tree: 402bd9b03df7da5151ff9aabface9a970317cef2 [path history] [tgz]
  1. adb_test_data/
  2. config/
  3. dashboard/
  4. prebuilts/
  5. proto/
  6. psq_test/
  7. test_adb/
  8. test_avd/
  9. test_boot/
  10. test_console/
  11. test_crash/
  12. test_cts/
  13. test_icebox/
  14. test_module/
  15. test_mttf/
  16. test_perf/
  17. test_ui/
  18. utils/
  19. .gitignore
  22. Makefile
  24. requirements.txt

Android Emulator Integration Tests

In this directory you will find a set of integration tests that are run as part of every build.

I'm a developer

If you are a developer you will likely want to run the tests as you go. You can do this as follows:

  • First make sure you have an emulator build and have all the python requirements installed

    export AOSP=~/src/emu-master-dev # Point to your root.. cd $AOSP/external/qemu && android/rebuild make -C $AOSP/external/adt-infra/emu_test protoc
  • Next set your test pattern and config file. The example below assumes you are running the grpc test against the snapshot avd configurations.

 export TEST_PATTERN='test_grpc.*'
 export CONFIG_FILE=external/adt-infra/emu_test/config/snapshot_cfg_byob.csv
 export ANDROID_AVD_HOME=/tmp/avds
  • Next you can launch the test you are interested in as follows:
  cd $AOSP; \
  mkdir -p $ANDROID_AVD_HOME; \
  rm -rf /tmp/test/; mkdir -p /tmp/test; \
  ninja -C $AOSP/external/qemu/objs &&
  python -u external/adt-infra/emu_test/ \
   --loglevel DEBUG \
   --session_dir /tmp/test \
   --emulator $AOSP/external/qemu/objs/emulator \
   --test_dir gprc_test \
   --file_pattern $TEST_PATTERN \
   --buildername Linux \
   --config_file $CONFIG_FILE \
   --skip-adb-perf  \