cros_alsa: safe rust wrapper for alsa-lib

`cros_alsa` crate currently supports interacting with alsa
controls by using the control interface API of alsa-lib.

There are three major components exported in this commit:
1. The `Card` struct is the abstraction of a sound card, It's only used for
   creating various `Control` struct now.

2. The `control` module is meant to provide easier to use and more type
   safet abstractions for various alsa mixer controls. `Control` trait and
   `ControlOps` trait are currently defined. Each mixer control should
   implement the `Control` trait to allow itself to be created by `Card`.
   Each mixer control could hold `Ctl` as handle and `ElemID` as id and
   use `#[derive(ControlOps)]` macro to generate default load / save
   implementations of the `ControlOps` trait which allows itself to read and
   write the underlying hardware.

3. The `elem` module provides different types of `Elem` to read and
   write alsa control elements. Users should use the provided
   implementations of `Elem` to define the associated type in their owner
   encapsulation of `Control`.

TEST=cargo build

Change-Id: I5519b2a209cec3534a3bdc76af54622d3644cc5e
Tested-by: Judy Hsiao <>
Reviewed-by: Chih-Yang Hsia <>
Commit-Queue: Judy Hsiao <>
12 files changed