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/* Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <dbus/dbus.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
/* DBusTest, and the related DBusMatch class, are used to provide a
* GMock-like experience for testing D-Bus code within cras.
* It works by providing a connection to a private D-Bus Server for use
* by code you intend to test. Before making calls, you set expectations
* of method calls that the server should receive and reply to, or
* instructions for the server to send signals that your connection
* should receive and handle.
* The code style is similar to GMock for purposes of familiarity.
* Examples
* --------
* To create a test suite class implementing a SetUp and TearDown method,
* be sure to call the base-class methods at the appropriate time.
* class ExampleTestSuite : public DBusTest {
* virtual void SetUp() {
* DBusTest::SetUp();
* // your setup code here
* }
* virtual void TearDown() {
* // your teardown code here
* DBusTest::TearDown();
* }
* };
* To expect a method call to be made against the server; matching the
* object path, interface and method name and then generating an empty
* reply. The test code ensures that the reply is received during the
* TearDown method.
* TEST_F(ExampleTestSuite, ExampleTest) {
* ExpectMethodCall("/object/path", "object.Interface", "MethodName")
* .SendReply();
* // code to generate the method call here
* }
* Due to the asynchronous nature of D-Bus, if you need to check some
* state, it's not enough to immediately follow the code that generates
* the method call. You must instead ensure that all expectations up to
* that point have been met:
* TEST_F(ExampleTestSuite, ExampleTest) {
* ExpectMethodCall("/object/path", "object.Interface", "MethodName")
* .SendReply();
* // code to generate the method call here
* WaitForMatches();
* // code to examine state here
* }
* To verify the arguments to method calls, place .With*() calls before
* sending the reply:
* ExpectMethodCall("/object/path", "object.Interface", "MethodName")
* .WithObjectPath("/arg0/object/path")
* .WithString("arg1")
* .WithString("arg2")
* .SendReply();
* Normally additional arguments are permitted, since most D-Bus services
* don't go out of their way to check they aren't provided; to verify
* there are no more arguments use .WithNoMoreArgs():
* ExpectMethodCall("/object/path", "object.Interface", "MethodName")
* .WithString("arg0")
* .WithNoMoreArgs()
* .SendReply();
* To append arguments to the reply, place .With*() calls after the
* instruction to send the reply:
* ExpectMethodCall("/object/path", "object.Interface", "MethodName")
* .SendReply()
* .WithString("arg0")
* .WithObjectPath("/arg1/object/path");
* Property dictionaries are sufficiently difficult to deal with that
* there is special handling for them; to append one to the reply use
* .AsPropertyDictionary() and follow with alternate .WithString() and
* other .With*() calls for each property:
* ExpectMethodCall("/object/path", "object.Interface", "GetProperties")
* .SendReply()
* .AsPropertyDictionary()
* .WithString("Keyword")
* .WithObjectPath("/value/of/keyword");
* To reply with an error use .SendError() instead of .SendReply(),
* passing the error name and message
* ExpectMethodCall("/object/path", "object.Interface", "MethodName")
* .SendError("some.error.Name", "Message for error");
* In some cases (notably "AddMatch" method calls) the method call will
* be handled by libdbus itself and the mechanism DBusTest uses to verify
* that the reply is recieved does not work. In which case you need to use
* .SendReplyNoWait() instead.
* ExpectMethodCall("", DBUS_INTERFACE_DBUS, "AddMatch")
* .SendReplyNoWait();
* Sending signals from the server side is very similar:
* CreateSignal("/object/path", "object.Interface", "SignalName")
* .WithString("arg0")
* .WithObjectPat("/arg1/object/path")
* .Send();
* Create messages from server side:
* CreateMessageCall("/object/path". "object.Interface", "MethodName")
* .WithString("arg0")
* .WithUnixFd(arg1)
* .Send();
* The TearDown() method will verify that it is received by the client,
* use WaitForMatches() to force verification earlier in order to check
* state.
class DBusTest;
class DBusMatch {
struct Arg {
int type;
bool array;
std::string string_value;
int int_value;
std::vector<std::string> string_values;
// Append arguments to a match.
DBusMatch& WithString(std::string value);
DBusMatch& WithUnixFd(int value);
DBusMatch& WithObjectPath(std::string value);
DBusMatch& WithArrayOfStrings(std::vector<std::string> values);
DBusMatch& WithArrayOfObjectPaths(std::vector<std::string> values);
DBusMatch& WithNoMoreArgs();
// Indicates that all arguments in either the method call or reply
// should be wrapped into a property dictionary with a string for keys
// and a variant for the data.
DBusMatch& AsPropertyDictionary();
// Send a reply to a method call and wait for it to be received by the
// client; may be followed by methods to append arguments.
DBusMatch& SendReply();
// Send an error in reply to a method call and wait for it to be received
// by the client; may also be followed by methods to append arguments.
DBusMatch& SendError(std::string error_name, std::string error_message);
// Send a reply to a method call but do not wait for it to be received;
// mostly needed for internal D-Bus messages.
DBusMatch& SendReplyNoWait();
// Send a created signal.
DBusMatch& Send();
friend class DBusTest;
// Methods used by DBusTest after constructing the DBusMatch instance
// to set the type of match.
void ExpectMethodCall(std::string path,
std::string interface,
std::string method);
void CreateSignal(DBusConnection* conn,
std::string path,
std::string interface,
std::string signal_name);
void CreateMessageCall(DBusConnection* conn,
std::string path,
std::string interface,
std::string signal_name);
// Determine whether a message matches a set of arguments.
bool MatchMessageArgs(DBusMessage* message, std::vector<Arg>* args);
// Append a set of arguments to a message.
void AppendArgsToMessage(DBusMessage* message, std::vector<Arg>* args);
// Send a message on a connection.
void SendMessage(DBusConnection* conn, DBusMessage* message);
// Handle a message received by the server connection.
bool HandleServerMessage(DBusConnection* conn, DBusMessage* message);
// Handle a message received by the client connection.
bool HandleClientMessage(DBusConnection* conn, DBusMessage* message);
// Verify whether the match is complete.
bool Complete();
int message_type_;
std::string path_;
std::string interface_;
std::string member_;
bool as_property_dictionary_;
std::vector<Arg> args_;
DBusConnection* conn_;
bool send_reply_;
std::vector<Arg> reply_args_;
bool send_error_;
std::string error_name_;
std::string error_message_;
bool expect_serial_;
std::vector<dbus_uint32_t> expected_serials_;
bool matched_;
class DBusTest : public ::testing::Test {
virtual ~DBusTest();
// Connection to the D-Bus server, this may be used during tests as the
// "bus" connection, all messages go to and from the internal D-Bus server.
DBusConnection* conn_;
// Expect a method call to be received by the server.
DBusMatch& ExpectMethodCall(std::string path,
std::string interface,
std::string method);
// Send a signal from the client to the server.
DBusMatch& CreateSignal(std::string path,
std::string interface,
std::string signal_name);
// Send a message from the client to the server.
DBusMatch& CreateMessageCall(std::string path,
std::string interface,
std::string signal_name);
// Wait for all matches created by Expect*() or Create*() methods to
// be complete.
void WaitForMatches();
// When overriding be sure to call these parent methods to allow the
// D-Bus server thread to be cleanly initialized and shut down.
virtual void SetUp();
virtual void TearDown();
DBusServer* server_;
DBusConnection* server_conn_;
std::vector<DBusWatch*> watches_;
std::vector<DBusTimeout*> timeouts_;
pthread_t thread_id_;
pthread_mutex_t mutex_;
bool dispatch_;
std::vector<DBusMatch> matches_;
static void NewConnectionThunk(DBusServer* server,
DBusConnection* conn,
void* data);
void NewConnection(DBusServer* server, DBusConnection* conn);
static dbus_bool_t AddWatchThunk(DBusWatch* watch, void* data);
dbus_bool_t AddWatch(DBusWatch* watch);
static void RemoveWatchThunk(DBusWatch* watch, void* data);
void RemoveWatch(DBusWatch* watch);
static void WatchToggledThunk(DBusWatch* watch, void* data);
void WatchToggled(DBusWatch* watch);
static dbus_bool_t AddTimeoutThunk(DBusTimeout* timeout, void* data);
dbus_bool_t AddTimeout(DBusTimeout* timeout);
static void RemoveTimeoutThunk(DBusTimeout* timeout, void* data);
void RemoveTimeout(DBusTimeout* timeout);
static void TimeoutToggledThunk(DBusTimeout* timeout, void* data);
void TimeoutToggled(DBusTimeout* timeout);
static DBusHandlerResult HandleMessageThunk(DBusConnection* conn,
DBusMessage* message,
void* data);
DBusHandlerResult HandleMessage(DBusConnection* conn, DBusMessage* message);
static void* DispatchLoopThunk(void* ptr);
void* DispatchLoop();
void DispatchOnce();
#endif /* CRAS_DBUS_TEST_H_ */