplug_all(FILE *ofp, struct nios_plug_info *p)
double ios_unp = 0.0, ios_unp_to = 0.0;
if (n_nios_uplugs)
ios_unp = (double)p->tot_nios_up / (double)n_nios_uplugs;
if (n_nios_uplugs_t)
ios_unp_to = (double)p->tot_nios_up_t / (double)n_nios_uplugs_t;
fprintf(ofp, "---------- | ---------- ----------\n");
fprintf(ofp, "%10s | %10s %10s\n",
"Overall", "IOs/Unp", "IOs/Unp(to)");
fprintf(ofp, "%10s | %10.1lf %10.1lf\n",
"Average", ios_unp, ios_unp_to);
void output_plug_info(FILE *ofp)
fprintf(ofp, "%10s | %10s %10s | %s\n",
"DEV", "# Plugs", "# Timer Us", "% Time Q Plugged");
fprintf(ofp, "---------- | ---------- ---------- | ----------------\n");
dip_foreach_out(__dip_output_plug, ofp);
if (n_plugs > 1)
__dip_output_plug_all(ofp, &plug_info);
fprintf(ofp, "\n");
fprintf(ofp, "%10s | %10s %10s\n",
"DEV", "IOs/Unp", "IOs/Unp(to)");
fprintf(ofp, "---------- | ---------- ----------\n");
dip_foreach_out(__dip_output_plug_nios, ofp);
if (n_nios_uplugs || n_nios_uplugs_t)
__dip_output_uplug_all(ofp, &nios_plug_info);
fprintf(ofp, "\n");
int n_actQs;
struct actQ_info {
__u64 t_qs;
__u64 t_act_qs;
} actQ_info;
void __dip_output_actQ(struct d_info *dip, void *arg)
if (dip->n_qs > 0 && !remapper_dev(dip->device)) {
char dev_info[15];
double a_actQs = (double)dip->t_act_q / (double)dip->n_qs;
fprintf((FILE *)arg, "%10s | %13.1lf\n",
make_dev_hdr(dev_info, 15, dip, 1), a_actQs);
if (easy_parse_avgs) {
"ARQ %s %.9lf\n",
make_dev_hdr(dev_info, 15, dip, 0), a_actQs);
actQ_info.t_qs += dip->n_qs;
actQ_info.t_act_qs += dip->t_act_q;
void __dip_output_actQ_all(FILE *ofp, struct actQ_info *p)
fprintf(ofp, "---------- | -------------\n");
fprintf(ofp, "%10s | %13s\n", "Overall", "Avgs Reqs @ Q");
fprintf(ofp, "%10s | %13.1lf\n", "Average",
(double)p->t_act_qs / (double)p->t_qs);
void output_actQ_info(FILE *ofp)
fprintf(ofp, "%10s | %13s\n", "DEV", "Avg Reqs @ Q");
fprintf(ofp, "---------- | -------------\n");
dip_foreach_out(__dip_output_actQ, ofp);
if (n_actQs > 1)
__dip_output_actQ_all(ofp, &actQ_info);
fprintf(ofp, "\n");
void __dip_output_p_live(struct d_info *dip, void *arg)
char dev_info[15];
FILE *ofp = arg;
char *ttl = dip ? make_dev_hdr(dev_info, 15, dip, 1) : "Total Sys";
struct p_live_info *plip = p_live_get(dip, base_y);
fprintf(ofp, "%10s | %10lu %13.9lf %13.9lf %6.2lf\n", ttl,
plip->nlives, plip->avg_live, plip->avg_lull, plip->p_live);
if (plip->nlives)
base_y += 1;
void output_p_live(FILE *ofp)
fprintf(ofp, "%10s | %10s %13s %13s %6s\n", "DEV",
"# Live", "Avg. Act", "Avg. !Act", "% Live");
fprintf(ofp, "---------- | ---------- "
"------------- ------------- ------\n");
base_y = 1;
dip_foreach_out(__dip_output_p_live, ofp);
fprintf(ofp, "---------- | ---------- "
"------------- ------------- ------\n");
base_y = 0;
__dip_output_p_live(NULL, ofp);
fprintf(ofp, "\n");
void output_histos(void)
int i;
FILE *ofp;
char fname[256];
if (output_name == NULL) return;
sprintf(fname, "%s_qhist.dat", output_name);
ofp = my_fopen(fname, "w");
if (!ofp) {
fprintf(ofp, "# BTT histogram data\n");
fprintf(ofp, "# Q buckets\n");
for (i = 0; i < (N_HIST_BKTS-1); i++)
fprintf(ofp, "%4d %lld\n", (i+1), (long long)q_histo[i]);
fprintf(ofp, "\n# Q bucket for > %d\n%4d %lld\n", (int)N_HIST_BKTS-1,
N_HIST_BKTS-1, (long long)q_histo[N_HIST_BKTS-1]);
sprintf(fname, "%s_dhist.dat", output_name);
ofp = my_fopen(fname, "w");
if (!ofp) {
fprintf(ofp, "# D buckets\n");
for (i = 0; i < (N_HIST_BKTS-1); i++)
fprintf(ofp, "%4d %lld\n", (i+1), (long long)d_histo[i]);
fprintf(ofp, "\n# D bucket for > %d\n%4d %lld\n", (int)N_HIST_BKTS-1,
N_HIST_BKTS-1, (long long)d_histo[N_HIST_BKTS-1]);
int output_avgs(FILE *ofp)
if (output_all_data) {
if (exes == NULL || *exes != '\0') {
output_section_hdr(ofp, "Per Process");
output_pip_avg(ofp, "Q2Qdm", pip_q2q_dm_avg);
output_pip_avg(ofp, "Q2Adm", pip_q2a_dm_avg);
output_pip_avg(ofp, "Q2Cdm", pip_q2c_dm_avg);
fprintf(ofp, "\n");
output_pip_avg(ofp, "Q2Q", pip_q2q_avg);
output_pip_avg(ofp, "Q2A", pip_q2a_avg);
output_pip_avg(ofp, "Q2G", pip_q2g_avg);
output_pip_avg(ofp, "S2G", pip_s2g_avg);
output_pip_avg(ofp, "G2I", pip_g2i_avg);
output_pip_avg(ofp, "Q2M", pip_q2m_avg);
output_pip_avg(ofp, "I2D", pip_i2d_avg);
output_pip_avg(ofp, "D2C", pip_d2c_avg);
output_pip_avg(ofp, "Q2C", pip_q2c_avg);
output_section_hdr(ofp, "Per Device");
output_dip_avg(ofp, "Q2Qdm", dip_q2q_dm_avg);
output_dip_avg(ofp, "Q2Adm", dip_q2a_dm_avg);
output_dip_avg(ofp, "Q2Cdm", dip_q2c_dm_avg);
fprintf(ofp, "\n");
output_dip_avg(ofp, "Q2Q", dip_q2q_avg);
output_dip_avg(ofp, "Q2A", dip_q2a_avg);
output_dip_avg(ofp, "Q2G", dip_q2g_avg);
output_dip_avg(ofp, "S2G", dip_s2g_avg);
output_dip_avg(ofp, "G2I", dip_g2i_avg);
output_dip_avg(ofp, "Q2M", dip_q2m_avg);
output_dip_avg(ofp, "I2D", dip_i2d_avg);
output_dip_avg(ofp, "D2C", dip_d2c_avg);
output_dip_avg(ofp, "Q2C", dip_q2c_avg);
output_section_hdr(ofp, "All Devices");
output_hdr(ofp, "ALL");
__output_avg(ofp, "Q2Qdm", &all_avgs.q2q_dm, 0);
__output_avg(ofp, "Q2Adm", &all_avgs.q2a_dm, 0);
__output_avg(ofp, "Q2Cdm", &all_avgs.q2c_dm, 0);
fprintf(ofp, "\n");
__output_avg(ofp, "Q2Q", &all_avgs.q2q, 1);
__output_avg(ofp, "Q2A", &all_avgs.q2a, 1);
__output_avg(ofp, "Q2G", &all_avgs.q2g, 1);
__output_avg(ofp, "S2G", &all_avgs.s2g, 1);
__output_avg(ofp, "G2I", &all_avgs.g2i, 1);
__output_avg(ofp, "Q2M", &all_avgs.q2m, 1);
__output_avg(ofp, "I2D", &all_avgs.i2d, 1);
__output_avg(ofp, "M2D", &all_avgs.m2d, 1);
__output_avg(ofp, "D2C", &all_avgs.d2c, 1);
__output_avg(ofp, "Q2C", &all_avgs.q2c, 1);
fprintf(ofp, "\n");
output_section_hdr(ofp, "Device Overhead");
output_section_hdr(ofp, "Device Merge Information");
output_section_hdr(ofp, "Device Q2Q Seek Information");
output_section_hdr(ofp, "Device D2D Seek Information");
output_section_hdr(ofp, "Plug Information");
output_section_hdr(ofp, "Active Requests At Q Information");
output_section_hdr(ofp, "I/O Active Period Information");
if (output_all_data) {
output_section_hdr(ofp, "Q2D Histogram");
return 0;
void __output_ranges(FILE *ofp, struct list_head *head_p, float base)
struct range_info *rip;
struct list_head *p;
float limit = base + 0.4;
__list_for_each(p, head_p) {
rip = list_entry(p, struct range_info, head);
fprintf(ofp, "%13.9lf %5.1f\n", BIT_TIME(rip->start), base);
fprintf(ofp, "%13.9lf %5.1f\n", BIT_TIME(rip->start), limit);
fprintf(ofp, "%13.9lf %5.1f\n", BIT_TIME(rip->end), limit);
fprintf(ofp, "%13.9lf %5.1f\n", BIT_TIME(rip->end), base);
int output_regions(FILE *ofp, char *header, struct region_info *reg,
float base)
if (list_len(&reg->qranges) == 0 && list_len(&reg->cranges) == 0)
return 0;
fprintf(ofp, "# %16s : q activity\n", header);
__output_ranges(ofp, &reg->qranges, base);
fprintf(ofp, "\n");
fprintf(ofp, "# %16s : c activity\n", header);
__output_ranges(ofp, &reg->cranges, base + 0.5);
fprintf(ofp, "\n");
return 1;
struct __od {
FILE *ofp;
float base;
void __output_dev(struct d_info *dip, void *arg)
char header[128];
struct __od *odp = arg;
sprintf(header, "%d,%d", MAJOR(dip->device), MINOR(dip->device));
if (output_regions(odp->ofp, header, &dip->regions, odp->base))
odp->base += 1.0;
float output_devs(FILE *ofp, float base)
struct __od od = { .ofp = ofp, .base = base };
fprintf(ofp, "# Per device\n" );
dip_foreach_out(__output_dev, &od);
return od.base;
static inline int exe_match(char *exe, char *name)
return (exe == NULL) || (strstr(name, exe) != NULL);
struct __op {
FILE *ofp;
float base;
void __output_procs(struct p_info *pip, void *arg)
struct __op *opp = arg;
output_regions(opp->ofp, pip->name, &pip->regions, opp->base);
opp->base += 1.0;
float output_procs(FILE *ofp, float base)
struct __op op = { .ofp = ofp, .base = base };
fprintf(ofp, "# Per process\n" );
pip_foreach_out(__output_procs, &op);
return op.base;
int output_ranges(FILE *ofp)
float base = 0.0;
fprintf(ofp, "# %s\n", "Total System");
if (output_regions(ofp, "Total System", &all_regions, base))
base += 1.0;
if (n_devs > 1)
base = output_devs(ofp, base);
base = output_procs(ofp, base);
return 0;