blob: 6de349cafd6efc57fb4996304190b8107127caa9 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
<name>ANTLR3 Maven Archetype 3.4</name>
Inherit from the ANTLR master pom, which tells us what
version we are and allows us to inherit dependencies
and so on.
Unfortunately, because of a bug in the archetype plugin
we cannot use the parent pom because it causes the
artifactId in the generated pom to be set to antlr3-maven-archetype
We will reinstate this parent usage when that is fixed.
The ANTLR Maven artifacts are now released via the Sonotype OSS
repository, which means that they are synced to Maven central
within a few minutes of hitting the release repo for Sonotype.
To enable this, we inherit from the Sonotype provided parent
pom. However, we must also configure our .m2/settings.xml to include
the snapshot and staging server and the sonotype password. This
means that only ANTLR developers can released the artifacts, but
anyone can build locally.