Test suites

The test_suite macro is a front-end for easily instantiating groups of Starlark tests. It can handle both analysis tests and unit tests. Under the hood, each test is its own target with an aggregating native.test_suite for the group of tests.

Basic tests

Basic tests are tests that don‘t require any custom setup or attributes. This is the common case for tests of utility code that doesn’t interact with objects only available to rules (e.g. Targets). These tests are created using unit_test.

To write such a test, simply write a unit_test compatible function (one that accepts env) and pass it to test_suite.basic_tests.


load(":my_tests.bzl", "my_test_suite")
load("@rules_testing//lib:test_suite.bzl", "test_suite")

my_test_suite(name = "my_tests")

# my_tests.bzl

def _foo_test(env):

def my_test_suite(name):
    name = name,
    basic_tests = [

Note that it isn‘t required to write a custom test suite function, but doing so is preferred because it’s uncommon for BUILD files to pass around function objects, and tools won't be confused by it.

Regular tests

A regular test is a macro that acts as a setup function and is expected to create a target of the given name (which is added to the underlying test suite).

The setup function can perform arbitrary logic, but in the end, it's expected to call unit_test or analysis_test to create a target with the provided name.

If you‘re writing an analysis_test, then you’re writing a regular test.

# my_tests.bzl
def _foo_test(name):
    name = name,
    impl = _foo_test_impl,
    attrs = {"myattr": attr.string(default="default")}

def _foo_test_impl(env):

def my_test_suite(name):
    name = name,
    tests = [

Note that a using a setup function with unit_test test is not required to define custom attributes; the above is just an example. If you want to define custom attributes for every test in a suite, the test_kwargs argument of test_suite can be used to pass additional arguments to all tests in the suite.