rules_testing Changelog



  • Common attributes, such as tags and target_compatible_with can now be set on tests themselves. This allows skipping tests based on platform or filtering out tests using --test_tag_filters (#43)
  • (docs) Created human-friendly changelog

0.3.0 - 2023-07-06


  • Publically exposed subjects in truth.bzl#subjects. This allows direct creation of subjects without having to go through the expect.that_* functions. This makes it easier to implement custom subjects. (#54)
  • matching.file_basename_equals for matching a File basename. (#44)
  • matching.file_extension_in for matching a File extension. (#44)
  • DictSubject.get for fetching sub-values within a dict as subjects. (#51)
  • CollectionSubject.transform for arbitrary transforming and filtering of a collection. (#45)

0.2.0 - 2023-06-14


  • Unit-test style tests. These are tests that don't require a “setup” phase like analysis tests do, so all you need to write is the implementation function that does asserts. (#37)
  • (docs) Document some best practices for test naming and structure.


  • //lib:analysis_test.bzl#test_suite: use //lib:test_suite.bzl#test_suite instead. The name in analysis_test.bzl will be removed in a future release.

0.1.0 - 2023-05-02


  • Don't require downstream user to register Python toolchains. (#33)

0.0.5 - 2023-04-25

NOTE: This version is broken with bzlmod


  • Fix crash when equal collections with differing orders have in_order() checked. (#29)
