Capture/Replay: Merge Deletes in Reset

Before this CL, when regenning resources, we would iterate through
each resource ID and issue a delete followed by a gen. The delete
is required to get resources back to their original state, often
caused by applications recreating them during the run.

This ran into problems when our resource maps had stale data in them,
i.e. a texture that had been deleted by the app but remained in our
gTextureMap. We could inadvertently delete a resource we had just

For example, in ResetReplay(), say we have two textures to delete:

    // gTextureMap[1] start with 5
    const GLuint glDeleteTextures_texturesPacked_1[] =
        { gTextureMap[1] };
    glDeleteTextures(1, glDeleteTextures_texturesPacked_1);
    // We just deleted texture 5, now create a new one
    glGenTextures(1, reinterpret_cast<GLuint *>(gReadBuffer));
    // The driver returned 15, which was unused at this time
    UpdateTextureID(1, 0);
    // gTextureMap[1] now contains 15
    // gTextureMap[2] happens to start with 15, which was in use in
    // the trace, but was deleted and is no longer in use. The
    // deleted value is not cleared from gTextureMap (which is
    // another possible way to solve this).
    const GLuint glDeleteTextures_texturesPacked_2[] =
        { gTextureMap[2] };
    glDeleteTextures(1, glDeleteTextures_texturesPacked_2);
    // Whoops! We just deleted our brand new texture 15, even though
    // it no longer maps to the original texture.
    glGenTextures(1, reinterpret_cast<GLuint *>(gReadBuffer));
    UpdateTextureID(2, 0);
    // Now gTextureMap[2] contains whatever came back from the driver
    // The first use of gTextureMap[1] will fail on loop because
    // texture 15 no longer exists!

To avoid this problem we delete all resources up front before
genning any new ones.

  const GLuint deleteTextures[] = {gTextureMap[1], gTextureMap[2]};
  glDeleteTextures(2, deleteTextures);
  // Now we no longer have any deletes in the create sequence
  glGenTextures(1, reinterpret_cast<GLuint *>(gReadBuffer));
  UpdateTextureID(1, 0);
  glGenTextures(1, reinterpret_cast<GLuint *>(gReadBuffer));
  UpdateTextureID(2, 0);

This is applied to all the resources we regen right now.

This CL:
* Merges the deletion of new resources (that didn't exist when the
  trace starts) with resources that are being regenned. That means
  there is just one big delete.
* Removes Delete from the call sequences we track for each resource
  since we no longer need to keep them around.
* Adds a formatting helper to avoid code duplication.

Test: Blade&Soul Revolution MEC (UE4)
Bug: angleproject:4599
Bug: angleproject:7053
Change-Id: Ida3b7e1ad5d94c5e9860447d5cf959278f37ad47
Reviewed-by: Jamie Madill <>
Reviewed-by: Gert Wollny <>
Commit-Queue: Cody Northrop <>
2 files changed
tree: 5f11ec3557546cd5c5de0c57617ee3185c37af8e
  1. android/
  2. build_overrides/
  3. doc/
  4. extensions/
  5. gni/
  6. include/
  7. infra/
  8. samples/
  9. scripts/
  10. src/
  11. third_party/
  12. tools/
  13. util/
  14. .clang-format
  15. .gitattributes
  16. .gitignore
  17. .gn
  18. .style.yapf
  19. .vpython
  20. .vpython3
  21. .yapfignore
  22. additional_readme_paths.json
  26. codereview.settings
  28. DEPS
  30. dotfile_settings.gni
  32. OWNERS
  34. README.chromium

ANGLE - Almost Native Graphics Layer Engine

The goal of ANGLE is to allow users of multiple operating systems to seamlessly run WebGL and other OpenGL ES content by translating OpenGL ES API calls to one of the hardware-supported APIs available for that platform. ANGLE currently provides translation from OpenGL ES 2.0, 3.0 and 3.1 to Vulkan, desktop OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Direct3D 9, and Direct3D 11. Future plans include ES 3.2, translation to Metal and MacOS, Chrome OS, and Fuchsia support.

Level of OpenGL ES support via backing renderers

Direct3D 9Direct3D 11Desktop GLGL ESVulkanMetal
OpenGL ES 2.0completecompletecompletecompletecompletecomplete
OpenGL ES 3.0completecompletecompletecompletein progress
OpenGL ES 3.1incompletecompletecompletecomplete
OpenGL ES 3.2in progressin progressin progress

Platform support via backing renderers

Direct3D 9Direct3D 11Desktop GLGL ESVulkanMetal
Mac OS Xcompletein progress
iOSin progress
Chrome OScompleteplanned
GGP (Stadia)complete

ANGLE v1.0.772 was certified compliant by passing the OpenGL ES 2.0.3 conformance tests in October 2011.

ANGLE has received the following certifications with the Vulkan backend:

  • OpenGL ES 2.0: ANGLE 2.1.0.d46e2fb1e341 (Nov, 2019)
  • OpenGL ES 3.0: ANGLE 2.1.0.f18ff947360d (Feb, 2020)
  • OpenGL ES 3.1: ANGLE 2.1.0.f5dace0f1e57 (Jul, 2020)

ANGLE also provides an implementation of the EGL 1.4 specification.

ANGLE is used as the default WebGL backend for both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox on Windows platforms. Chrome uses ANGLE for all graphics rendering on Windows, including the accelerated Canvas2D implementation and the Native Client sandbox environment.

Portions of the ANGLE shader compiler are used as a shader validator and translator by WebGL implementations across multiple platforms. It is used on Mac OS X, Linux, and in mobile variants of the browsers. Having one shader validator helps to ensure that a consistent set of GLSL ES shaders are accepted across browsers and platforms. The shader translator can be used to translate shaders to other shading languages, and to optionally apply shader modifications to work around bugs or quirks in the native graphics drivers. The translator targets Desktop GLSL, Vulkan GLSL, Direct3D HLSL, and even ESSL for native GLES2 platforms.


ANGLE repository is hosted by Chromium project and can be browsed online or cloned with

git clone


View the Dev setup instructions.
