blob: 585f346bdb5f1075886a4d1503d2c629cb167512 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
pub mod rate_estimator_bindings;
use std::error;
use std::fmt;
use std::time::Duration;
pub enum Error {
impl error::Error for Error {}
impl fmt::Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
use Error::*;
match self {
InvalidSmoothFactor(sf) => write!(f, "Smooth factor {} is not between 0.0 and 1.0", sf),
type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
const MAX_RATE_SKEW: f64 = 100.0;
/// Hold information to calculate linear least square from
/// several (x, y) samples.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct LeastSquares {
sum_x: f64,
sum_y: f64,
sum_xy: f64,
sum_x2: f64,
num_samples: u32,
impl LeastSquares {
fn new() -> Self {
fn add_sample(&mut self, x: f64, y: f64) {
self.sum_x += x;
self.sum_y += y;
self.sum_xy += x * y;
self.sum_x2 += x * x;
self.num_samples += 1;
fn best_fit_slope(&self) -> f64 {
let num = self.num_samples as f64 * self.sum_xy - self.sum_x * self.sum_y;
let den = self.num_samples as f64 * self.sum_x2 - self.sum_x * self.sum_x;
num / den
/// An estimator holding the required information to determine the actual frame
/// rate of an audio device.
/// # Members
/// * `last_level` - Buffer level of the audio device at last check time.
/// * `level_diff` - Number of frames written to or read from audio device
/// since the last check time. Rate estimator will use this
/// change plus the difference of buffer level to derive the
/// number of frames audio device has actually processed.
/// * `window_start` - The start time of the current window.
/// * `window_size` - The size of the window.
/// * `window_frames` - The number of frames accumulated in current window.
/// * `lsq` - The helper used to estimate sample rate.
/// * `smooth_factor` - A scaling factor used to average the previous and new
/// rate estimates to ensure that estimates do not change
/// too quickly.
/// * `estimated_rate` - The estimated rate at which samples are consumed.
pub struct RateEstimator {
last_level: i32,
level_diff: i32,
window_start: Option<Duration>,
window_size: Duration,
window_frames: u32,
lsq: LeastSquares,
smooth_factor: f64,
estimated_rate: f64,
impl RateEstimator {
/// Creates a rate estimator.
/// # Arguments
/// * `rate` - The initial value to estimate rate from.
/// * `window_size` - The window size of the rate estimator.
/// * `smooth_factor` - The coefficient used to calculate moving average
/// from old estimated rate values. Must be between
/// 0.0 and 1.0
/// # Errors
/// * If `smooth_factor` is not between 0.0 and 1.0
pub fn try_new(rate: u32, window_size: Duration, smooth_factor: f64) -> Result<Self> {
if smooth_factor < 0.0 || smooth_factor > 1.0 {
return Err(Error::InvalidSmoothFactor(smooth_factor));
Ok(RateEstimator {
last_level: 0,
level_diff: 0,
window_start: None,
window_frames: 0,
lsq: LeastSquares::new(),
estimated_rate: rate as f64,
/// Resets the estimated rate
/// Reset the estimated rate to `rate`, and erase all collected data.
pub fn reset_rate(&mut self, rate: u32) {
self.last_level = 0;
self.level_diff = 0;
self.window_start = None;
self.window_frames = 0;
self.lsq = LeastSquares::new();
self.estimated_rate = rate as f64;
/// Adds additional frames transmitted to/from audio device.
/// # Arguments
/// * `frames` - The number of frames written to the device. For input,
/// this should be negative to indicate how many samples
/// were read.
pub fn add_frames(&mut self, frames: i32) {
self.level_diff += frames;
/// Gets the estimated rate.
pub fn get_estimated_rate(&self) -> f64 {
/// Check the timestamp and buffer level difference since last check time,
/// and use them as a new sample to update the estimated rate.
/// # Arguments
/// * `level` - The current buffer level of audio device.
/// * `now` - The time at which this function is called.
/// # Returns
/// True if the estimated rate is updated and window is reset,
/// otherwise false.
pub fn update_estimated_rate(&mut self, level: i32, now: Duration) -> bool {
let start = match self.window_start {
None => {
self.window_start = Some(now);
return false;
Some(t) => t,
let delta = match now.checked_sub(start) {
Some(d) => d,
None => return false,
self.window_frames += (self.last_level - level + self.level_diff).abs() as u32;
self.level_diff = 0;
self.last_level = level;
let secs = (delta.as_secs() as f64) + delta.subsec_nanos() as f64 / 1_000_000_000.0;
self.lsq.add_sample(secs, self.window_frames as f64);
if delta > self.window_size && self.lsq.num_samples > 1 {
let rate = self.lsq.best_fit_slope();
if (self.estimated_rate - rate).abs() < MAX_RATE_SKEW {
self.estimated_rate =
rate * (1.0 - self.smooth_factor) + self.estimated_rate * self.smooth_factor;
self.lsq = LeastSquares::new();
self.window_start = Some(now);
self.window_frames = 0;
return true;