blob: 3073ba736ad4577c97daeb7832ae40d4d556862e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::time::Duration;
use libc;
use crate::RateEstimator;
/// # Safety
/// To use this function safely, `window_size` must be a valid pointer to a
/// timespec.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn rate_estimator_create(
rate: libc::c_uint,
window_size: *const libc::timespec,
smooth_factor: libc::c_double,
) -> *mut RateEstimator {
if window_size.is_null() {
return std::ptr::null_mut::<RateEstimator>();
let ts = &*window_size;
let window = Duration::new(ts.tv_sec as u64, ts.tv_nsec as u32);
match RateEstimator::try_new(rate, window, smooth_factor) {
Ok(re) => Box::into_raw(Box::new(re)),
Err(_) => std::ptr::null_mut::<RateEstimator>(),
/// # Safety
/// To use this function safely, `re` must be a pointer returned from
/// rate_estimator_create, or null.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn rate_estimator_destroy(re: *mut RateEstimator) {
if re.is_null() {
/// # Safety
/// To use this function safely, `re` must be a pointer returned from
/// rate_estimator_create, or null.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn rate_estimator_add_frames(re: *mut RateEstimator, frames: libc::c_int) {
if re.is_null() {
/// # Safety
/// To use this function safely, `re` must be a pointer returned from
/// rate_estimator_create, or null, and `now` must be a valid pointer to a
/// timespec.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn rate_estimator_check(
re: *mut RateEstimator,
level: libc::c_int,
now: *const libc::timespec,
) -> i32 {
if re.is_null() || now.is_null() {
return 0;
let ts = &*now;
if ts.tv_sec < 0 || ts.tv_nsec < 0 {
return 0;
let secs = ts.tv_sec as u64 + (ts.tv_nsec / 1_000_000_000) as u64;
let nsecs = (ts.tv_nsec % 1_000_000_000) as u32;
let now = Duration::new(secs, nsecs);
(*re).update_estimated_rate(level, now) as i32
/// # Safety
/// To use this function safely, `re` must be a pointer returned from
/// rate_estimator_create, or null.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn rate_estimator_get_rate(re: *const RateEstimator) -> libc::c_double {
if re.is_null() {
return 0.0;
/// # Safety
/// To use this function safely, `re` must be a pointer returned from
/// rate_estimator_create, or null.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn rate_estimator_reset_rate(re: *mut RateEstimator, rate: libc::c_uint) {
if re.is_null() {