Revert "Enable depth buffer to workaround driver bug on Intel windows"

This reverts commit 63ba357c093954d2bc475867e1296fbf5afc1d37.

Reason for revert: May be causing Windows GPU.FYI bot failures.

maps_pixel_test on Intel GPU:
Unexpected Failures:
* gpu_tests.maps_integration_test.MapsIntegrationTest.Maps_maps

webgl2_conformance_tests on Intel GPU:
Unexpected Failures:
* gpu_tests.webgl_conformance_integration_test.WebGLConformanceIntegrationTest.WebglConformance_deqp_functional_gles3_fboinvalidate_default
* gpu_tests.webgl_conformance_integration_test.WebGLConformanceIntegrationTest.WebglConformance_deqp_functional_gles3_fboinvalidate_sub

Bug: chromium:798757

Original change's description:
> Enable depth buffer to workaround driver bug on Intel windows
> Rendering with depth buffer disabled and stencil buffer enabled
> leads to memory leak if we set viewport a large size on Intel
> windows platforms. So we enable depth buffer if stencil buffer
> is enabled to workaround this issue.
> TEST=gl_test.exe --gtest_filter=GLClearFramebufferTestWithParam/GLClearFramebufferTest.ClearDepthStencil/0
> TEST=conformance/rendering/rendering-stencil-large-viewport.html
> TEST=RenderStencilBufferTest.DrawWithLargeViewport/ES3_D3D11
> BUG=782317
> Change-Id: Idb185db296f13e3fa897534514e198651a56439f
> Reviewed-on:
> Commit-Queue: Jamie Madill <>
> Reviewed-by: Jamie Madill <>,,,,,,,,,,

# Not skipping CQ checks because original CL landed > 1 day ago.

Bug: 782317
Change-Id: I7e29da683b22fd4640c230598c7b220cfae6a177
Commit-Queue: Jamie Madill <>
Reviewed-by: Jamie Madill <>
5 files changed
tree: 67133ffd13f12596811867db4365ebabd1b3d1d7
  1. build_overrides/
  2. doc/
  3. extensions/
  4. gni/
  5. gyp/
  6. include/
  7. infra/
  8. samples/
  9. scripts/
  10. src/
  11. third_party/
  12. util/
  13. .clang-format
  14. .gitattributes
  15. .gitignore
  16. .gn
  19. codereview.settings
  21. DEPS
  22. DEPS.chromium
  24. OWNERS
  25. README.chromium

ANGLE - Almost Native Graphics Layer Engine

The goal of ANGLE is to allow users of multiple operating systems to seamlessly run WebGL and other OpenGL ES content by translating OpenGL ES API calls to one of the hardware-supported APIs available for that platform. ANGLE currently provides translation from OpenGL ES 2.0 and 3.0 to desktop OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Direct3D 9, and Direct3D 11. Support for translation from OpenGL ES to Vulkan is underway, and future plans include compute shader support (ES 3.1) and MacOS support.

Level of OpenGL ES support via backing renderers

Direct3D 9Direct3D 11Desktop GLGL ESVulkan
OpenGL ES 2.0completecompletecompletecompletein progress
OpenGL ES 3.0completecompletein progressnot started
OpenGL ES 3.1not startedin progressin progressnot started

Platform support via backing renderers

Direct3D 9Direct3D 11Desktop GLGL ESVulkan
Windowscompletecompletecompletecompletein progress
Mac OS Xin progress
Chrome OScompleteplanned

ANGLE v1.0.772 was certified compliant by passing the ES 2.0.3 conformance tests in October 2011. ANGLE also provides an implementation of the EGL 1.4 specification.

ANGLE is used as the default WebGL backend for both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox on Windows platforms. Chrome uses ANGLE for all graphics rendering on Windows, including the accelerated Canvas2D implementation and the Native Client sandbox environment.

Portions of the ANGLE shader compiler are used as a shader validator and translator by WebGL implementations across multiple platforms. It is used on Mac OS X, Linux, and in mobile variants of the browsers. Having one shader validator helps to ensure that a consistent set of GLSL ES shaders are accepted across browsers and platforms. The shader translator can be used to translate shaders to other shading languages, and to optionally apply shader modifications to work around bugs or quirks in the native graphics drivers. The translator targets Desktop GLSL, Direct3D HLSL, and even ESSL for native GLES2 platforms.


ANGLE repository is hosted by Chromium project and can be browsed online or cloned with

git clone


View the Dev setup instructions. For generating a Windows Store version of ANGLE view the Windows Store instructions
