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Immutable value-type code generation for Java 1.6+
Kevin Bourrillion, Éamonn McManus
Google, Inc.

“AutoValue may sound like a cheesy newspaper for unloading your jalopy on an unsuspecting stranger, but it's actually a great tool for eliminating the drudgery of writing mundane value classes in Java. It encapsulates much of the advice in Effective Java Chapter 2, and frees you to concentrate on the more interesting aspects of your program. The resulting program is likely to be shorter, clearer, and freer of bugs. Two thumbs up.”

-- Joshua Bloch, author, Effective Java



Classes with value semantics are extremely common in Java. These are classes for which object identity is irrelevant, and instances are considered interchangeable based only on the equality of their field values. We will refer to these classes as value types in this document.

To implement a value type safely and properly requires implementing equals, hashCode and toString in a bloated, repetitive, formulaic yet error-prone fashion. These methods are not especially time-consuming to write, especially with the aid of IDE templates and a few Guava helpers, but they are a continual burden to reviewers, editors and future readers. Their wide expanses of boilerplate sharply decrease the signal-to-noise ratio of your code, and constitute probably the single greatest violation of the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle we are ever forced to commit.

AutoValue provides an easier way to create immutable value types, with less code and less room for error, while not restricting your freedom to code any aspect of your class just the way you want it.

Design goals

AutoValue is the only solution to the value types problem in Java (that we are aware of) having all of the following characteristics:

  • Usage is API-invisible (callers cannot become dependent on your choice to use it, or generally even tell the difference)
  • No required runtime dependencies
  • No performance penalty vs. hand-written code.
  • Virtually no limitations on what you can do with your class (private accessors, implementing interfaces, custom hashCode(), etc. See the “optional features” section.)
  • Minimal extralinguistic magic

How to use AutoValue

The way to use AutoValue is a little surprising at first! Create your value type as an abstract class, containing an abstract accessor method for each desired field. This accessor can be any non-void, parameterless method. Add the @AutoValue annotation to your class, and AutoValue will automatically generate an implementing class.



    class Example {
      abstract static class Animal {
        static Animal create(String name, int numberOfLegs) {
          return new AutoValue_Example_Animal(name, numberOfLegs);
          // (or just AutoValue_Animal if this is not nested)

        abstract String name();
        abstract int numberOfLegs();

That's it! (In real life, some classes and methods would presumably be public and have Javadoc.)

The central idea behind AutoValue is: if you can create an abstract class that has one “obvious” reasonable implementation, a tool ought to be able to write that implementation for you. And now it does.


To a consumer, this looks and functions like any other object. The simple test below illustrates that behavior. Note that in real life, you would write tests that actually do something interesting with the object, instead of just checking field values going in and out.

    public void testAnimal() {
      Animal dog = Animal.create("dog", 4);
      assertEquals(4, dog.numberOfLegs());

      // You really don't need to write tests like these; just illustrating.

      assertTrue(Animal.create("dog", 4).equals(dog));
      assertFalse(Animal.create("cat", 4).equals(dog));
      assertFalse(Animal.create("dog", 2).equals(dog));

      assertEquals("Animal{name=dog, numberOfLegs=4}", dog.toString());

In pom.xml

add the following to your Maven configuration:


Of course, please upgrade to the final 1.0 release once it is available (likely in April 2014).

What's going on here?

AutoValue runs as a standard annotation processor in javac. It generates source code, in your package, for a package-private implementation class called AutoValue_Example. The generated class contains a field for each abstract accessor method, and the generated constructor sets these fields. It implements the accessor methods to simply return those references/values. It implements equals to compare these values in the standard fashion, and implements an appropriate corresponding hashCode. It implements toString to return an unspecified string representation of the class.

Consumers of your value type don't need to know any of this. They just invoke your provided factory method and get a well-behaved instance back.

Optional “features”

Many of the following are not even features of AutoValue itself, just features of the Java language which (unlike some other solutions to the value types problem) AutoValue doesn't get in the way of.

Data hiding

Your accessors don't have to be public! They do have to be at least package-private. The fields themselves cannot be directly accessed.

Multiple creation paths

You can offer as many static creation methods as you need, named descriptively, to cover different combinations of parameters. They do not need to be named create as in the example.


By default, AutoValue inserts a not-null check for each non-primitive parameter passed the generated constructor. If your class has a property that is allowed to be null, apply @Nullable to the corresponding accessor method and factory parameter. This has two effects: AutoValue will skip the null check, and generate null-friendly code for equals and hashCode. The @Nullable annotation can be javax.annotation.Nullable or a Nullable annotation defined in any other package.

JavaBeans-style prefixes are optional

In the example above, we used the name() and numberOfLegs() methods to define the properties of the object. If you prefer, you can use JavaBeans-style method names, like getName() and getNumberOfLegs() to achieve the same effect. The property names will still be name and numberOfLegs, for example in the result of toString(). This applies only if every abstract method looks like getX() or boolean isX() for some non-empty string X.

Other preconditions or preprocessing

If you need to check preconditions or perform any other preparatory steps, insert the code to do so into your static factory method before invoking the generated constructor. Remember that null checks are already present in the generated constructor.

Custom implementations

Don't like the equals, hashCode or toString method AutoValue generates? You can underride it! Just write your own, directly in your abstract class; AutoValue will see this and skip generating its own.


Your hand-written abstract value type can be nested at any level. The generated implementation class is named AutoValue_ plus each component of the class named separated by underscores. For example, for the abstract class Foo.Bar.Qux, the generated implementation class is AutoValue_Foo_Bar_Qux, in the same package.

Derived fields

If a field exists to cache a derived value, and should be ignored in equals, hashCode and toString, define it directly in your class instead of providing an abstract accessor for it. AutoValue will know nothing of it.

You may have fields you wish to ignore in equals for other reasons. We‘re sorry: AutoValue doesn’t work for these cases, since there's no way to pass the extra parameter “through” the generated class constructor.


The generated class will be serializable if your abstract class implements Serializable. It will be GWT-serializable if your abstract class is annotated with @GwtCompatible(serializable = true) (any annotation with that name and field will do, such as the one included in Guava).

(Ordinarily, abstract types should not be serializable, but in this case it's harmless, since we truly expect no other implementations to ever exist.)

There is no way to mark individual fields as transient or customize the serialization behavior.


Use of AutoValue has one serious negative consequence: certain formerly safe refactorings could now break your code, and be caught only by your tests.

You must ensure that parameters are passed to the auto-generated constructor in the same order the corresponding accessor methods are defined in the file. Your tests must be sufficient to catch any field ordering problem. In most cases this should be the natural outcome from testing whatever actual purpose this value type was created for! In other cases a very simple test like the one shown above is enough.

We reserve the right to change the hashCode implementation at any time. Do not depend on the order your objects appear in hash maps (use ImmutableMap or LinkedHashMap!), and never persist these hash codes.

Restrictions and non-features

  • Using AutoValue limits your public creation API to static factory methods, not constructors. See Effective Java Item 1 for several reasons this is usually a good idea anyway.

  • AutoValue does not and will not support creating mutable value types. (We may consider adding support for withField-style methods, which return a new immutable copy of the original instance with one field value changed.)

  • One @AutoValue class may not extend another. As explained in Effective Java, inheritance of value types simply doesn't work.

  • Object arrays are not and will not be supported, including multidimensional primitive array types. Use a Collection type instead, such as ImmutableList.

  • Your accessor methods may not be private -- but they may be package-private. The same is true for your @AutoValue class itself (if it is a nested class).

  • We don‘t generate compareTo, because we feel you need the expressiveness that ComparisonChain provides, and we can’t beat it at its own game. If we find later that a large minority of AutoValue classes are implementing compareTo by the exact same formula, we will reconsider this feature.

  • Many users have asked for AutoValue to generate a builder class. We explored this idea deeply. It is much more complex than it seems, especially because field values often need validation. We also feel that, unlike the simple value objects themselves, there is a lot of natural variation in how builders for different types should be written, and it would be a disservice for us to start coercing everything into the same mold.

  • AutoValue currently doesn't inspect the new AutoValue_Foo line to issue warnings on parameter order. (There are certain technical issues with doing so.) As stated above in Warnings, you had better have some test somewhere that will catch such problems.

  • It might seem convenient to use AutoValue to implement annotation interfaces, which frameworks such as Guice occasionally require. But in fact such interfaces must obey the contracts for equals and hashCode specified by java.lang.annotation.Annotation, and the implementations of those methods that AutoValue would generate do not. Instead, the package includes another annotation @AutoAnnotation specifically for this case. See its documentation for more details.

Best practices

You should add a package-private constructor to your abstract class, although we have omitted it for brevity in our examples. This accomplishes two things: it prevents an undocumented public constructor (that no one can even call) from appearing in your javadoc, and it prevents users outside your package from creating their own subclasses (and potentially subverting your immutability).

In fact, you should virtually never need an alternative implementation of your hand-written abstract class, whether hand-written or generated by a mocking framework. Your class can and should contain simple intrinsic behavior, but if that behavior has enough complexity or enough dependencies that it actually needs to be mocked or faked, split it into a separate type that is not a value type. Otherwise it permits an instance with “real” behavior and one with “mock/fake” behavior to be equals, which does not make sense. Keep your value types straightforward.

Other code in the same package will be able to directly access the generated class, but should not. It's best if each generated class has one and only one reference from your source code. If you have multiple creation methods, have them all call through to the same point, so there is still one call to the generated file, and one place to insert preconditions, etc.

Avoid mutable field types, especially if you make your accessor methods public. The generated accessors won‘t copy the field value on its way out, so you’d be exposing your internal state. This doesn‘t mean your factory method can’t accept mutable types as input parameters. Example:

    public abstract class ListExample {
      abstract ImmutableList<String> names();
      public static ListExample create(List<String> mutableNames) {
        return new AutoValue_ListExample(ImmutableList.copyOf(mutableNames));

Primitive arrays are arguably an exception to this, as in this case only AutoValue does return a copy of the internal array from the generated accessor. It does not automatically copy the data on its way in, however, so your static factory method should pass array.clone() in to the generated constructor instead of the input array itself.

Finally, if you choose to provide an explicit equals, hashCode or toString implementation, please make it final, so readers don't have to wonder whether AutoValue is overriding it.


This slide presentation walks through several competing solutions to this problem and shows why we considered them insufficient.