blob: 31c2e8c61cdff89dd71fdb36e5b7f9319297ac59 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <stdio.h>
extern "C" {
#include "cras_device_monitor.c"
#include "cras_iodev.h"
#include "cras_main_message.h"
static enum CRAS_MAIN_MESSAGE_TYPE type_set;
static struct cras_device_monitor_message* sent_msg;
static int resume_dev_called;
unsigned int resume_dev_idx;
static int suspend_dev_called;
unsigned int suspend_dev_idx;
static int set_mute_called;
unsigned int mute_dev_idx;
unsigned int fake_dev_idx = 123;
void ResetStubData() {
type_set = (enum CRAS_MAIN_MESSAGE_TYPE)0;
resume_dev_called = 0;
resume_dev_idx = 0;
suspend_dev_called = 0;
suspend_dev_idx = 0;
set_mute_called = 0;
mute_dev_idx = 0;
namespace {
TEST(DeviceMonitorTestSuite, Init) {
TEST(DeviceMonitorTestSuite, ResetDevice) {
// sent_msg will be filled with message content in cras_main_message_send.
sent_msg = (struct cras_device_monitor_message*)calloc(1, sizeof(*sent_msg));
EXPECT_EQ(sent_msg->header.type, CRAS_MAIN_MONITOR_DEVICE);
EXPECT_EQ(sent_msg->header.length, sizeof(*sent_msg));
EXPECT_EQ(sent_msg->message_type, RESET_DEVICE);
EXPECT_EQ(sent_msg->dev_idx, fake_dev_idx);
TEST(DeviceMonitorTestSuite, HandleResetDevice) {
struct cras_device_monitor_message msg;
struct cras_main_message* main_message =
reinterpret_cast<struct cras_main_message*>(&msg);
// Filled msg with message content for resetting device.
init_device_msg(&msg, RESET_DEVICE, fake_dev_idx);
// Assume the pipe works fine and main message handler receives the same
// message.
handle_device_message(main_message, NULL);
// Verify that disable/enable functions are called with correct device.
EXPECT_EQ(resume_dev_called, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(resume_dev_idx, fake_dev_idx);
EXPECT_EQ(suspend_dev_called, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(suspend_dev_idx, fake_dev_idx);
TEST(DeviceMonitorTestSuite, MuteDevice) {
// sent_msg will be filled with message content in cras_main_message_send.
sent_msg = (struct cras_device_monitor_message*)calloc(1, sizeof(*sent_msg));
EXPECT_EQ(sent_msg->header.type, CRAS_MAIN_MONITOR_DEVICE);
EXPECT_EQ(sent_msg->header.length, sizeof(*sent_msg));
EXPECT_EQ(sent_msg->message_type, SET_MUTE_STATE);
EXPECT_EQ(sent_msg->dev_idx, fake_dev_idx);
TEST(DeviceMonitorTestSuite, HandleMuteDevice) {
struct cras_device_monitor_message msg;
struct cras_main_message* main_message =
reinterpret_cast<struct cras_main_message*>(&msg);
// Filled msg with message content for device mute/unmute.
init_device_msg(&msg, SET_MUTE_STATE, fake_dev_idx);
// Assume the pipe works fine and main message handler receives the same
// message.
handle_device_message(main_message, NULL);
// Verify that cras_iodev_set_mute is called with correct device.
EXPECT_EQ(set_mute_called, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(mute_dev_idx, fake_dev_idx);
extern "C" {
int cras_main_message_add_handler(enum CRAS_MAIN_MESSAGE_TYPE type,
cras_message_callback callback,
void* callback_data) {
type_set = type;
return 0;
int cras_main_message_send(struct cras_main_message* msg) {
// Copy the sent message so we can examine it in the test later.
memcpy(sent_msg, msg, sizeof(*sent_msg));
return 0;
void cras_iodev_list_resume_dev(unsigned int dev_idx) {
resume_dev_idx = dev_idx;
void cras_iodev_list_suspend_dev(unsigned int dev_idx) {
suspend_dev_idx = dev_idx;
void cras_iodev_list_set_dev_mute(unsigned int dev_idx) {
mute_dev_idx = dev_idx;
} // extern "C"
} // namespace
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
int rc = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
return rc;