Using external libraries with Go and Bazel

To depend on external libraries, you have two options: vendoring or external repositories.


The first option is to vendor the libraries - that is, copy them all into a “vendor” subdirectory inside your own library, and create your own BUILD files for each vendor repository. Vendoring is a part of Go since 1.5 - see for more details, and note that vendoring is enabled by default since Go 1.6.

Take care to observe the following restrictions while using vendoring:

  • You cannot use git submodule since you'll need to be adding the BUILD files at every level of the hierarchy.
  • Since the Bazel rules do not currently support build constraints, you'll need to manually include/exclude files with tags such as //+build !go1.5.

Vendoring may be preferable to using external repositories (see below) if you have different packages that require different versions of external repos.

WORKSPACE repositories

The other option to use external libraries is to use one of the repository directives in your WORKSPACE file. This is initially no faster or easier than vendoring the libraries, since you still need to create a BUILD file for every external package, including subpackages. However, because the BUILD files are separate from the source tree (and can even be embedded inside the WORKSPACE file using the build_file_content attribute of the new_git_repository command, it is easier to support upgraded versions of external libraries.

General rules

In either case, you must follow these rules for your BUILD files (or build file contents) for external libraries:

  • Import the Bazel go rules - you don't get them “for free.”
  • Declare a go_prefix, almost certainly matching the name of the repository you're cloning.
  • Declare a single go_library named go_default_library in each BUILD file, assuming that each directory contains a single Go package. You can't use a single BUILD file to define subpackages, for example.
  • Have public visibility (see example below)
  • Exclude any *test.go files from the go_library srcs. Normally Go would do this for you, but the go_library rule does not.
  • Manually exclude files with build tags that wouldn‘t be satisfied - for example, if a file includes the build constraint //+build !go1.5 and you’re using a Go 1.5 or later, you must exclude this file yourself.

If you‘re using external repositories, each repo can only define a single BUILD file (or build file contents). This implies that if you’re importing mulitple libraries from the same repo, you'll need to import that repo multiple times, and not simply define multiple targets in the single BUILD file/variable.


Here is an example from a WORKSPACE file using the repository method for If you were vendoring this library, you'd simply use the contents of the GLOG_BUILD variable as your BUILD file.

load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_prefix", "go_library")
  name = "go_default_library",
  srcs = glob(["*.go"]),
  visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

  # In other BUILD files, we'll refer to this library as
  # @golang_glog//:go_default_library
  name = "golang_glog",
  build_file_content = GLOG_BUILD,
  commit = "23def4e6c14b4da8ac2ed8007337bc5eb5007998",
  remote = "",